OK Republicans, let’s stop the impeachment once and for all

Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
Yes. I am a deplorable. Like you know me.

I have yet to see Republicans offer any alternative to Impeachment other than......Let’s just forget about the whole thing
Which is their mo. They haven't willfully addressed their illegal actions in years.

What a joke. You Dems listed Antifa and BLM as protesters while they looted, murdered and burned business to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Hell you even bailed out any who managed to get arrested.

Hypocrite much??
What is ANTIFA? You are a liar. Who is the leader? Where is the headquarters? Who finances them? Without those answers, this ANTIFA doesn't exist. And by the way, if you are for Fascism, you are not American. What are you for?

No. Dems called that bunch protesters as the looted, murdered and burned businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Antifa does exist only idiots like you call it an idea.

Oh I'm an American Nationalist. You appear to be the Facist.
An American Nationalist is a Fascist. Thanks for the admission. Fascism - Extreme nationalism No wonder you hate people who are anti-fascist.

And the Dems called protesters Trump's militia as well. They incited violence, looting, and vandalism.

Nope. American Nationalism is facism. Its love of country and constitution.

Saw plenty of violence all summer in Portland, Seattle and Indi while you Dems called them protesters.

You are still a whiny little bitch.
Yes, fascism can be considered a form of nationalism. It is no doubt an extreme form of nationalism, however. Fascism uses nationalism as its roots; as a tool to justify its other actions that are not explicitly nationalistic. Fascism though cannot be defined simply as just a form of nationalism as it takes the ideas much further, but the two ideologies do share some basic, core values that will be shown throughout this essay. Don't get magically lost like a coward. Debate!
Claudette has left the building as a coward. Lol!

Nope. Claudette is sick of talking to a whiny little shit. Have fun with your theory. LMAO
Lol! No, you are weak with no material evidence or arguments to work with.

Nope. I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give. Carry on you whiny little shit.
That's a given. If you cared, your ilk wouldn't be attacking this country.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
Yes. I am a deplorable. Like you know me.

I have yet to see Republicans offer any alternative to Impeachment other than......Let’s just forget about the whole thing
Which is their mo. They haven't willfully addressed their illegal actions in years.

What a joke. You Dems listed Antifa and BLM as protesters while they looted, murdered and burned business to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Hell you even bailed out any who managed to get arrested.

Hypocrite much??
What is ANTIFA? You are a liar. Who is the leader? Where is the headquarters? Who finances them? Without those answers, this ANTIFA doesn't exist. And by the way, if you are for Fascism, you are not American. What are you for?

No. Dems called that bunch protesters as the looted, murdered and burned businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Antifa does exist only idiots like you call it an idea.

Oh I'm an American Nationalist. You appear to be the Facist.
An American Nationalist is a Fascist. Thanks for the admission. Fascism - Extreme nationalism No wonder you hate people who are anti-fascist.

And the Dems called protesters Trump's militia as well. They incited violence, looting, and vandalism.

Nope. American Nationalism is facism. Its love of country and constitution.

Saw plenty of violence all summer in Portland, Seattle and Indi while you Dems called them protesters.

You are still a whiny little bitch.
Yes, fascism can be considered a form of nationalism. It is no doubt an extreme form of nationalism, however. Fascism uses nationalism as its roots; as a tool to justify its other actions that are not explicitly nationalistic. Fascism though cannot be defined simply as just a form of nationalism as it takes the ideas much further, but the two ideologies do share some basic, core values that will be shown throughout this essay. Don't get magically lost like a coward. Debate!
Claudette has left the building as a coward. Lol!

Nope. Claudette is sick of talking to a whiny little shit. Have fun with your theory. LMAO
Lol! No, you are weak with no material evidence or arguments to work with.

Nope. I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give. Carry on you whiny little shit.
That's a given. If you cared, your ilk wouldn't be attacking this country.

