Ok so Biden and Trump were both bad

Where do we go from here?
The best solution I've heard of is ranked choice voting. But that may be too little too late.

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.

Exactly. And, outside the screeching of the hardcore partisans, we do agree on most things. We're on the same side. But the two-party stupidity has people so divided and scared that they're convinced that Biden, or Trump, is actually worse for our country than Putin or Xi. Our country can't stand like that. If we don't get a handle on the idiotic infighting, China and Russia will push us right off the world stage. If not end us outright.
I agree, Biden and Trump were both bad.

Trump was better than Biden though. Biden is a disaster.

What I think is, there's a man behind the curtain. A hidden unseen force, unknown to most of us, yanking strings and pulling levers.

I call it the Deep State, I've seen others around here refer to it as the Uniparty and etc.

You ask what's next?

Expose it.

Get it into the public domain.

Put it squarely down in the middle of the intersection at Front and Main.

I tend to agree with that theory. These people you speak of, will never have their names or faces in the media. "We the People" will never know their names. I suspect there's many in congress that doesn't know their names. In fact, they may not even live in the USA.

Exposing them would be not only dangerous, but retarded. If you could get away with exposing them, within the week, the media would make you out to be a kook. The FBI would plant child porn on your computer and bust you for it. By the end of the week, you'd be a total disgrace, in the eyes of the world.
The best solution I've heard of is ranked choice voting. But that may be too little too late.

Exactly. And, outside the screeching of the hardcore partisans, we do agree on most things. We're on the same side. But the two-party stupidity has people so divided and scared that they're convinced that Biden, or Trump, is actually worse for our country than Putin or Xi. Our country can't stand like that. If we don't get a handle on the idiotic infighting, China and Russia will push us right off the world stage. If not end us outright.

100% agree.

Honestly, since "we the people" don't really have much say in anything, there's probably nothing we can do about it, except enjoy the ride.

When the subject of the American empire ending comes up, we just sort of shrug it off. Like it could never happen to us. The way the financial markets run, and the way our USD is over inflated, It wouldn't surprise me if the yuan or the Euro is the next big thing.

And here we the people are, arguing about things that don't even really matter to us. All because it's put in the news and made enough people think it was important.
I tend to agree with that theory. These people you speak of, will never have their names or faces in the media. "We the People" will never know their names. I suspect there's many in congress that doesn't know their names. In fact, they may not even live in the USA.

Exposing them would be not only dangerous, but retarded. If you could get away with exposing them, within the week, the media would make you out to be a kook. The FBI would plant child porn on your computer and bust you for it. By the end of the week, you'd be a total disgrace, in the eyes of the world.
I used to think that way. I kind of assumed there was a cabal of power-brokers, working behind the scenes, to make sure the country went in a direction they wanted - to prevent any real change. But Trump's election convinced me otherwise. If there IS a "deep state", they're a bunch blundering idiots.
100% agree.

Honestly, since "we the people" don't really have much say in anything, there's probably nothing we can do about it, except enjoy the ride.

When the subject of the American empire ending comes up, we just sort of shrug it off. Like it could never happen to us.
I think that, historically, it's already happened (or at least "happening"). 9/11 will go down as the catalyst.
Last time I checked, Conseratives supported less spending and smaller government. We are against things like FISA, FISA 702 and the patriot act. We also support the 2A.

Trump was/is no conservative. Not by a long shot.
Last time I checked we haven’t had a MAGA Conservative in Congress for over 30 years.
Last time I checked we haven’t had a MAGA Conservative in Congress for over 30 years.

I don't remember one 30 years ago. Seems the GOP has outlawed conservatism. We've had a few in congress. Maybe a senator or two. But once the GOP realized they were more conservative, than a party loyalist, they didn't last long.
Justin Amash, Ron Paul. etc etc

The same could be said for democrats like Tulsi Gabbard. She didn't walk the DNC line, and now she's gone.
I used to think that way. I kind of assumed there was a cabal of power-brokers, working behind the scenes, to make sure the country went in a direction they wanted - to prevent any real change. But Trump's election convinced me otherwise. If there IS a "deep state", they're a bunch blundering idiots.

That's what I thought at first about Trump. But maybe Trump was allowed to win by the very people we're talking about. After all, he didn't really change anything important.

I was a huge Ron Paul supporter. But it was always in the back of my mind that maybe Ron Paul ran his campaign to ensure libertarian leaning republicans would continue to vote for republicans.

I don't trust anything that comes from either party. They've been caught rigging their nominations a few times. And personally, I don't think we've had a fair election since George Washington.
I don't remember one 30 years ago. Seems the GOP has outlawed conservatism. We've had a few in congress. Maybe a senator or two. But once the GOP realized they were more conservative, than a party loyalist, they didn't last long.
Justin Amash, Ron Paul. etc etc

The same could be said for democrats like Tulsi Gabbard. She didn't walk the DNC line, and now she's gone.
Tulsi Gabbard

I listen to her...she's no Conservative.
You inferred such.
Politicians can pilfer anything they want; why would they cut "spending"?
The FBI collects bribes left and right.

Not I didn't. I didn't even come close to saying she was conservative. She's more conservative than people like Biden. But being more, doesn't equate to being.
Not I didn't. I didn't even come close to saying she was conservative. She's more conservative than people like Biden. But being more, doesn't equate to being.
It was simply the structure of the paragraphs.
No one in politics cares about anything but fame and fortune.
Well look.....more baloney from the Dimmer Dimwit sausage factory.
Process expert.....hahahahahahahahaha. Propaganda Polly Parrot wanna cracker awwk awwk!
That's a new concept for you?

You must be a Democrat. :p

Democrats know nothing about process. Don't know, and don't care.

They want the Prez to rule by Executive Order, which is decree.

Thereby violating the Constitutional process, and thereby destroying the Separation of Powers, and ultimately the entirety of our checks and balances.

These dimwitted dimtards are EXACTLY like the Neo-Cons, they don't give a damn about anything except what they want.
I used to think that way. I kind of assumed there was a cabal of power-brokers, working behind the scenes, to make sure the country went in a direction they wanted - to prevent any real change. But Trump's election convinced me otherwise. If there IS a "deep state", they're a bunch blundering idiots.
You figured that out? :p

They were a bunch of blundering idiots LONG before Trump got there.

That's the whole thing with these Deep Staters, they're STUPID. They're not any smarter than you or me. They went off to Oxford for their Rhodes scholarship and smoked a lot of academic theory, and lost touch with reality. Like that guy Mundell, who invented the Euro - know where he is now? He's working for the Chinese!

These Rhodes scholar types are the same ones who imported millions of Muslims into Europe, I mean, how smart can you be?
You like a real die hard party loyalist, aren't you?
Not really. I will vote for a republican as soon as one that isn't batshit crazy runs in my district. That is much less likely now that trump has control of the party.

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