OK Republicans......Who is the greatest living President?

George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
This question stumps Republican 2016ers - CNNPolitics.com

Seems like the greatest living President is dead

Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."

"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trumpsaid.

That might explain why former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignored the question completely, walked away and hooted, "Bye y'aaaaall" on his way out.

Or why Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, paused for several seconds before he just gave up. "I don't know," he said.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gets partial credit for threading the needle: "Probably a Bush," he said, and then escaped up a wheelchair ramp.

George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
I'll help...the RATIONALE (not rational) is that George W. Bush inherited the problem of Osama bin-Laden directly from the fucking worst ex-president still living. One Bubba Jefferson Clinton, he of the crooked penis.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org
This question stumps Republican 2016ers - CNNPolitics.com

Seems like the greatest living President is dead

Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."

"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trumpsaid.

That might explain why former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignored the question completely, walked away and hooted, "Bye y'aaaaall" on his way out.

Or why Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, paused for several seconds before he just gave up. "I don't know," he said.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gets partial credit for threading the needle: "Probably a Bush," he said, and then escaped up a wheelchair ramp.

Its either bill or barrack.

And who's the worst living president? It use to be carter but is now gw bush hands down.
That is the most idiotic thing I have heard. Obuthole is by far the worse potus I have ever seen, even beating out carter and Clinton. Stupid libtards.
Honestly, I'd have to give it to Bill Clinton.
He managed to get more done with a republican congress than Obama could do with a fully democratic one
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
I'll help...the RATIONALE (not rational) is that George W. Bush inherited the problem of Osama bin-Laden directly from the fucking worst ex-president still living. One Bubba Jefferson Clinton, he of the crooked penis.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org
Bush had eight years and the full force of the American military to kill or capture him. And in the end, Bush shrugged and said 'I just don't think about him much anymore'. What a legacy. What a pity.
Despite Clinton s Many Chances to Kill Bin Laden Media Love Obama Using Him to Imply Romney Wouldn t Have

Despite Clinton's Many Chances to Kill Bin Laden Media Love Obama Using Him to Imply Romney Wouldn't Have
By Noel Sheppard | April 28, 2012 | 7:31 PM EDT

The media were predictably orgasmic over a new Obama campaign ad out Friday featuring former President Bill Clinton in a strong message implying Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the decision last year to kill Osama bin Laden.

The problem with their glee is that Clinton himself passed up numerous opportunities to kill or capture bin Laden prior to leaving the White House in January 2001 thereby making this entire ad totally hypocritical as is the press's joy for it (video follows with commentary).

As NewsBusters reported on September 6, 2006, I was in contact at the time with Michael Scheuer, a 22-year veteran of the CIA that used to head up “Alec Station,” the Counterterrorist Center’s Osama bin Laden unit. Scheuer is the individual regularly referred to in the 9/11 Commission report as "Mike."

ABC was about to air its docudrama "The Path to 9/11," and former Clinton administration officials as well as many of their supporters in the media were out in force trying to prevent it from being shown.

Clinton himself went on Fox News Sunday entering into a heated exchange with host Chris Wallace about the mini-series.

Scheuer referred me to a July 5, 2006, op-ed he had written in the Washington Times wherein he spoke of "Clinton's failure to capture or kill bin Laden on any of the eight to 10 chances afforded by CIA reporting."

Scheuer later described to me in a lengthy interview numerous missed opportunities by the Clinton administration relating to bin Laden all of which quite verified by the 9/11 Commission report.

As I wrote at the time, "[T]here were three good, documented chances to take out bin Laden in about a nine-month period between May 1998 and February 1999. In all three, information and intelligence were not the problems. Some person or persons not being able to decide to act was."

Shortly after Clinton's blowup with Wallace, Scheuer went on CBS's Early Show and had this exchange with Harry Smith:

HARRY SMITH, CBS: Let's talk about what President Clinton had to say on Fox yesterday. He basically laid blame at the feet of the CIA and the FBI for not being able to certify or verify that Osama bin Laden was responsible for a number of different attacks. Does that ring true to you?

MICHAEL SCHEUER: No, sir, I don't think so. The president seems to be able, the former president seems to be able to deny facts with impugnity. Bin Laden is alive today because Mr. Clinton, Mr. Sandy Berger, and Mr. Richard Clarke refused to kill him. That's the bottom line. And every time he says what he said to Chris Wallace on Fox, he defames the CIA especially, and the men and women who risk their lives to give his administration repeated chances to kill bin Laden.

Less than two weeks later, Scheuer went on Fox News Sunday himself offering the following:

SCHEUER: Mr. Wallace, my opinion is not all that important. I went to a little Jesuit school in Buffalo called Canicius, and the priests taught us never to lie, but if you had to lie, never lie about facts. Mr. Richard Clarke, Mr. Sandy Berger, President Clinton are lying about the opportunities they had to kill Osama bin Laden. That's the plain truth, the exact truth.

Men and women at the CIA risked their lives to provide occasions to kill a man we knew had declared war and had attacked America four or five times before 1998. We had plans that had been approved by the Joint Operations Command at Fort Bragg. We had opportunities, many opportunities to kill him.

But that's the president's decision. That's absolutely the case. It's not a simple, dumb bureaucrat like me; that's not my decision. It's his. But for him to get on the television and say to the American people he did all he could is a flat lie, sir.

The Washington Free Beacon on Friday also noticed the hypocrisy in the Obama campaign ad:

Dick Polman of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote in 2002 that Clinton “spurned Sudan’s offer [in 1996] to hand over bin Laden because the United States lacked enough evidence to indict him.”