I'm not attacking this country but you Dems are getting ready to bankrupt it. Have fun.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

Trump has been perpetuating a dangerous conspiracy theory that led to the riot. However government have always peddled conspiracy theories to their bases in order to get an edge on their opponents from time to time. Both parties sell bullshit, and no party is more virtuous than the other when it comes to tactics. Trump’s conspiracy theory was dangerous because it discredited our democracy at its core. We’ve also seen democrats attack other institutions like the military and police, but at end of the day the best checks and balances to mitigating one parties bullshit is opposition by the other party. Now that’s not to say everything these parties are always full of shit, but with the amount of shit both parties are full of its hard to discern fact from fiction.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.

There was a 500 vote difference in 2000. There's a 7 million vote difference this time. And Gore stopped and conceded. He didn't call a mob to Washington and incite them to attack the Capital. He went through the courts and when he lost the court challenges, he conceded.

Every time you fools try to compare the odious, disgusting and illegal things Trump has done to things Democrats have done and there really is no comparison. Democrats have never crashed the economy, or killed 375,000 Americans in a pandemic. No Democratic has used foreign intelligence and propaganda to smear their opponents. Or asked foreign governments for help.

No Democrats incited an insurrection to kill his Vice-President, and other members of the government.
Trump called for an attack on the Capitol?

Grow up, Child.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time - you among them apparently, but hardly anybody is being fool by Donald Trump any more.

Donald Trump told people "Don't believe what you saw with your own eyes and heard with your own ears. Believe me!!!", but only idiots are doing that today.
You mean like when Democrats said 'there is no evidence of collusion but the evidence is in plain sight?'

Or when CNN said 'despite the flames in the background, this is a peaceful protest'

Or when.....you know....you aren't worth my time.

Collusion was proven.

Ask Trump's militia about the fires. I'm sure they can tell you all about it.https://theintercept.com/2020/06/19/militia-vigilantes-police-brutality-protests/

Last edited:
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
Yes. I am a deplorable. Like you know me.

I have yet to see Republicans offer any alternative to Impeachment other than......Let’s just forget about the whole thing
Which is their mo. They haven't willfully addressed their illegal actions in years.

What a joke. You Dems listed Antifa and BLM as protesters while they looted, murdered and burned business to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Hell you even bailed out any who managed to get arrested.

Hypocrite much??
What is ANTIFA? You are a liar. Who is the leader? Where is the headquarters? Who finances them? Without those answers, this ANTIFA doesn't exist. And by the way, if you are for Fascism, you are not American. What are you for?

No. Dems called that bunch protesters as the looted, murdered and burned businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Antifa does exist only idiots like you call it an idea.

Oh I'm an American Nationalist. You appear to be the Facist.
An American Nationalist is a Fascist. Thanks for the admission. Fascism - Extreme nationalism No wonder you hate people who are anti-fascist.

And the Dems called protesters Trump's militia as well. They incited violence, looting, and vandalism.

Nope. American Nationalism is facism. Its love of country and constitution.

Saw plenty of violence all summer in Portland, Seattle and Indi while you Dems called them protesters.

You are still a whiny little bitch.
Yes, fascism can be considered a form of nationalism. It is no doubt an extreme form of nationalism, however. Fascism uses nationalism as its roots; as a tool to justify its other actions that are not explicitly nationalistic. Fascism though cannot be defined simply as just a form of nationalism as it takes the ideas much further, but the two ideologies do share some basic, core values that will be shown throughout this essay. Don't get magically lost like a coward. Debate!
Claudette has left the building as a coward. Lol!

Nope. Claudette is sick of talking to a whiny little shit. Have fun with your theory. LMAO
Lol! No, you are weak with no material evidence or arguments to work with.

Nope. I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give. Carry on you whiny little shit.
That's a given. If you cared, your ilk wouldn't be attacking this country.

I'm not attacking this country but you Dems are getting ready to bankrupt it. Have fun.
Wrong on both counts. Speaking of bankrupting the country, have Republicans returned the $2 trillion dollars they stole for their tax cuts? Hell no!
The Dems do not have any credibility with mainstream voters.
Trump has exposed how devious and malicious they really are.
Their impeachment was a thinly veiled coup attempt.
They can never be trusted.
Only their crazy cult trusts them now.
"Devious and malicious?" Do you have any documentation supporting that unknown of yours?
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

If by "act responsibly" you mean to do what the Democrats have done and condoned for the last 4 years, then we should either do nothing or riot/loot and or burn.
What you want is sedition. 'Seditious conspiracy' and the Capitol Hill attackers
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

