Ok so Biden and Trump were both bad

Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
I agree, Biden and Trump were both bad.

Trump was better than Biden though. Biden is a disaster.

What I think is, there's a man behind the curtain. A hidden unseen force, unknown to most of us, yanking strings and pulling levers.

I call it the Deep State, I've seen others around here refer to it as the Uniparty and etc.

You ask what's next?

Expose it.

Get it into the public domain.

Put it squarely down in the middle of the intersection at Front and Main.
I agree, Biden and Trump were both bad.

Trump was better than Biden though. Biden is a disaster.

What I think is, there's a man behind the curtain. A hidden unseen force, unknown to most of us, yanking strings and pulling levers.

I call it the Deep State, I've seen others around here refer to it as the Uniparty and etc.

You ask what's next?

Expose it.

Get it into the public domain.

Put it squarely down in the middle of the intersection at Front and Main.

I believe the libertarians claim that "globalists" are behind it all.
ARE YOU REALLY comparing a vibrant, career lifetime businessman with enough flamboyant successes in his life to make him somewhat cocky and boastful, and backed it up in office, to a dazed, fossil lifetime DC pressed suit who literally needs pre-written cards handed to him to tell him where he is, what date it is, and what to talk about and who to call on for questions (and what answers to give them) as he stumbles about the stage?
Total scumbag conman, rube...Biden has some stutter remaining, yes. Eat shite.
There has never been any president in office in which a large portion of the nation didn't like the one occupying the position. You can boil the public down to the following:
1. The gimmie...gimmie...gimmie...loony lefties (the "my mommy spit me out from between her legs, so my government must give me everything crowd).
2. The minimal taxation, make it or fail on your own conservatives.
3. The Marxist/Leninist Communists (the "everybody march in lockstep with the government's ideas, or else you'll be shipped off to a gulag or put in front of a firing squad and we're all poor, except for the higher ups in the politburo crowd).
4. The Libertarians (If a program is costing the government and it's not making money, get rid of it type)
5. The George Soros, no borders, no nation states, free movement of people's and soft on crime, quasi-Marxist philosophy.
6. Middle of the road Democrats and Republicans that see eye-to-eye on many things, but not all.
7. Racists (black, white, Asian, Hispanic). I've traveled this planet and I can assure you, they come in varying colors.
You'll never find any candidate that will appeal to all those groups, or even come close (hopefully no one in group #7 will ever be happy with a president....and before you say it, the Nazi/Skinhead/KKK types have, throughout the decades supported various candidates...on both sides.
I believe the libertarians claim that "globalists" are behind it all.
Not all. (I mean, the globalists are part of it, but they're not all of it). We have a system of "checks and balances", right? Only, the checks and balances in actual play, are not the ones most of us would ordinarily consider. For example, the boundaries between the three branches of our government are long gone, they've been gone for 150 years.

This is kind of a long discussion, do you want to have it? You probably already know most of it ...

I'd say, the globalist business entities like WEF are not the same as the Deep State, those are two distinctly different animals and they have a kind of "check and balance" relationship

At times.

At other times, they get in bed with each other. From my POV those are the most dangerous times.
I'll say this additional thing:

The consent of the governed, implies the knowledge and awareness of the governed.

You can't consent to something you're not aware of.
From Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury proceedings, Day 5, Patrick Wood, who has written books and numerous articles on the theme of technocracy gives his testimony. He talks about how the technocracy movement in the early 20th century was rejected but since then the technocrats have been re-inventing it and are trying to carry it to its conclusion, complete control over every aspect of our lives. His presentation is 33 minutes long with questions and answers following. Watch the first video in this series of Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury, Day 1 Opening Statement that explains what the Grand Jury proceedings are about. See my PDF with links to the Grand Jury website where there are links to the videos of each full day of the proceedings

". . . . There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this
agenda, but the most important one is that of the World Economic Forum, which was
invented in 1971 by a then 33 year old Klaus Schwab. Its members are a 1000 global
corporations with at least $5 billion in annual sales, politicians, media representatives,
scientists, and other so-called high profile personality. They meet once a year in Davos,
but there are other such meetings, for example, in China.