This, Polman noted, would prompt Mansoor Ijez, a Clinton friend who had sought to negotiate the deal with Sudan, to lament, “Clinton’s failure to grasp the opportunity … represents one of the most serious policy failures in American history.” [...]

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, author of Dereliction of Duty, recounted an instance in the fall of 1998 when Clinton’s national security adviser Sandy Berger scrambled to notify the president that bin Laden and had been located and the military had “a two-hour window to strike.”

[Berger] picked up the phone at one of the busy controller consoles and called the president. Amazingly, President Clinton was not available. Berger tried again and again. Bin Laden was within striking distance. The window of opportunity was closing fast. The plan of attack was set and the Tomahawk [missile] crews were ready. For about an hour Berger couldn’t get the commander in chief on the line…

Finally, the president accepted Berger’s call. There was discussion, there were pauses – and no decision. The president wanted to talk with his secretaries of Defense and State. He wanted to study the issue further. Berger was forced to wait. The clock was ticking. The president eventually called back. He was still indecisive. He wanted more discussion…

Despite all the evidence pointing to Clinton ignoring numerous chances to capture or kill bin Laden, the Obama campaign is actually using him quite prominently to make the case that had Romney been president last year, Osama would still be alive.

If we had an honest media, they'd all be laughing in the President's face for using a man this way who allegedly passed on up to ten chances to take out bin Laden before thousands of innocent Americans were killed leading to two wars which cost our nation many more lives and treasure.

Be very scared, ladies and gentlemen, for it's only April.

Just imagine what these shameless people are going to do as Election Day nears.

Foreign Policy
2012 Presidential
Campaigns & Elections
Michael Scheuer
Osama bin Laden
This question stumps Republican 2016ers - CNNPolitics.com

Seems like the greatest living President is dead

Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."

"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trumpsaid.

That might explain why former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignored the question completely, walked away and hooted, "Bye y'aaaaall" on his way out.

Or why Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, paused for several seconds before he just gave up. "I don't know," he said.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gets partial credit for threading the needle: "Probably a Bush," he said, and then escaped up a wheelchair ramp.


Who is the greatest living President?

That's like asking which of the Presidents that have overseen the country fall into an economic abyss with the Middle class all but disappearing are your favorites?

For me, Bush = Obama, even though I know it makes the partisan shills cringe. They are too busy enjoying the flavor of their cool aid to be bothered contemplating that I'm right.
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
I'll help...the RATIONALE (not rational) is that George W. Bush inherited the problem of Osama bin-Laden directly from the fucking worst ex-president still living. One Bubba Jefferson Clinton, he of the crooked penis.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org
Bush had eight years and the full force of the American military to kill or capture him. And in the end, Bush shrugged and said 'I just don't think about him much anymore'. What a legacy. What a pity.
Yeah, Bush wouldn't have had to chase sorry ass all over the middle east had it not been for that draft dodging piece of shit, Clinton. And don't tell me Obama got him. BULL fricking SHIT.
This question stumps Republican 2016ers - CNNPolitics.com

Seems like the greatest living President is dead

Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."

"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trumpsaid.

That might explain why former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignored the question completely, walked away and hooted, "Bye y'aaaaall" on his way out.

Or why Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, paused for several seconds before he just gave up. "I don't know," he said.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gets partial credit for threading the needle: "Probably a Bush," he said, and then escaped up a wheelchair ramp.


My answer, none of them would qualify as a great president. The best of the lot would be GW, but that's not saying much.
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
I'll help...the RATIONALE (not rational) is that George W. Bush inherited the problem of Osama bin-Laden directly from the fucking worst ex-president still living. One Bubba Jefferson Clinton, he of the crooked penis.

Clinton 10 chances kill Osama Bin Laden Video C-SPAN.org
Bush had eight years and the full force of the American military to kill or capture him. And in the end, Bush shrugged and said 'I just don't think about him much anymore'. What a legacy. What a pity.
Yeah, Bush wouldn't have had to chase sorry ass all over the middle east had it not been for that draft dodging piece of shit, Clinton. And don't tell me Obama got him. BULL fricking SHIT.
Was bin Laden killed under the order of President Obama, or do you want us all to clap our hands and repeat "I believe!" Just like in Peter Pan?
Bill Clinton defiled the office, wagged his finger, bit his lip, and lied right to our faces... yeah , he's the greatest.

There IS no "greatest living president". They are all mediocre at best, and in Obama's case, a catastrophe.

Hard to believe it is such a difficult question for the right

No balls
You're so fucking full of yourself.

I learned to distrust political opinion at a very early age. I remember my parents and friends arguing about Eisenhower. Yeah, I'm that old. Then Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon... "He's the best because..." "No, he's the worst because..."

Many years later, studying history, it dawned on me that they were both valid arguments.

It's a fucking exercise in futility. Just like reading your threads. :slap:
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
You spelled "rationale" wrong. Just sayin'.
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.
Right! Because the greatest terrorist attack in A,erican history happened on his watch, we broke then tried to buy and ultimately got kicked out of the buzz saw that is Iraq, he started our longest war, failed to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and ended his administration with the greatest economic calamity since 1929.

Care to point out your rational for your inept case?
You spelled "rationale" wrong. Just sayin'.
Sometimes the iPad gets me right, other times the spelling and grammar cops bust me. Just sayin'.
George W. Bush is the greatest president still alive. He was the last president we had.

What was so great about him?

Was it his massive entitlement program with the Drugs for Seniors, or maybe it was the massive amount of debt he piled up as President, or maybe it was him turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, or maybe it was his wars abroad that were such a smashing success.

Do tell, which is your fav?

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