Ok so Biden and Trump were both bad

Another Reagan? Bro, please do some reasearch.

Reagan increased the debt ceiling 17 times. He was the first president to ever spend over $1 trillion. We got 1 tax cut and 4 tax increases under Reagan. No, we don't need another Reagan.
The Net of Reagans 8 years was a substantial tax cut for virtually everyone not in the top 25% and the wealthy began for the first time to pay the bulk of all federal income taxes.

The debt ceiling was established in 1917 at 11.5Bn, raised in 39 to 45Bn and has been raised more than a hundred times since the end of WWII.

Reagan brought the country back at a time where most Americans had flat given up hope of their kids having a better life than they'd had and rebuilt the military sufficiently as to bankrupt and cause the fall of the Soviet Union in their quest to keep up. That's what we need again, someone who can bring a horribly divided nation back together and get us back on a path to prosperity.

Who that person is if they exist has yet to rise to the top but I'm hoping there at least a few good prospects in the wings. Within the next 18 months we should know a whole lot more.

Our total debt isn't a problem, the debt to GDP ratio is where things get scary. With enough growth you can eventually reduce the deficit enough that growth outpaces the Debt/GDP ratio and we're back to good health at least as far as the debt goes.

We've got bigger problems close on the horizon than the total debt, inflation is going to destroy the economy again in the next 12 months if we don't get that ratio back under control and that's not going to happen until we put a whole lot of Americans back to work.

We should have learned two years ago that it is a national security threat to all of us to be so dependent on Chinese manufacturing and we should then have already established some way to seriously address it and start moving back all of our critical manufacturing to the US but apparently China is too deep into the pockets of our political class so it was for the most part forgotten.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
The hate from the right is breathtaking. Some repugs on here want all democrats eliminated. That is not conducive to cohesion.
The same people are invariably low iq which is a republican trait sadly.
The vast majority are liars and hypocrites but you want respectable wise people to blend with that and weaken the whole fabric of rational thought.
I suggest you find another forum
but the dem's are no longer compromising at all

Wish I could say the same thing about McTurtle's GOP.

Why find areas of common ground when it’s easier choose teams and demonize the opposition. US vs THEM is the political norm.

There was a time when Kennedy Democrats and Eisenhower Republicans had as much in common as in difference.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
What is it we should agree on and how would that make politicians better?
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.

Let's remove personality from the equation and reevaluate. Let's look purely at the stats, not the player themselves.

Trump might be an asshole and egotistical but no one can argue America was doing pretty good and was on its way to becoming even stronger and that from the moment Biden took over it has only gotten worse with time. Look at all the shitty problems we have in this country right now that all started in 2021 and show no signs of slowing down.

So no they weren't both bad. Yeah trump could done better to keep his mouth in check but looking just at the stats he did a terrific job and America was doing better in pretty every aspect compared to right now.
Trump was in way over his head. He made irrational decisions without thinking of the long-term consequences. He also snuggled up with the enemy (Xi & Putin).
That's why we fired him.
Let's remove personality from the equation and reevaluate. Let's look purely at the stats, not the player themselves.

Trump might be an asshole and egotistical but no one can argue America was doing pretty good and was on its way to becoming even stronger and that from the moment Biden took over it has only gotten worse with time. Look at all the shitty problems we have in this country right now that all started in 2021 and show no signs of slowing down.

So no they weren't both bad. Yeah trump could done better to keep his mouth in check but looking just at the stats he did a terrific job and America was doing better in pretty every aspect compared to right now.

Looking good is different from actually doing good. With all the new money created during the Trump administration, everything is going to look good. Dumping a bunch of money into the public (Covid checks to people and corporations) does make things look good.
But soon enough (as in what we're seeing now), the bill comes due. Inflation increases. The oil bust cycle (which is the boom cycle for oil CEO's and investors), created higher prices at the pump, which creates a double jab to the economy.

Trump could've done the US a favor by vetoing many of those HUGE spending bills which included Planned Parenthood funding, gender studies in Pakistan and other obviously ridiculous expenditures. But like all presidents, he wasn't spending money. Just like Biden isn't spending his.

High inflation is created by the USD value correcting itself.

The only solution to all of this, is to vote out every incumbent for the next 3 or 4 election cycles. There's a system that's been created by the Federal Reserve, corporations and the mega rich, that keeps this cycle in tact. It's worked for a long time. But only because most of the world is using USD for trading things like oil.
And TBPH, I don't see a way to change this cycle, without destroying the USD.
Trump was in way over his head. He made irrational decisions without thinking of the long-term consequences. He also snuggled up with the enemy (Xi & Putin).
That's why we fired him.

There's nothing wrong with making friends out of enemies. I know I know. Some folks don't like making friends. They like keeping their circles tight. But making friends out of enemies keeps from having to go to war with them. It also keeps trade lines open. There are American companies, with American employee's who profit from our imports and exports with countries like Russia, Iran, Israel and others. That's important.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
Keep electing non-political outsiders until the political establishment is fucking dead.

I don't give a motherfuck how terrible you fuckers believe the outsider is.

