OK Ted Cruz......Where do we go from here?

false only if members of the house were elected nationally. but they aren't. know what, even the president isn't elected by popular vote.

Then you're "Majority of Americans" comment has no value...okay, thanks.

it sure does have value because that is what puts representatives in place. maaybe you'd better convince some californians to move to red states if you want to win. until then. you'd be what we call in the minority
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

You mischaracterize what is happening, just like all liberal and the media.
PLAN A: House approves a bill with Obamacare unfunded! Dems say No
PLAN B: House approves a bill with Obamacare individual mandate postpone by a year (just like the employer mandate is). Dems say No
PLAN C: House approves a bill with Obamacare absolutely criminal exemption to Congressman and their staff and the equally stupid medical device tax repealed. Dems say NO.
PLAN D: Have a meeting to negotiation. Arrogant Obama say No negotiation with Republicans (unlike what he does with terrorist I might add), which is the exact opposite of what every other President in history had done during a shut down.
PLAN E: In the meantime let's piece meal parts of the government to fund, such as for cancer patients. Harry Reid and Obama say "why would we do that?"

So let me get this straight. The Dems hadn't passed a budget until this year (when sequester happened), then they have said no to 5 different Republicans plans and at least one is supported overwhelmingly by their base, yet libertard thinking is that the Republicans shut down the government!
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Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.

You achieved a majority through gimmicks...congrats. The purpose to my post was saying you can't declare a "mandate of the people" by pointing to the house majority. Half the population DIDN'T vote for Republicans therefore there is no "will of the people" behind the GOP.

You are not the people. Democrats need to get that.
You havent proven anything, in particular that when it comes to the overvote, that democratic urban areas take the cake on it. The spending doesnt have to be federal (you introduced that point), the fact is democrats buy votes with goodies, and do it at ALL levels. This is why so many blue states and blue cities are BONED.

"How" they got the "overvote" is mostly irrelevant. The fact is they got it. Even state by state level...Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia? ALL of them voted more for Democratic Candidates and still well over half (sometimes 75%) of the congressional districts went to the GOP. That is F*cked up.
You havent proven anything, in particular that when it comes to the overvote, that democratic urban areas take the cake on it. The spending doesnt have to be federal (you introduced that point), the fact is democrats buy votes with goodies, and do it at ALL levels. This is why so many blue states and blue cities are BONED.

"How" they got the "overvote" is mostly irrelevant. The fact is they got it. Even state by state level...Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia? ALL of them voted more for Democratic Candidates and still well over half (sometimes 75%) of the congressional districts went to the GOP. That is F*cked up.

That is the way the system works. A representative is a LOCAL representative, and apportioned to make it equal by population, not to make it equal by party.

Just because more democrats live in urban areas and are bribed into voting democratic en masse doesnt make the system "fucked up."
That is the way the system works. A representative is a LOCAL representative, and apportioned to make it equal by population, not to make it equal by party.

Just because more democrats live in urban areas and are bribed into voting democratic en masse doesnt make the system "fucked up."

This would be true if the districts weren't drawn in oblong, warped, computerized configurations. The urban arguement might have "some" truth, but it doesn't explain the whole picture nor does it explain why so few districts in the United States are competitive.

If the only reason democrats fall short despite getting more votes is urban clustering, then the GOP should have no problem supporting giving the redistricting process to an independent body apart from the state legislature.
"So let me get this straight. The Dems hadn't passed a budget until this year, then they have said no to 5 different Republicans plans and at least one is supported overwhelmingly by their base, yet libertard thinking is that the Republicans shut down the government! "

There is only one group of people who are happy that the government has been shut down.

The Tea Party

The Tea Party is NOT made up of democrats

They all have an (R) after their name

Case closed.
That is the way the system works. A representative is a LOCAL representative, and apportioned to make it equal by population, not to make it equal by party.

Just because more democrats live in urban areas and are bribed into voting democratic en masse doesnt make the system "fucked up."

This would be true if the districts weren't drawn in oblong, warped, computerized configurations. The urban arguement might have "some" truth, but it doesn't explain the whole picture nor does it explain why so few districts in the United States are competitive.

