Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

I would laugh it she were brought up on charges of conspiring or inciting to harass or inflict harm upon elected officials, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

I do, however, support protecting her while she still holds elective office.

Rep. Waters did not incite violence against anyone. Harassment is not covered here. Even the couples who were refused service in bakeries got death threats, for which no one was apprehended. People working in, and going to, women's clinics have been harassed, so harassment apparently is not against the law. Are you all excited now that one of trump's whores was asked to leave a restaurant?

Short memory I see. I guess you forgot about Congresswoman Giffords and how the left tried to pin Sarah Palin as the reason for the shooting. They went on about it for weeks until it was learned the attacker didn't know who Palin even was, and he had some sort of whacky obsession for Giffords which led to the shooting.

But even much later, leftist still bring up that commercial Palin did involving crosshairs of a rifle scope STILL claiming Palin was trying to incite violence.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........
Like I said, NOOOOOW you guys care about threats. Where were you when Maxine Waters was calling on people to engage in harassment and confrontation against Trump officials and ICE personnel? Where were you when she defended the Red Hen's bigoted action of refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and her family? (Gee, if the Red Hen were a bus service, would Waters defend the Red Hen if they required the Sanders group to sit in the back of the bus?)
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Perhaps we should learn from your side.....................pay protesters to get in your shit............and start trouble............Try to shut down your rallies........and block traffic and burn the town down.............

Nah.............that's your side's Anti American agenda......
Like I said, NOOOOOW you guys care about threats. Where were you when Maxine Waters was calling on people to engage in harassment and confrontation against Trump officials and ICE personnel? Where were you when she defended the Red Hen's bigoted action of refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and her family? (Gee, if the Red Hen were a bus service, would Waters defend the Red Hen if they required the Sanders group to sit in the back of the bus?)

Waters never called for violence. This is just one filthy whore, who chose her job, not getting served. Where were you when women entering clinics were harassed by numbers in the street? This happened a lot.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
Expulsion from the United States Congress - Wikipedia

The word was "impeached' which has a specific meaning and does not apply to Congress. Try reading it again.

I taught US Government for 21 years.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
Expulsion from the United States Congress - Wikipedia

The word was "impeached' which has a specific meaning and does not apply to Congress. Try reading it again.

I taught US Government for 21 years.
Was for information only. Only 3 ever nailed over it outside the Civil War.
IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

So let me get this straight: Trump is minding his own business when one of his members is thrown out of a restaurant simply because of her political association. That's bad enough. But then Mad Max comes along and not only condones it, but tells people to do it at every chance they get. But Trump should have just sat back and pretend everything is just fine.

I have no idea what is with you people on the left. You never blame the person that started the trouble, you blame the people that respond to the trouble maker.

Trump started the trouble, so we have done that.
How did he start the trouble, just by running to be President, and trying to make America great again ?? Is that all you got ?
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Apparently, you do not know what an American is.
Like I said, NOOOOOW you guys care about threats. Where were you when Maxine Waters was calling on people to engage in harassment and confrontation against Trump officials and ICE personnel? Where were you when she defended the Red Hen's bigoted action of refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and her family? (Gee, if the Red Hen were a bus service, would Waters defend the Red Hen if they required the Sanders group to sit in the back of the bus?)

Waters never called for violence. This is just one filthy whore, who chose her job, not getting served. Where were you when women entering clinics were harassed by numbers in the street? This happened a lot.

And what Republican politician told them to harass these women as often as they can?
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.

Right, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Apparently, you do not know what an American is.

We all know it ain't a Trumper!
None of congress gets secret service protection. They are protected by
the US Capitol Police.

You don't throw good money after bad.
so they are protected by capitol police when they are outside of the capital?

Not outside the capitol. She can pay for her own security like most of them

Under normal circumstances, that is correct. But if there is a serious threat to her life, I think the government should provide temporary protection.

That could be abused. It's like your giving them a pass to make asinine statements and cause trouble. That black bitch would be the first one
to abuse that.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
Expulsion from the United States Congress - Wikipedia

The word was "impeached' which has a specific meaning and does not apply to Congress. Try reading it again.

I taught US Government for 21 years.

Cite the SC ruling that makes it 'Constitutional'.

And I don't care how long you lied to kids. It's just a tradition, started in 1797, that they don't impeach Congress members.
She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Apparently, you do not know what an American is.

We all know it ain't a Trumper!
Obviously, you have no clue what an American is. If you will check my thread , Who Are the Democrats, you will find a description of the totally anti American crowd you are running with. Please inform me which qualities listed there would describe a real American because every statement is backed up by fact. If you are still lost you could, as a last resort, study some American history.
She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you
Well, some call it Karma. It will bite you in the booty bones. Word of advice for her honor, Ms Waters: DUCK!

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