OK Ted Cruz......Where do we go from here?

Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?

they have a masterplan, and this masterplan is BLAMING IT ON OBAMA, who is not going to run for reelection in 2014, or 2016.
Is George Bush running for president again? Lack of a campaign never stopped democrats from blaming him for everything including their foot cheese.

The object is to do everything possible to stop democrats to the point where there is no way democrats can shift their disaster to republicans.

dear rabid retard,

george bush committed the US in two war theatres. necessity of afghanistan, ok. iraq, no way. leaving the afghan theatre for iraq, irresponsible. consequences many. obama inherits these wars, and other nice things. bush is to blame for a lot of things, e.g. budget blown, etc.
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

Do you freaking depend on low information Huffington or PBS for your information? The 10,000 word law don't in no way work and Hussein knows it. Republicans offered to fund the government until the mess is straightened out but Hussein and stupid lock step democrats seem to think there might be some political advantage in shutting down government as long as the mainstream media stays on board.


Not as good as WND mind you.

Now, where's the birf certificate?
Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?

they have a masterplan, and this masterplan is BLAMING IT ON OBAMA, who is not going to run for reelection in 2014, or 2016.
Is George Bush running for president again?.

The Republicans haven't won a Presidential election without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket since 1928.

So maybe he should.
Dumbass! Your name must be "ghetto Bob!" You won those with the extra votes Santa Claus.:cuckoo:

Okay...you can say whatever you want about "how or why" the democrats won the votes...but the fact of the matter is...the bottom line is...the undeniable truth is....The Democrats won 1.7 Million more House Votes then the Republicans.

D:60,252,696 to R:58,541,130

You cannot claim you "won" the house vote. You got more districts through Gerrymandering.

Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.

Your party won the house for sure because of districting rules but the republican congress didn't have a majority of votes, the democrats did so if you say the "people" spoke for your side, you're wrong. It's just like a presidential election where a person can get a majority of the people but not have enough electoral votes. The democrats had the majority vote for President, congress, and the senate. Maybe you should scale back on posting for a while and take a couple night school classes on how government works.
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?

why not, you are listening to a president with no experience
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

Do you freaking depend on low information Huffington or PBS for your information? The 10,000 word law don't in no way work and Hussein knows it. Republicans offered to fund the government until the mess is straightened out but Hussein and stupid lock step democrats seem to think there might be some political advantage in shutting down government as long as the mainstream media stays on board.

Thank you for a totally incoherent post

Thank you for a totally incoherent law.
"So let me get this straight. The Dems hadn't passed a budget until this year, then they have said no to 5 different Republicans plans and at least one is supported overwhelmingly by their base, yet libertard thinking is that the Republicans shut down the government! "

There is only one group of people who are happy that the government has been shut down.

The Tea Party

The Tea Party is NOT made up of democrats

They all have an (R) after their name

Case closed.

Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

You mischaracterize what is happening, just like all liberal and the media.
PLAN A: House approves a bill with Obamacare unfunded! Dems say No
PLAN B: House approves a bill with Obamacare individual mandate postpone by a year (just like the employer mandate is). Dems say No
PLAN C: House approves a bill with Obamacare absolutely criminal exemption to Congressman and their staff and the equally stupid medical device tax repealed. Dems say NO.
PLAN D: Have a meeting to negotiation. Arrogant Obama say No negotiation with Republicans (unlike what he does with terrorist I might add), which is the exact opposite of what every other President in history had done during a shut down.
PLAN E: In the meantime let's piece meal parts of the government to fund, such as for cancer patients. Harry Reid and Obama say "why would we do that?"

So let me get this straight. The Dems hadn't passed a budget until this year (when sequester happened), then they have said no to 5 different Republicans plans and at least one is supported overwhelmingly by their base, yet libertard thinking is that the Republicans shut down the government!

Libtards like to ignore facts so I will refer you to my post!
Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.

You achieved a majority through gimmicks...congrats. The purpose to my post was saying you can't declare a "mandate of the people" by pointing to the house majority. Half the population DIDN'T vote for Republicans therefore there is no "will of the people" behind the GOP.


2010 was the result of red state gerrymandering, not the ‘will of the people.’

As a consequence of that gerrymandering, the House has become the least representative of the will of the people.