And since 1992, they have created and presented to us their own group of political
leaders for the world. Among the first graduates, as I mentioned before, are Angela
Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Kurz, up until recently chancellor of
Austria, Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New
Zealand, Francois Macron, president of France, and many, many more.

This group, which is now called the Davos clique is openly, the publication, The Great
Reset by Klaus Schwab, is one of the most important sources for this information,
promoting the shifting of the world’s assets to this group of super rich people, so that in
2030 ordinary people will own nothing and be happy, as it explicitly states there, under
their one world government with a digital currency given to us by their one world bank.

And they’re also openly promoting in close cooperation with people like the putative
defendant, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and others, the drastic reduction of the world’s
population and the manipulation of the remaining population’s DNA, all the way into

Their most important goal is however, the controlled, by them of course, implosion of the
completely looted financial system and simultaneous introduction of a digital currency
issued by one world bank controlled by them. And just as important, the introduction of a
world government under the UN, which has come under their full control in 2019.

For this purpose, they have made concrete plans for this Corona plandemic, since at least
the spring of 2001, Operation Dark Winter, followed by another such rehearsal, the
Lockstep Exercise by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. Finally, Event 201 in October
2019 in New York at a concert [crosstalk 00:08:38].

These experts will tell us how right from the start, members of the jury, we will call a
number of different, highly renowned, expert witnesses from all walks of science, but also
witnesses who will testify to the damage that they suffered as a result of getting the
experimental injections in this trial. . . . "
Biden might be bad for batshit crazy trumpsters, but for patriotic Americans, he's doing a damn fine job. I agree that trump was pretty bad.
I’ll think just how good Sleepy Joe is when I next fill up my gas tank and when I go to the grocery store. I thought of him today when I looked at the stock market and how my 401k is doing. At the rate things are going it will be a 201k soon.

I though Jimmy Carter was a bad President but it looks like Jimmy is going to look like a fairly competent President when compared to Sleepy Joe.
Almost 8% inflation, shortages and supply-line issues, the Saudis won't answer Biden's phone calls, the Iranians just fired 12 missiles right next to a US consulate in Iraq, and we're on the brink of a global thermonuclear war.

And you say Biden is doing a damned fine job. :laughing0301:

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Don’t forget about Rocket Man in North Korea. He’s back to testing his rockets and he may soon run another nuclear test.
Trump destroyed liberals' feelings.

Biden is destroying our nation, now working on the world.

Compare and contrast.

(though I realize liberals believe their feelings ARE the world....)
Trump destroyed liberals' feelings.

Biden is destroying our nation, now working on the world.

Compare and contrast.

(though I realize liberals believe their feelings ARE the world....)
The propensity of liberals to focus on personalities rather than accomplishments is definitely problematic.

For example, many liberals are under the delusion they can legislate away racism. Or gun violence. (Gun grabbers are basically like prohibitionists, they're going after the wrong problem).

I would like BOTH the left and right to keep their idiotic morality OUT of my politics. I don't need anyone telling me what I can and can't do with my body, not drugs, not abortion, not prostitution, and not even pulling the trigger of a gun.

Why do these assholes want control over my body and my actions? They can't have it! My political agreement with my country is that I give up certain freedoms in exchange for a guarantee of certain political rights. (That's what it says in the Constitution - I "consent" to be governed).

Right now, my government is BREAKING their part of the agreement. Across the board. The low hanging fruit being "equal application of the law", which is a miserable failure at this point in time.

All freedom will be lost when the war is won​

War in Ukraine (or anywhere else) will usher in the digital Dark Ages​

‘Before the war nobody asked you for a passport’​

". . . The irreplaceable Stefan Zweig—who eventually killed himself because of how upset he was about passports and so many other terrible developments during his lifetime—provided the best firsthand account of the introduction of this travel document and what it represented to those who once knew a better world:

