Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

Should we protect only those we agree with in society... When in the majority, should we pull federally mandated protection from our elected officials with whom we have ideological differences with. Wrong Nation y'all!
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.
maxine waters incites violence - Bing video
Where is the call for violence in that link....maybe you are not clear on the definition...it IS a multi-syllable word.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

Does anyone actually believe that the lying old twat has actually had death threats? This is her attempt to spin her own calls for violence.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.
maxine waters incites violence - Bing video
Where is the call for violence in that link....maybe you are not clear on the definition...it IS a multi-syllable word.

There is a difference between "incite" and "call for", you may want to look it up, learn how to read first...dumbass.
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since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

I don't think you really want to investigate, because you might find out that... if there are threats, they're most likely are coming from leftist freaks as message to her to shut her mouth and damaging Democrats.
I would laugh it she were brought up on charges of conspiring or inciting to harass or inflict harm upon elected officials, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

I do, however, support protecting her while she still holds elective office.

Rep. Waters did not incite violence against anyone. Harassment is not covered here. Even the couples who were refused service in bakeries got death threats, for which no one was apprehended. People working in, and going to, women's clinics have been harassed, so harassment apparently is not against the law. Are you all excited now that one of trump's whores was asked to leave a restaurant?
Should we protect only those we agree with in society... When in the majority, should we pull federally mandated protection from our elected officials with whom we have ideological differences with. Wrong Nation y'all!
This is another indication as to how the trumpanzees are being groomed to treat their fellow Americans as less.
Are you daft! Am I not underscoring your assertion of partisanship blind, equal protection under the law?
...The really odd thing is that there is NOT one person here that voted for Clinton, or will admit to it.. Next
I voted for Clinton.

Mind you, I felt like taking a shower immediately afterwards.



I want a hard line towards Illegal Immigration.

I want a hard line towards trade imbalances.

I want a hard line towards social re-engineering through judicial activism.

I want our allies to shoulder more of the burden of a common defense.

I just thought that The Creature was too high a price for what I want.
I would laugh it she were brought up on charges of conspiring or inciting to harass or inflict harm upon elected officials, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

I do, however, support protecting her while she still holds elective office.

Rep. Waters did not incite violence against anyone...
"If you have to explain it, then you've already lost."

Repeat after me: "OK. I admit it. One of our own phukked-up Big Time." - there - all fixed - next slide, please.
I would laugh it she were brought up on charges of conspiring or inciting to harass or inflict harm upon elected officials, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

I do, however, support protecting her while she still holds elective office.

Rep. Waters did not incite violence against anyone. Harassment is not covered here. Even the couples who were refused service in bakeries got death threats, for which no one was apprehended. People working in, and going to, women's clinics have been harassed, so harassment apparently is not against the law. Are you all excited now that one of trump's whores was asked to leave a restaurant?

Evidently you are stupid.
maxine waters incites violence - Bing video
Wait, so telling the lefties she was part of the trump administration actually convinced them to do what she told them to do to her?
While I DO NOT support the open slaughter of coloreds I don't have that same issue with Democrats.

Oh GayFury (DarkFury's new handle)...the most racist, openly gay Trumpbot.

Only a monumentally stupid, lowlife would actually call African-Americans - 'colored'.

Have a less hate-filled day.

Tall order for that one. It's his sustenance.

When he first got here he was using Ricardo Montalban for an avatar. I let it go for a while then one day pointed out that Montalban was a lifelong Mexican citizen. He fell all over himself scrambling to get rid of it and dug up another avatar.

I have no idea who that is he's using now though.
Lee Van Cleef
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since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.
maxine waters incites violence - Bing video
Where is the call for violence in that link....maybe you are not clear on the definition...it IS a multi-syllable word.
Where was the violence Charles Manson directly committed ??? There is such a thing as indirectly causing violence through ones manipulating and agressive tactics that lead others to commit the acts for you.

Maxine needs to understand that people aren't so stupid that they don't understand the potential motivations seen in her speak.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

Dare I say it...but she brought that on herself.

Still, death threats to elected officials are unacceptable. Even if the elected official getting those death threats is calling for harassment and violence against Trump cabinet members and supporters.

There was a saying I kept hearing growing up... something about reaping and sowing...
...Retard alert, you voted for Clinton who wants OPEN BORDERS but you want a hard line towards illegal immigration...
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

...Again you voted for Clinton because you are a schizzo who does not even know what is real
Sit down, child, and mind your manners.

I was very well aware that a vote for Clinton was a vote for open borders and continued lack of enforcement.

No schizophrenia involved.

Merely a revulsion so profound so as to induce one to vote for the Opposition, rather than empower an unstable demagogue and autocrat, which I consider even worse.

Truly a matter of the lesser of two evils.


The world is full of grey, child; not everything is black-and-white.
None of congress gets secret service protection. They are protected by
the US Capitol Police.

You don't throw good money after bad.
so they are protected by capitol police when they are outside of the capital?

Not outside the capitol. She can pay for her own security like most of them

Under normal circumstances, that is correct. But if there is a serious threat to her life, I think the government should provide temporary protection.
Why does she deserve more than a White House staffer out to dinner who’s threatened?
...Retard alert, you voted for Clinton who wants OPEN BORDERS but you want a hard line towards illegal immigration...
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

...Again you voted for Clinton because you are a schizzo who does not even know what is real
Sit down, child, and mind your manners.

I was very well aware that a vote for Clinton was a vote for open borders and continued lack of enforcement.

No schizophrenia involved.

Merely a revulsion so profound so as to induce one to vote for the Opposition, rather than empower an unstable demagogue and autocrat, which I consider even worse.

Truly a matter of the lesser of two evils.


The world is full of grey, child; not everything is black-and-white.
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

Then why are you against detention centers?
...Retard alert, you voted for Clinton who wants OPEN BORDERS but you want a hard line towards illegal immigration...
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

...Again you voted for Clinton because you are a schizzo who does not even know what is real
Sit down, child, and mind your manners.

I was very well aware that a vote for Clinton was a vote for open borders and continued lack of enforcement.

No schizophrenia involved.

Merely a revulsion so profound so as to induce one to vote for the Opposition, rather than empower an unstable demagogue and autocrat, which I consider even worse.

Truly a matter of the lesser of two evils.


The world is full of grey, child; not everything is black-and-white.
And still voted for her right?

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