So there is no such thing as blue state gerrymandering?

Okay...you can say whatever you want about "how or why" the democrats won the votes...but the fact of the matter is...the bottom line is...the undeniable truth is....The Democrats won 1.7 Million more House Votes then the Republicans.

D:60,252,696 to R:58,541,130

You cannot claim you "won" the house vote. You got more districts through Gerrymandering.

Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.

Your party won the house for sure because of districting rules but the republican congress didn't have a majority of votes, the democrats did so if you say the "people" spoke for your side, you're wrong. It's just like a presidential election where a person can get a majority of the people but not have enough electoral votes. The democrats had the majority vote for President, congress, and the senate. Maybe you should scale back on posting for a while and take a couple night school classes on how government works.

You are the one grasping for straws to somehow say the House does not represent the people who sent them there. The house is apportioned by DISTRICT, thus it shows the majority of DISTRICTS support the GOP as they have the majority.

Your numbers only matter if the house was elected via proportional representative voting.

Since it is not, you can kindly go pound sand.
You are the one grasping for straws to somehow say the House does not represent the people who sent them there. The house is apportioned by DISTRICT, thus it shows the majority of DISTRICTS support the GOP as they have the majority.

Your numbers only matter if the house was elected via proportional representative voting.

Since it is not, you can kindly go pound sand.

The majority was attained only through gimmicky district lines. I could redraw the US House of Reps Congressional Districts state by state and draw out a Democratic Majority (easily...) using the exact same voting numbers. You could easily draw districts to give the Dems 240 seats!!

That's how artificial the GOP Majority in the House is.
You are the one grasping for straws to somehow say the House does not represent the people who sent them there. The house is apportioned by DISTRICT, thus it shows the majority of DISTRICTS support the GOP as they have the majority.

Your numbers only matter if the house was elected via proportional representative voting.

Since it is not, you can kindly go pound sand.

The majority was attained only through gimmicky district lines. I could redraw the US House of Reps Congressional Districts state by state and draw out a Democratic Majority (easily...) using the exact same voting numbers. You could easily draw districts to give the Dems 240 seats!!

That's how artificial the GOP Majority in the House is.

So the democrats have no gimmicky district lines in states they controlled at the time of the census redistricting?

One can aslo draw the lines to give the GOP far more seats, but of course the actual excercise is moot to you, you just want to whine about those naughty GOP'ers doing the same things democrats do at the same time.
You are the one grasping for straws to somehow say the House does not represent the people who sent them there. The house is apportioned by DISTRICT, thus it shows the majority of DISTRICTS support the GOP as they have the majority.

Your numbers only matter if the house was elected via proportional representative voting.

Since it is not, you can kindly go pound sand.

The majority was attained only through gimmicky district lines. I could redraw the US House of Reps Congressional Districts state by state and draw out a Democratic Majority (easily...) using the exact same voting numbers. You could easily draw districts to give the Dems 240 seats!!

That's how artificial the GOP Majority in the House is.

So the democrats have no gimmicky district lines in states they controlled at the time of the census redistricting?

One can aslo draw the lines to give the GOP far more seats, but of course the actual excercise is moot to you, you just want to whine about those naughty GOP'ers doing the same things democrats do at the same time.

This isn't about "what who did" the fact is...it's done. District lines are drawn in favor of a certain party, the more lines you have drawn to your favor the more seats you have...the vote numbers really don't even matter! That's why there is no "will of the people" behind the GOP.
The majority was attained only through gimmicky district lines. I could redraw the US House of Reps Congressional Districts state by state and draw out a Democratic Majority (easily...) using the exact same voting numbers. You could easily draw districts to give the Dems 240 seats!!

That's how artificial the GOP Majority in the House is.

So the democrats have no gimmicky district lines in states they controlled at the time of the census redistricting?

One can aslo draw the lines to give the GOP far more seats, but of course the actual excercise is moot to you, you just want to whine about those naughty GOP'ers doing the same things democrats do at the same time.

This isn't about "what who did" the fact is...it's done. District lines are drawn in favor of a certain party, the more lines you have drawn to your favor the more seats you have...the vote numbers really don't even matter! That's why there is no "will of the people" behind the GOP.

There is plenty of will of the people behind the GOP, around half, if you go by voter reckoning.

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