If by "act responsibly" you mean to do what the Democrats have done and condoned for the last 4 years, then we should either do nothing or riot/loot and or burn.
What you want is sedition. 'Seditious conspiracy' and the Capitol Hill attackers

You are quoting an article from MSNBC? LOL...no wonder you think the way you do.
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

If by "act responsibly" you mean to do what the Democrats have done and condoned for the last 4 years, then we should either do nothing or riot/loot and or burn.
What you want is sedition. 'Seditious conspiracy' and the Capitol Hill attackers

You are quoting an article from MSNBC? LOL...no wonder you think the way you do.
If you were thinking, you would have countered my article. You didn't. Next?
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

Trump has been perpetuating a dangerous conspiracy theory that led to the riot. However government have always peddled conspiracy theories to their bases in order to get an edge on their opponents from time to time. Both parties sell bullshit, and no party is more virtuous than the other when it comes to tactics. Trump’s conspiracy theory was dangerous because it discredited our democracy at its core. We’ve also seen democrats attack other institutions like the military and police, but at end of the day the best checks and balances to mitigating one parties bullshit is opposition by the other party. Now that’s not to say everything these parties are always full of shit, but with the amount of shit both parties are full of its hard to discern fact from fiction.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.

Gore shut down the objections in 2000, dope.

Ahhh.....yes....you called me dope.

Ahhh.....yes....you called me dope.


Tell us some more about what Gore did, dope.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

he actually said ' we love you ' & ' you're special' ...

lawmakers were calling him in real time for help - he ignored them. it took days for the WH to finally lower its flag to 1/2 mast in recognition that a cop was killed.

he has yet to call the widow.

he hasn't even spoken to pence until YESTERDAY ...

but you think he's innocent? lol ... you silly little deplorable.
Yes. I am a deplorable. Like you know me.

I have yet to see Republicans offer any alternative to Impeachment other than......Let’s just forget about the whole thing
Which is their mo. They haven't willfully addressed their illegal actions in years.

What a joke. You Dems listed Antifa and BLM as protesters while they looted, murdered and burned business to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Hell you even bailed out any who managed to get arrested.

Hypocrite much??
What is ANTIFA? You are a liar. Who is the leader? Where is the headquarters? Who finances them? Without those answers, this ANTIFA doesn't exist. And by the way, if you are for Fascism, you are not American. What are you for?

No. Dems called that bunch protesters as the looted, murdered and burned businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. Antifa does exist only idiots like you call it an idea.

Oh I'm an American Nationalist. You appear to be the Facist.
An American Nationalist is a Fascist. Thanks for the admission. Fascism - Extreme nationalism No wonder you hate people who are anti-fascist.

And the Dems called protesters Trump's militia as well. They incited violence, looting, and vandalism.

Nope. American Nationalism is facism. Its love of country and constitution.

Saw plenty of violence all summer in Portland, Seattle and Indi while you Dems called them protesters.

You are still a whiny little bitch.
Yes, fascism can be considered a form of nationalism. It is no doubt an extreme form of nationalism, however. Fascism uses nationalism as its roots; as a tool to justify its other actions that are not explicitly nationalistic. Fascism though cannot be defined simply as just a form of nationalism as it takes the ideas much further, but the two ideologies do share some basic, core values that will be shown throughout this essay. Don't get magically lost like a coward. Debate!
Claudette has left the building as a coward. Lol!

Nope. Claudette is sick of talking to a whiny little shit. Have fun with your theory. LMAO
Lol! No, you are weak with no material evidence or arguments to work with.

Nope. I cannot tell you how much of a shit I do not give. Carry on you whiny little shit.
That's a given. If you cared, your ilk wouldn't be attacking this country.

I'm not attacking this country but you Dems are getting ready to bankrupt it. Have fun.
Wrong on both counts. Speaking of bankrupting the country, have Republicans returned the $2 trillion dollars they stole for their tax cuts? Hell no!
Those tax cuts allowed me to hire 4 people at a cost of 235K a year in salary. Included in that was each employees tax liability coupled with my employer payroll tax match liability not to mention the 20K I paid the agency for the people.

