OK, so here's the thing.

And another who, rather than ever admitting any fault with their own party, just deflects to “TRUMP!!”

As to your answer, yes, democrats line up behind their leader…just like repubs line up behind trump, but you apparently only think that’s a problem when repubs do it.
The Democratic Party has long had a “herding cats” problem. That’s no secret.

Pelosi was just very good at it
You think those GOP assholes are doing the people’s work?

You’re delusional
I don’t think any of them are doing the peoples work. I pretty much think all politicians are there for themselves. Money and power.

That wasn’t my point, however.
The Democratic Party has long had a “herding cats” problem. That’s no secret.

Pelosi was just very good at it

Yeah, it’s a problem that we need to break away from. Differences of opinion, ideas and thought should be encouraged. We’re not doing anyone any good when they all just fall in line behind a leader and just go along to get along.
Yeah, it’s a problem that we need to break away from. Differences of opinion, ideas and thought should be encouraged. We’re not doing anyone any good when they all just fall in line behind a leader and just go along to get along.
Oh just stop. You’re trying desperately to find excuses for the dysfunction that is your GOP
Oh just stop. You’re trying desperately to find excuses for the dysfunction that is your GOP

No, I’m not. I readily admit there are problems in the Republican Party. You are the one looking for excuses, because you, along with every other democrat, cannot bring yourselves to admit any kind of fault with your own party.
No, I’m not. I readily admit there are problems in the Republican Party. You are the one looking for excuses, because you, along with every other democrat, cannot bring yourselves to admit any kind of fault with your own party.
That doesn’t even make sense.

Whatever. You’re a hack
That doesn’t even make sense.

Whatever. You’re a hack
It makes perfect sense. You deflect from the admission that perhaps…your democrat party isn’t perfect. Even when I tell you that I am willing, and often do to find fault with my own party, it was an opening for you to agree about the same with your own party, but you completely dodged that and just went right back to pointing your finger at the repubs.

Look, I don’t care who or what you support, but, the only way to ever hold them accountable, the only way to make sure they serve the will of the people, is to first admit that your own party has problems.
It makes perfect sense. You deflect from the admission that perhaps…your democrat party isn’t perfect. Even when I tell you that I am willing, and often do to find fault with my own party, it was an opening for you to agree about the same with your own party, but you completely dodged that and just went right back to pointing your finger at the repubs.

Look, I don’t care who or what you support, but, the only way to ever hold them accountable, the only way to make sure they serve the will of the people, is to first admit that your own party has problems.
Oh horseshit

The thread is about Republicans. You are the one deflecting… obvious
Neither party represents any majority they both represent a select few who write them the biggest checks.
Yep, politicians have gone far astray from their original intent. Their only purpose is money and power. Passing laws…that’s their side job..
The republicans in the house obviously no longer represent a single party.

Thus, they are no longer the majority.

Democrats are.

Bring on Speaker Jefferies.
Joe Biden represents the Deep State ( Fascists ) along with Hilary and the other neo-cons. Even Stevie Wonder can see that the white house idiot is trying to destroy the country by mass immigration yet its Crickets from the left ( FBI dupes).
A war is being waged in the GOP between special interests and a few representatives trying to actually represent the people. Democrats find this confusing because their entire party has sold out to the special interests. They are 100% sell out assholes who F over the poor and working class for special interests money. Plus money from foreign governments and corrupt foreign corporations.
Lets not forget that they blame the Republicans for everything they are doing wrong.

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