If the only reason democrats fall short despite getting more votes is urban clustering, then the GOP should have no problem supporting giving the redistricting process to an independent body apart from the state legislature.

So we would end VRA gerrmandered districts as well?

Oh wait, thats gerrymandering YOU guys like, so its good i guess.
You havent proven anything, in particular that when it comes to the overvote, that democratic urban areas take the cake on it. The spending doesnt have to be federal (you introduced that point), the fact is democrats buy votes with goodies, and do it at ALL levels. This is why so many blue states and blue cities are BONED.

"How" they got the "overvote" is mostly irrelevant. The fact is they got it. Even state by state level...Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia? ALL of them voted more for Democratic Candidates and still well over half (sometimes 75%) of the congressional districts went to the GOP. That is F*cked up.

no it isn't, because the representative represent those districts, not the entire state, not the entire country. there is a reason they are localized. because they support those districts. if i live in NY i don't contact a congressman from CA to help with my issues.
That is the way the system works. A representative is a LOCAL representative, and apportioned to make it equal by population, not to make it equal by party.

Just because more democrats live in urban areas and are bribed into voting democratic en masse doesnt make the system "fucked up."

This would be true if the districts weren't drawn in oblong, warped, computerized configurations. The urban arguement might have "some" truth, but it doesn't explain the whole picture nor does it explain why so few districts in the United States are competitive.

If the only reason democrats fall short despite getting more votes is urban clustering, then the GOP should have no problem supporting giving the redistricting process to an independent body apart from the state legislature.

Elections have consequences is not a myth and it applies to both National and Statewide contests.
If we were to follow this ideology taxes would be abolished.

The Republicans want to defund Obamacare. A program that a MAJORITY of Americans do NOT WANT. A program that is clearly detrimental to this nation, it's people and the economy. A program that has been nothing but political payback for Barry's supporters. Unions wanted it, but get exemptions. Big business wanted it, but gets exemptions.

When it was passed, the Democrats had a super majority in BOTH houses and the republicans had ZERO input. "You have to pass the bill to be able to know what it says." Now they want their say because we know whats in it and we don't like it.

Republicans have passed a number of funding bills with various degrees of effects on Obamacare. The last being a bill which only delays the personal mandate for one year. But Harry and Barry, the butt buddies, have said once again, "No compromise."

Harry goes to the floor of the Senate and bemoans 200 children at the National Institute of Health who won't get their cancer treatment. Yet, when the House Republicans pass a bill to fund what is needed Harry says he won't budge, even for these children that he trotted out himself! Everything or nothing. This is the state that we are in simply because the Democrats will NOT do what they need to do. Just like Sandy Hook, trot out the children who are suffering, stand on their bodies while you bemoan their situation. It's not about the kids, it's all about the 'perception.'

My message to my congressman? As long as it takes...
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

You mischaracterize what is happening, just like all liberal and the media.
PLAN A: House approves a bill with Obamacare unfunded! Dems say No
PLAN B: House approves a bill with Obamacare individual mandate postpone by a year (just like the employer mandate is). Dems say No
PLAN C: House approves a bill with Obamacare absolutely criminal exemption to Congressman and their staff and the equally stupid medical device tax repealed. Dems say NO.
PLAN D: Have a meeting to negotiation. Arrogant Obama say negotiation with Republicans (unlike terrorist I might add).
PLAN E: In the meantime let's piece meal parts of the government to fund, such as for cancer patients. Harry Reid and Obama say "why would we do that?"

So let me get this straight. The Dems hadn't passed a budget until this year, then they have said no to 5 different Republicans plans and at least one is supported overwhelmingly by their base, yet libertard thinking is that the Republicans shut down the government!

makes sense, lets blame the republicans. I'm telling you, the dems are the ones who want this shutdown. they gut their butts kicked with their 2nd amendment violating attempts. now they need to try to deflect the heat back on the republicans. they knew the bleeding would be severe in 2014
The Republicans represent well over half the country in the House, and I shouldn't have to remind you they were ALL freshly elected.

Any budget must be approved by the HOUSE, its in the US CONSITUTION.

WE WON the House last election. GET OVER IT.

Yes...you did. So you OWN this. :D

Thank you for pointing that out clearly.

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