OK Ted Cruz......Where do we go from here?

Nice attempt at equating supporting the shutdown as treason.

You sick fuck you.

Oh Jesus H Christ, You people are so fucking sensitive. Grow a pair and stop crying.

How about a nice cup of shut the fuck up for you as well?

He's implying that supporters of the shutdown are traitors, and he's a fucking liar.

No, he's not. He said they're acting unAmerican. That doesn't automatically = traitors. Shut the fuck up yourself, you whiny little bitch.
Do I consider TeaTards treasonous? No I don't

Do I consider TeaTards to be loyal Americans? No I don't

Being a loyal american does not mean being loyal to a given government, it means being loyal to the consitution and to the people.

What you expect is for people to be sheep to whatever party is in power. No, i correct that, you expect people to be loyal sheep when YOUR party is in power. When the other side is in power, then all of a sudden dissent is the highest public virtue.

Word to the wise...

Anyone who calls themselves a "Patriot" ....probably isn't

well, we've been seeing of you on the left who aren't a "patriot" to this country...More of your concerns are for the government...that is sad

grow up, your Fascist government will work itself out...then you all can quit the whining...You should be proud of your Dear Leader, the first thing he shuts down is our Memorials and Parks...WHAT A PATRIOT he is huh?
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Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

I understand your intent, bit imo it's misplaced. Cruz is where he wants to be. He has no interest in actual governance. Politcally, he is George Wallace in 1968 (race being a non issue to Cruz). It's about "power" and "attention."

Which is likely just as dangerous as the TPM agenda, if not more so.
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?
Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.

You achieved a majority through gimmicks...congrats. The purpose to my post was saying you can't declare a "mandate of the people" by pointing to the house majority. Half the population DIDN'T vote for Republicans therefore there is no "will of the people" behind the GOP.


2010 was the result of red state gerrymandering, not the ‘will of the people.’

As a consequence of that gerrymandering, the House has become the least representative of the will of the people.
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?

that junior senator was editor of the haavaaad law review, and, as we all know, junior senators who were associated with the haavaad law review are to be RESPECTED.
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?

that junior senator was editor of the haavaaad law review, and, as we all know, junior senators who were associated with the haavaad law review are to be RESPECTED.

Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?

that junior senator was editor of the haavaaad law review, and, as we all know, junior senators who were associated with the haavaad law review are to be RESPECTED.

Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?

they have a masterplan, and this masterplan is BLAMING IT ON OBAMA, who is not going to run for reelection in 2014, or 2016.
The question is....

How stupid are Republicans?

What was your end game? Did you really believe the Dems would cave on Obamacare? Why are you listening to a Senator with nine months experience that it is a good idea to shut down the Government?

that junior senator was editor of the haavaaad law review, and, as we all know, junior senators who were associated with the haavaad law review are to be RESPECTED.

Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?

You’re thinking in the context of the normal political universe.

In the bizarre, perverted universe of the TPM, this is a dream come true – the ‘evil’ Federal government is ‘shutdown.’

The TPM are like junkies in a shooting gallery, they’re going to enjoy the high and worry about the consequences later, no matter how many innocent people get hurt.
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

Do you freaking depend on low information Huffington or PBS for your information? The 10,000 word law don't in no way work and Hussein knows it. Republicans offered to fund the government until the mess is straightened out but Hussein and stupid lock step democrats seem to think there might be some political advantage in shutting down government as long as the mainstream media stays on board.
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?

Do you freaking depend on low information Huffington or PBS for your information? The 10,000 word law don't in no way work and Hussein knows it. Republicans offered to fund the government until the mess is straightened out but Hussein and stupid lock step democrats seem to think there might be some political advantage in shutting down government as long as the mainstream media stays on board.

Thank you for a totally incoherent post
that junior senator was editor of the haavaaad law review, and, as we all know, junior senators who were associated with the haavaad law review are to be RESPECTED.

Maybe so.....but four years Senate experience is not nine months

Why are Republicans allowing someone with nine months political experience to dictate something as destructive as a shutdown of government?

Are they that stupid?

they have a masterplan, and this masterplan is BLAMING IT ON OBAMA, who is not going to run for reelection in 2014, or 2016.
Is George Bush running for president again? Lack of a campaign never stopped democrats from blaming him for everything including their foot cheese.

The object is to do everything possible to stop democrats to the point where there is no way democrats can shift their disaster to republicans.

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