Ok so Biden and Trump were both bad

Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
The problem is that both parties have put so much effort and resources into preserving the old guard that neither one has many younger, quality candidates ready to step up. When you hear people seriously talking about electing a celebrity famous for talking about herself and losing and gaining weight or a former First Lady with no credentials beyond "she was married to a president", the bench is non-existent. When the skin color or genitalia of a candidate matters more than their ability to soberly and seriously deal with world-impacting situations from a position of strength instead of weakness, we have a big problem.
You have to take a stand on something, core values. Simply pointing out what is wrong with each party makes you a...wimp.

A few things.........
1. I noticed you couldn't prove your initial point, that I was aligned, he held allegiance to a political party. So you lose.
2. I have taken a stand against Trump & Biden on many issues. I'm a conservative (not a republican). So when they spend too much, especially on things that have nothing to do with US (Gender studies in Pakistan), I take a stand and call them out on it. Biden sticking his nose in between Ukraine, who is not a member of NATO, and Russia, I take a stand called him out on it. Do you need more examples?
3. Pointing out what's wrong with our government use to be, and still is the patriotic thing to do. While being a party loyalist, like yourself, is extremely anti American and cowardly. When you choose your party over the country, you're actually choosing your party over the country.<<< Sounds kind of wimpy, if you ask me. What about your party is worth supporting over your country?
You're party, like the other party doesn't represent the country. It represents ONLY the party.

And just look what it's done to you? It's made you into a party loyalist, comrade.
(Gender studies in Pakistan)
There are no "gender studies" in Pakistan there are gender equality programs that help women get education, professional training and roof over their head without male dependancy. The cost of these programs around the world is something like 0.00001% of the Federal budget.

You don't even know what you are talking about.
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No. It makes you a process expert, instead of a worthless dimwitted partisan.
Well look.....more baloney from the Dimmer Dimwit sausage factory.
Process expert.....hahahahahahahahaha. Propaganda Polly Parrot wanna cracker awwk awwk!
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
What was so bad about Trump?
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
If Biden loses to a "normal" republican, he won't incite a riot to overturn the election.

Aside from the chance that Putin's mother of all fuckups will cause a nuclear exchange, my biggest concern is what the gop will do to the debt if they get yet another chance after W and Trump. And considering I've voted for HW, McCain, W, and Mitt ... I find the gop's current state to be disheartening.
While we tear each other apart over party loyalty the real demons are taking everything for them self's.
The top one % donates ( buys) 50% OF ALL political donations. If you don't think that they get special privilege's for there dollars take a better look. OIL company's get 20 billion in tax subsides. Big oil made 75 billion dollars in profit last year. Oil prices have dropped but GAS prices are up. We are fighting each other instead of the real problem.
Trump was not EXCELLENT by any measure at all. Even taking 2020 out of the equation, his economic numbers were on par with Obama, who was terrible.

But, yeah I agree Biden sucks even worse than Trump right now.

There is a reason I did not vote for either one of them.
We must keep voting for outsiders to wreck the establishment stranglehold.

The more they serve us up establishment crap, the more we must rebel.
Where do we go from here? Keep arguing with people about which one, including the republicans and democrats, with people who aren't going to change their minds?

If yall put half as much effort into trying to agree as you do disagreeing, we might get somewhere. In fact, we might get decent politicians.
trump wasnt bad. you just say he was bad
sorta like 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
If Biden loses to a "normal" republican, he won't incite a riot to overturn the election.

Aside from the chance that Putin's mother of all fuckups will cause a nuclear exchange, my biggest concern is what the gop will do to the debt if they get yet another chance after W and Trump. And considering I've voted for HW, McCain, W, and Mitt ... I find the gop's current state to be disheartening.

LMAO, you're still hung up on Jan 6th? Did you not get the memo. The DNC doesn't want yall bringing that up now.
If Biden loses to a "normal" republican, he won't incite a riot to overturn the election.

Aside from the chance that Putin's mother of all fuckups will cause a nuclear exchange, my biggest concern is what the gop will do to the debt if they get yet another chance after W and Trump. And considering I've voted for HW, McCain, W, and Mitt ... I find the gop's current state to be disheartening.
Thanks for reminding us you’re a slave labor worshipper.

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