Nothing makes us more sensible of the immense relapse into which the world fell after the First World War than the restrictions on man’s freedom of movement and the diminution of his civil rights.
Before 1914 the earth had belonged to all.
People went where they wished and stayed as long as they pleased.
There were no permits, no visas, and it always gives me pleasure to astonish the young by telling them that before 1914 I traveled from Europe to India and to America without passport and without ever having seen one. One embarked and alighted without questioning or being questioned, one did not have to fill out a single one of the many papers which are required today. […]
The world was on the defensive against strangers, everywhere they got short shrift. The humiliations which once had been devised with criminals alone in mind now were imposed upon the traveler, before and during every journey. […]
If I reckon up the many forms I have filled out during these years, declarations on every trip, tax declarations, foreign exchange certificates, border passes, entrance permits, departure permits, registrations on coming and on going; the many hours I have spent in ante-rooms of consulates and officials, the many inspectors, friendly and unfriendly, bored and overworked, before whom I have sat, the many examinations and interrogations at frontiers I have been through, then I feel keenly how much human dignity has been lost in this century which, in our youth, we had credulously dreamed of as one of freedom, as of the federation of the world.
The loss in creative work, in thought, as a result of those spirit-crushing procedures is incalculable.
Have not many of us spent more time studying official rules and regulations than works of the intellect!
The first excursion in a foreign country was no longer to a museum or to a world renowned view, but to a consulate, to a police office, to get a “permit.”
Indeed, it’s fun to think (and quietly cry) about how the First World War—which allegedly destroyed various autocratic regimes and replaced them with freedom-loving liberal democracies—actually heralded the end of one of the most basic and fundamental human rights: the right to go somewhere without needing special permission or getting your nether-regions massaged by a diabetic TSA agent.. . . "


All freedom will be lost when the war is won​

War in Ukraine (or anywhere else) will usher in the digital Dark Ages​

‘Before the war nobody asked you for a passport’​

". . . The irreplaceable Stefan Zweig—who eventually killed himself because of how upset he was about passports and so many other terrible developments during his lifetime—provided the best firsthand account of the introduction of this travel document and what it represented to those who once knew a better world:

Indeed, it’s fun to think (and quietly cry) about how the First World War—which allegedly destroyed various autocratic regimes and replaced them with freedom-loving liberal democracies—actually heralded the end of one of the most basic and fundamental human rights: the right to go somewhere without needing special permission or getting your nether-regions massaged by a diabetic TSA agent.. . . "

We can't trust these people with digital currency

Not after what we just saw in Canada.
Yeah, because of all the childish finger pointing.
No, because of where the Democratic party has gone, it's completely left behind anyone that isn't far to the left. Hell even Obama couldn't get elected today on the same agenda he ran on in either 08 or 12.

There used to be room for compromise on many issues but the dem's are no longer compromising at all, they are going to with full gusto as far to the left as they can with each successive election.
No, because of where the Democratic party has gone, it's completely left behind anyone that isn't far to the left. Hell even Obama couldn't get elected today on the same agenda he ran on in either 08 or 12.

There used to be room for compromise on many issues but the dem's are no longer compromising at all, they are going to with full gusto as far to the left as they can with each successive election.

It's a tit for tat thing. The R's get stupid, then the left get's stupid. Back and friggin forth like twin 5yr olds.
Trump was right on about 85% or so policy wise, he just wasn't the right guy for the job. We need another Reagan but where that person will come from I don't as yet know.

Another Reagan? Bro, please do some reasearch.

Reagan increased the debt ceiling 17 times. He was the first president to ever spend over $1 trillion. We got 1 tax cut and 4 tax increases under Reagan. No, we don't need another Reagan.
Wasn't bad for who? You? He sucked to me. In many of the same ways that Biden sucks.
Trump spent too much. Funded planned parenthood and gender studies in Pakistan. He assaulted the 2A with his bump stock ban. He gave Ukraine, Israel and other countries too much money.

Screw him and Biden.
Do you not realize that every budget is a compromise? Unfortunately in the modern era that tends to mean when we get close to election time both parties have a spending party throwing in everything but the kitchen sink into an Omnibus Bill so they can all get out of town to campaign.

Trump could have bucked that going line item by line item if he chose to which of course would have ended up with him being demonized to hell and back by both parties for preventing them from being able to go campaign.

The only way we'll ever begin to solve that is by going back to an annual budget as was the norm for the first 240 years or so of the Republic but neither party seems willing to do so.

Trump's biggest failure was in getting suckered by Fauci and crew into taking needless draconian measures that cost us all a lot of liberty and freedom for no real tangible results.

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