OK, so here's the thing.

You confused idiot.

We don't have two parties. There is only one party. The Party of Big Government Corruption. Made up of filthy ass Democrats and weak RINOs.

The vote against McCarthy was the handful of non RINOs getting rid of the Chief RINO and the Democrats were too stupid to know what was going on so they helped them.

The vote against Jordan was all the filthy ass Democrats and 25 RINOs voting against a moderate Republican.

It is a fight for the soul of this country. The Democrat filth and RINOs wanting to hold power for the destructive welfare queen special interest and don't mind destroying the country to do so.
Excellent analysis.
The republicans in the house obviously no longer represent a single party.

Thus, they are no longer the majority.

Democrats are.

Bring on Speaker Jefferies.
Here's the thing: the straight up Dems all voted for Commie anti-semite Jeffries and proved they were more concerned for their party over country & thus disregarding country and Israel support and all those kidnapped from our country as well as others. That isn't representing the citizens or standing up for their citizens, so your pride for their self concern over the whole says a lot about your own character flaws when you protect your party and it's dictators in spite of harm to the country and world as a whole.
Joe Biden represents the Deep State ( Fascists ) along with Hilary and the other neo-cons. Even Stevie Wonder can see that the white house idiot is trying to destroy the country by mass immigration yet its Crickets from the left ( FBI dupes).
The fascists are on the right. This is well known.

You are dismissed.
Here's the thing: the straight up Dems all voted for Commie anti-semite Jeffries and proved they were more concerned for their party over country & thus disregarding country and Israel support and all those kidnapped from our country as well as others. That isn't representing the citizens or standing up for their citizens, so your pride for their self concern over the whole says a lot about your own character flaws when you protect your party and it's dictators in spite of harm to the country and world as a whole.
It is not the job of Democrats to save republicans from themselves. How many republicans voted for Nancy Pelosi?
he right is for the least possible government that can function
That's a straight up lie. The right wants to legislate everything you do from birth to death starting in the bedroom where you were conceived.
It is not the job of Democrats to save republicans from themselves. How many republicans voted for Nancy Pelosi?
To show we are united.
But they admitted Dem party is above importance to U.S., to It's citizens who elect and pay their salaries.
Read and educate yourself!

A fake ^ definition taken from leftist academics who deny the reality — which is that fascism is a creature of the left.

It has always been so.
"Democrat-run government is our number one problem."
Most definitely. Was there ever a time when a democrat-run government was good? Probably. Will there come a time when a democrat-run government will be good? Maybe. No matter - because as it stands the democrat-run government is an f*ing cancer that must be stopped while there still exists preventative measures. But time's a runnin' out. :cry:
To show we are united.
But they admitted Dem party is above importance to U.S., to It's citizens who elect and pay their salaries.
WAAAA! WAAAA! The Democrats won't rescue us from ourselves!!
I guess you haven't seen what the Ukies have been doing in Donbas or what the Isies are doing in Palestine. The tint in your sunglasses is much too thick. 👤
Have you seen what the RWNJ gun-bunnies are doing here?

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