So, in the end, that tax cut allowed me to break even. financially but it allowed for my corporate growth which in 2021 will result in more corporate taxes paid by me.........AND.....4 people got jobs, ADP got their payroll fee and a personnel agency made 20K.

So, in the end, there are actually more taxes paid, more food on the table for the people....

But you are too naïve to get it.

What are you...one of those hourly employees that hate "the man" and refuse to strive ahead because you are convinced "the man" will hold you down?

And dont go with "I am also a business owner"....because if you were you wouldn't have made such an assinine post as you did. You may not have liked Trump, but you would have known what the tax cuts allowed business owners to do.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

Trump has been perpetuating a dangerous conspiracy theory that led to the riot. However government have always peddled conspiracy theories to their bases in order to get an edge on their opponents from time to time. Both parties sell bullshit, and no party is more virtuous than the other when it comes to tactics. Trump’s conspiracy theory was dangerous because it discredited our democracy at its core. We’ve also seen democrats attack other institutions like the military and police, but at end of the day the best checks and balances to mitigating one parties bullshit is opposition by the other party. Now that’s not to say everything these parties are always full of shit, but with the amount of shit both parties are full of its hard to discern fact from fiction.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.

There was a 500 vote difference in 2000. There's a 7 million vote difference this time. And Gore stopped and conceded. He didn't call a mob to Washington and incite them to attack the Capital. He went through the courts and when he lost the court challenges, he conceded.

Every time you fools try to compare the odious, disgusting and illegal things Trump has done to things Democrats have done and there really is no comparison. Democrats have never crashed the economy, or killed 375,000 Americans in a pandemic. No Democratic has used foreign intelligence and propaganda to smear their opponents. Or asked foreign governments for help.

No Democrats incited an insurrection to kill his Vice-President, and other members of the government.
Trump called for an attack on the Capitol?

Grow up, Child.
Yes he did, and that will be his legacy. the Pictures of Trumptards climbing the capital steps and walls.
Yes he did, and that will be his legacy. the Pictures of Trumptards climbing the capital steps and walls.
Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

Trump has been perpetuating a dangerous conspiracy theory that led to the riot. However government have always peddled conspiracy theories to their bases in order to get an edge on their opponents from time to time. Both parties sell bullshit, and no party is more virtuous than the other when it comes to tactics. Trump’s conspiracy theory was dangerous because it discredited our democracy at its core. We’ve also seen democrats attack other institutions like the military and police, but at end of the day the best checks and balances to mitigating one parties bullshit is opposition by the other party. Now that’s not to say everything these parties are always full of shit, but with the amount of shit both parties are full of its hard to discern fact from fiction.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.

Gore shut down the objections in 2000, dope.

Ahhh.....yes....you called me dope.

Ahhh.....yes....you called me dope.


Tell us some more about what Gore did, dope.
Nah. You can find out for yourself.

Trump will never hold national office in this country. Ever. I voted for him twice and, I assure you, I would not vote for him a third time, and I know a lot of former Trump supporters who feel the same.
Unfortunately, there are more Trump supporters who are not as reasonable as you. According to several polls taken since the Capitol Riot, about a third of folks in this country still approve of the Pres. (see 538). Rasmussen says half.

And that's something that should scare the shit out of the left.

Some 74 million people voted for Trump. That can't be ignored, and it's only to the peril of the democrats if they choose to...
What do you mean, only to their peril? What should Dems be afraid of?

The 74 million people who didn't vote for Biden...

81 million people voted to get rid of Trump
Where does that leave you?

The 74 million who didn't vote for Biden have most of the guns and over 8 trillion rounds of ammunition. It would be wise, if not to fear them, to at least have a healthy respect for what they could do.

The 81 million who did vote for Biden actually believe that going to a "safe place" will protect them...
This one won't.

That's because, in truth, nothing will protect you...
And your immunity card from danger? LOl! Don't be so cocky boss. Most of those 81 million already have guns.
But only 20% of them own guns legally.
And? They still shoot don't they? And since when did Republicans care about being legal? Do you remember all the Right-wing terrorists who illegally entered the capitol who should have been shot?
Let me ask you this.....

