Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you
No SS protection for Maxine -- she should know her place but since she wants to be uppity and talk trash to a real woman like Sarah, she needs to be killed so the world will be a better place -- one less minority to ruin our country

You're good Biff. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
That is why whenever I make one of those comments that is clearly racist -- I pay attention to who thumbs up the comment like: Noted!

I see that, which is why I laugh.
While I DO NOT support the open slaughter of coloreds I don't have that same issue with Democrats.

"Coloreds [sic]" :laughing0301:

You stay classy Pinkles. :dig:

Hard to believe the Russian troll farms haven't figured out the vernacular of those under the age of 124. Yet there it is.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

Regardless of her efforts to further divide America she is a sitting US Rep. and needs be protected where applicable according to asset protocol. I may personally despise her gueverian fantasy for uprising, but she still represents a number of US citizens. I say protect her. No double standards.
She shouldn’t incite violence. Violence begets violence. She created it! Of course you don’t think so. But this is evidence she did.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

She made no threats. There was no ambiguity. She called for grassroots protests and for the people to question those who work in the administration.

She also used the term "push back" and advocated harassing these people wherever they go. I suppose if a Republican representative did the same thing only with Obama's people, you would have no problem with it?
None of congress gets secret service protection. They are protected by
the US Capitol Police.

You don't throw good money after bad.
so they are protected by capitol police when they are outside of the capital?

Not outside the capitol. She can pay for her own security like most of them

Under normal circumstances, that is correct. But if there is a serious threat to her life, I think the government should provide temporary protection.
I think Maxine Watters is an idot and useless buffon even so if she is getting death threats they should investigated just as they should be if a Republican is getting them.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

She made no threats. There was no ambiguity. She called for grassroots protests and for the people to question those who work in the administration.
Calling for people to get into people's faces, and to harass them, and to leave no place for them to go, run them out of town on a rail (tell them their not welcome here), is to threaten them in order to achieve the above mentioned. How else do you accomplish what she implied when you are peacefully pumping your gas, eating at a resteraunt, going to a movie with your family, and all while outside of your job title when not being on your job ???? We are guaranteed our freedom from being harassed, threatened or abused in this country, and it isn't smart politics or thinking to carry your political attacks outside of the proper arenas in which they are supposed to remain in.

Maxine is a result of a by gone period that felt it needed loud mouth reps like her to shock and awe the system into emotional distress in order to get things done.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

Of course she should have protection provided by the state that she is serving.

Just because you are mindless, idiotic, ideologically evil, corrupt politician, doesn't mean murder is legal, or threats of murder are tolerated, no matter how much it would benefit all of humanity, and raise the average IQ of the entire planet.

She should have protections, preferably provided by her state.
She said at the Gas station. That is Compton Code for "hose them and set fire to them".
While pumping gas, I suggest head on swivel, hose nearby. Douse them if they charge your car. You're on you own in CA with those EPA hoses.
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How is this even a topic, of course death threats need to be taken seriously and investigated.
While I DO NOT support the open slaughter of coloreds I don't have that same issue with Democrats.

"Coloreds [sic]" :laughing0301:

You stay classy Pinkles. :dig:

Hard to believe the Russian troll farms haven't figured out the vernacular of those under the age of 124. Yet there it is.
Strange how a watermelon feels he has the right to call someone else a commie.
While I DO NOT support the open slaughter of coloreds I don't have that same issue with Democrats.

"Coloreds [sic]" :laughing0301:

You stay classy Pinkles. :dig:

Hard to believe the Russian troll farms haven't figured out the vernacular of those under the age of 124. Yet there it is.
Strange how a watermelon feels he has the right to call someone else a commie.

Did you mambo dogface to the banana patch lately?

Try English.

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