OK Republicans......Who is the greatest living President?

of the presidents that are alive

Carter has to be the happiest

since the current prezbo

easily swiped Carters worst president of all title

This question stumps Republican 2016ers - CNNPolitics.com

Seems like the greatest living President is dead

Obviously the greatest president of my lifetime is Ronald Reagan," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

"I'll leave that to the people to decide," said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, which is his guaranteed go-to line for questions he doesn't want to answer. "Certainly the greatest president of recent generations was Ronald Reagan."

"I was a big fan, a very big fan of Ronald Reagan," real estate mogul Donald Trumpsaid.

That might explain why former Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignored the question completely, walked away and hooted, "Bye y'aaaaall" on his way out.

Or why Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, paused for several seconds before he just gave up. "I don't know," he said.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gets partial credit for threading the needle: "Probably a Bush," he said, and then escaped up a wheelchair ramp.


At least the Republicans take questions.....

Hillary Clinton hasn t answered a question from the media in 20 days - The Washington Post
What's your agenda this time?
You could start by answering the question........your candidates can't
You first.
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?
What's your agenda this time?
You could start by answering the question........your candidates can't
You first.
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas
What's your agenda this time?
You could start by answering the question........your candidates can't
You first.
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas

He's dead last
You could start by answering the question........your candidates can't
You first.
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas

He's dead last

OK, If Obama is dead last on your list

Provide the accomplishments of the others that place them above Obama
You first.
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas

He's dead last

OK, If Obama is dead last on your list

Provide the accomplishments of the others that place them above Obama

I have little interest in your loonery, Obama is a disaster...just as many of said he would be. You're just too stupid to see it. Hence why you're an Obamabot
Let's see..

Stopped an economic depression
Saved the auto companies
Enacted the first ever universal healthcare system
Repealed DADT
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Have to go with Obama, wouldn't you agree?

You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas

He's dead last

OK, If Obama is dead last on your list

Provide the accomplishments of the others that place them above Obama

I have little interest in your loonery, Obama is a disaster...just as many of said he would be. You're just too stupid to see it. Hence why you're an Obamabot

You still lack any details to support your opinion

That is why I have to dismiss it
You have an Obama poster above your bed, don't you?

You are welcome to compare any other living Presidents accomplishments to Obamas

He's dead last

OK, If Obama is dead last on your list

Provide the accomplishments of the others that place them above Obama

I have little interest in your loonery, Obama is a disaster...just as many of said he would be. You're just too stupid to see it. Hence why you're an Obamabot

You still lack any details to support your opinion

That is why I have to dismiss it

I could really care less what you do, you're a loon and hardly worth my time.
are we to assume that we may also have "Zombie Presidents" still walking around, like in places like Miami?

It is scary that when asked who the greatest living president is, Republicans reply "Reagan"

Sounds like something Sarah Palin would say
Ranking the living Presidents

1. Obama: Prevented Depression, Obamacare, Gay Rights, killing bin Laden

2. Clinton: Booming economy, relative peace and prosperity

3. Bush 41: Liberated Kuwait, fall of the Berlin Wall

4. Carter: Economic disaster, Iran Hostages

5. Bush 43: 9-11, Two unnecessary wars, Katrina, Economic collapse
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My Yellow Lab Rustle,he is the president of the Shirley road dog club,best darn president they ever had.

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