What do you think had a bigger impact.....

Those that looted and burnt down livelihoods or those that stormed the capitol?

Now, before you answer....I get it...the capitol is an image of our country. It is an Icon. But....

a woman who lost her husband due to violence over the summer and who also lost her livelihood as they looted and then burnt down her only source of income......

What had a bigger impact on her life? The Capitol building being stormed by a bunch of thugs or the fact that she lost her husband, her businesss and her livelihood in one fell swoop.

Before you try to punch holes in my point.....lets look at an analogy.....

When Kennedy was shot we all mourned. It was a tragedy. But what if a young girl was shot as well due to a misfire and died. Innocent by stander.

The parents....what had a bigger impact on their life? The loss of a great President or the loss of their daughter?

You think about that when you say "but the Capitol. They stormed the Capitol How dare they;"
The bigger impact is the President of the United States agitating a mob, filling them with lies and sending them to the Congress to stop the proceedings of affirming a President
Ahhhhh....so you watched CNN.
They neglected to show you his entire speech.
He never sent them to congress to stop any proceedings.
]He sent them to the Capitol to speak their mind.
Like many politicians have done n the past.
Go to the capitol and protest.
Thats all he said.

But you opted to believe there was "code" in his words.

Code. Sure. He sent out "the code" to millions of people.

Wow...the media has your number for sure.

Trump has been perpetuating a dangerous conspiracy theory that led to the riot. However government have always peddled conspiracy theories to their bases in order to get an edge on their opponents from time to time. Both parties sell bullshit, and no party is more virtuous than the other when it comes to tactics. Trump’s conspiracy theory was dangerous because it discredited our democracy at its core. We’ve also seen democrats attack other institutions like the military and police, but at end of the day the best checks and balances to mitigating one parties bullshit is opposition by the other party. Now that’s not to say everything these parties are always full of shit, but with the amount of shit both parties are full of its hard to discern fact from fiction.
But, of course, when Gore did it in 2000 and Boxer did it in 2004....THAT was warranted.

We know who you are.

There was a 500 vote difference in 2000. There's a 7 million vote difference this time. And Gore stopped and conceded. He didn't call a mob to Washington and incite them to attack the Capital. He went through the courts and when he lost the court challenges, he conceded.

Every time you fools try to compare the odious, disgusting and illegal things Trump has done to things Democrats have done and there really is no comparison. Democrats have never crashed the economy, or killed 375,000 Americans in a pandemic. No Democratic has used foreign intelligence and propaganda to smear their opponents. Or asked foreign governments for help.

No Democrats incited an insurrection to kill his Vice-President, and other members of the government.
Trump called for an attack on the Capitol?

Grow up, Child.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time - you among them apparently, but hardly anybody is being fool by Donald Trump any more.

Donald Trump told people "Don't believe what you saw with your own eyes and heard with your own ears. Believe me!!!", but only idiots are doing that today.
You mean like when Democrats said 'there is no evidence of collusion but the evidence is in plain sight?'

Or when CNN said 'despite the flames in the background, this is a peaceful protest'

Or when.....you know....you aren't worth my time.

Collusion was proven.

Ask Trump's militia about the fires. I'm sure they can tell you all about it.https://theintercept.com/2020/06/19/militia-vigilantes-police-brutality-protests/

Collusion was proven?

Grow up and stop watching Rachel Maddow
More fantasy and games by the left.

I agree

Any expectation of Republicans to act responsibly is a fantasy.
That is why Impeachment is the only remaining option

If by "act responsibly" you mean to do what the Democrats have done and condoned for the last 4 years, then we should either do nothing or riot/loot and or burn.
What you want is sedition. 'Seditious conspiracy' and the Capitol Hill attackers

You are quoting an article from MSNBC? LOL...no wonder you think the way you do.
If you were thinking, you would have countered my article. You didn't. Next?

Sedition means an act of defiance against lawful civil authority. Sorry, but this election was anything but lawful. I can assure you that if the Republicans would have won this election with all the irregularities out there and not so much as one investigation was done by the government, you lefties would have burned down Washington, making what happened on 1/6 look like a summer cookout. Democrats are hypocrites of the highest order.

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