Anybody and I'm a fucking anybody is better than these political establishment motherfucking pieces of cocksucking bullshit.

I want them all fucking dead.
What is it we should agree on and how would that make politicians better?

We can start with basics.
We can also start by voting out incumbents for the next few election cycles.

New politicians arrive in DC (or our capitals) and are taught how things work. How things work are the reasons we're in the situation we're in. As in lobbyist owning 90% of our politicians. It's the reason the Fed. Res. has no real oversight by our politicians. It's why we have high inflation from time to time, and so forth and so on. It's the reason for a lot of things that aren't necessarily in our (we the people) best interest.

I'm watching the Netflix series, "Designated Survivor." The Capital get's blown up and almost everyone in government is killed. When the House and Senate get new politicians, they bring their partisan divisions with them, because that's the mind set of a lot of folks. It's been that way for so long, they come to congress with the idea that it's their way or no way. If they don't act out that way, their party leaders won't fund their next election.
Keep electing non-political outsiders until the political establishment is fucking dead.

I don't give a motherfuck how terrible you fuckers believe the outsider is.

Anybody and I'm a fucking anybody is better than these political establishment motherfucking pieces of cocksucking bullshit.

I want them all fucking dead.

Ok, but tell us how you really feel. :abgg2q.jpg:

Good post, BTW.
If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
What you’re really seeing is the lefts push for diversity and multiculturalism finally coming to a head…we are a nation with no identity, we are too different with too little in common…we can not and will not become likeminded with one another. Half the nation will not let go of ‘Old America’ while the other half wants a total reconstruction of our foundation and institutions….a new America.

Yeah, because of all the childish finger pointing.
That’s usually what enemies do.
Do you not realize that every budget is a compromise? Unfortunately in the modern era that tends to mean when we get close to election time both parties have a spending party throwing in everything but the kitchen sink into an Omnibus Bill so they can all get out of town to campaign.

Every budget gets compromised by politicians who know how to stuff bills with crap that has nothing to do with the bill. This is a career politicians way of hiding things in bills that 99% of the other politicians and "we the people" won't even notice. There's not even a compromise on it, because politicians are focusing on getting their crap put into bills.
Trump could have bucked that going line item by line item if he chose to which of course would have ended up with him being demonized to hell and back by both parties for preventing them from being able to go campaign.

Another reason to abolish political parties. Or at least stop electing people by party. Party loyalism is something that we think only communist countries have. But we're guilty of it too. How many people do you know that are party line voters? I know several.
The only way we'll ever begin to solve that is by going back to an annual budget as was the norm for the first 240 years or so of the Republic but neither party seems willing to do so.

I agree. And again, this is not something that's going to happen as long as the R & D's have the majority over independents and other parties. (and career politicians)
Trump's biggest failure was in getting suckered by Fauci and crew into taking needless draconian measures that cost us all a lot of liberty and freedom for no real tangible results.

Big Pharma and the AMA lobbyist are HUGE. Too huge. Same as the oil lobby. Those two together own probably 99% of our elected officials.

BTW, thanks for your post. This shows signs that when people discuss issues, we can come up with better solutions than our elected officials because we're allowed to use our own minds, free of monetary or elections loss. "We the people" aren't owned. The problem with party loyalist, they support politicians that are owned. And refuse to acknowledge the fact their party is owned. Us who are truly independent hold no allegiance to anyone but ourselves and our families.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.

I don't really think Biden is bad. I disagree with him on certain things. But I think that his objective, and indeed what the country needs more than anything from its President, has always been to return stability, deliberation, a moral compass, and general normalcy to the way the office is executed.
What you’re really seeing is the lefts push for diversity and multiculturalism finally coming to a head…we are a nation with no identity, we are too different with too little in common…we can not and will not become likeminded with one another. Half the nation will not let go of ‘Old America’ while the other half wants a total reconstruction of our foundation and institutions….a new America.

I agree. These last few years of transgender crap, watching adult abuse their children with racist BLM crap, (just to name a couple) has been mind bending.
But I think the democrat party leaders are finally trying to squelch the radicals in their party. I have no doubt that it'll be short lived. After the next election, they'll be back in full force.
But personally, I think their next uprising may be short lived. White moderate democrats, who were not racist, got a little tired of being demonized because they were white. I think they finally realized just how radical the progressives had gotten. They supported BLM until BLM got so violent. They supported the part of BLM that was against police corruption. But realized that BLM and antifa went to far with their defund the police movement. When they got their way, and city government actually did defund the police, and crime rates nearly doubled, the line was drawn. And they stopped supporting that crap.
That's a win for us who respect the police. We should celebrate that. Celebrate the fact that radical progressives were proven wrong.
That’s usually what enemies do.

My enemies are party loyalist. But that doesn't mean I want to cut off conversations with them. There are many things wrong with being a party loyalist. If no one is there to point them out, then there's like no chance of them ever becoming independent. Hollering and screaming them isn't going to change their minds.
No more than Biden's sanctions on Russia is going to change Putins mind.

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