Ok so Biden and Trump were both bad

I don't really think Biden is bad. I disagree with him on certain things. But I think that his objective, and indeed what the country needs more than anything from its President, has always been to return stability, deliberation, a moral compass, and general normalcy to the way the office is executed.

He has a LOT of party loyalist guiding him. Biden is a party loyalist himself. This is why I still wish they democrats had gone with Tulsi Gabbard. She was NOT a party loyalist. Nor was she a radical progressive.
But the way the party leadership runs their delegation process and influences our media, "we the people" don't have a say so in it.
Not one democrat I know supported Biden. Even when we were 2/3rds into the primaries. So you see, even democrat voters don't even get a choice.
No, not really. Mostly it's crazy out of control Woke shit in place of common sense, decency, and morality.

R's don't get stupid? Sure they do. We just didn't see any of it because this stupid woke movement was so dominant.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.

For almost 3 decades the duopoly has been working by design to divide the nation to ensure that people would never unite behind a third party candidate.

They have done their work well, no matter how bad they are, each party knows that about 2/3 of the country will always vote for them
For almost 3 decades the duopoly has been working by design to divide the nation to ensure that people would never unite behind a third party candidate.

They have done their work well, no matter how bad they are, each party knows that about 2/3 of the country will always vote for them

The R & D's have been in control for like 170 years.
The R & D's have been in control for like 170 years.

True, but back in 1992 a little guy with big ears scared the crap out of them. From then on there has been a determined effort by them to keep us as divided as possible to ensure it did not happen again
For almost 3 decades the duopoly has been working by design to divide the nation to ensure that people would never unite behind a third party candidate.

They have done their work well, no matter how bad they are, each party knows that about 2/3 of the country will always vote for them
Selling being a Republican is easier to minorities than selling being a Conservative. And the Progressive Socialists have made sure there is a divide huge enough that even being a Republican is filled with disdain by minorities. Capitulation to the Globalist government must include the curbing of Christianity. The reworking of it to Globalist changes has been infecting the religion for many decades. It is bad enough there are those who profit or usurp the meanings of scripture for their own gain. There are also those who have been ignorant in their spouts to look foolish.
Trump was in way over his head. He made irrational decisions without thinking of the long-term consequences. He also snuggled up with the enemy (Xi & Putin).
That's why we fired him.
But Biden is a senile brain dead old coot who can't even finish a sentence.

We're going to fire him too.

Because we can do better. And so can you.
This thread is a psychological defense mechanism by the left.
It's become undeniable that Biden is a trainwreck, but they can only admit it it when simultaneously contending that Trump was equally so.
Any perceptive adult with an unbiased eye can easily discern that Trump was a fantastic POTUS, despite having a personality that triggered losers.
Yeah, neither was Johnny Manziel a bad pro Quarterback. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Fucking stupid libtards.

Donald Trump was an EXCELLENT president

Relative to ANY other President.

His NUMBERS say he was an excellent president.

His RECORD says he was an excellent president. He was the first US president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war. The economy was good. Jobs were good.

But the dimwitted leftards see ONLY his personality. They don't even want to LOOK at his record.

Because they know damn well how GOOD it is.

Whereas this jackass Biden, has barely been there for a year and he's already got us in a war, with double digit inflation and grocery prices going through the roof. Domino's Pizza just raised their prices 20%, for crying out loud. That's big time double digits, people.

These dimwitted lefties better wake up. Quickly. Biden can't be allowed to destroy the country at this rate.

Ok, so prove me wrong. I have a long history on this forum of opposing the right and the left. Biden and Trump. So here's your chance to prove you're not lying and that I'm really a Trump supporting republican.

Go ahead, give it your best shot, Mr. Party loyalist.
Ok, so prove me wrong. I have a long history on this forum of opposing the right and the left. Biden and Trump. So here's your chance to prove you're not lying and that I'm really a Trump supporting republican.

Go ahead, give it your best shot, Mr. Party loyalist.
You have to take a stand on something, core values. Simply pointing out what is wrong with each party makes you a...wimp.
Fucking stupid libtards.

Donald Trump was an EXCELLENT president

Relative to ANY other President.

His NUMBERS say he was an excellent president.

His RECORD says he was an excellent president. He was the first US president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war. The economy was good. Jobs were good.

But the dimwitted leftards see ONLY his personality. They don't even want to LOOK at his record.

Because they know damn well how GOOD it is.

Whereas this jackass Biden, has barely been there for a year and he's already got us in a war, with double digit inflation and grocery prices going through the roof. Domino's Pizza just raised their prices 20%, for crying out loud. That's big time double digits, people.

These dimwitted lefties better wake up. Quickly. Biden can't be allowed to destroy the country at this rate.

Trump was not EXCELLENT by any measure at all. Even taking 2020 out of the equation, his economic numbers were on par with Obama, who was terrible.

But, yeah I agree Biden sucks even worse than Trump right now.

There is a reason I did not vote for either one of them.

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