OK Ted Cruz......Where do we go from here?

Well, you are walking a fine line there

Never used the term treason but there is little doubt that forcing a shutdown is destructive behavior. And "loyal" Americans put their country above their party

You implied it, and you know you did. And what you are talking about is putting one party above another, not a party above the country.

So far I dont see much destructiveness from the shutdown, I do see some forced media crap from the president vis a vis the WWII memorial, but thats about it.

So far life goes on, rivers still flow, squirrels are still busy storing nuts for the winter, and all is well.

Do I consider TeaTards treasonous? No I don't

Do I consider TeaTards to be loyal Americans? No I don't

Being a loyal american does not mean being loyal to a given government, it means being loyal to the consitution and to the people.

What you expect is for people to be sheep to whatever party is in power. No, i correct that, you expect people to be loyal sheep when YOUR party is in power. When the other side is in power, then all of a sudden dissent is the highest public virtue.
The Republicans represent well over half the country in the House, and I shouldn't have to remind you they were ALL freshly elected.

Any budget must be approved by the HOUSE, its in the US CONSITUTION.

WE WON the House last election. GET OVER IT.
You implied it, and you know you did. And what you are talking about is putting one party above another, not a party above the country.

So far I dont see much destructiveness from the shutdown, I do see some forced media crap from the president vis a vis the WWII memorial, but thats about it.

So far life goes on, rivers still flow, squirrels are still busy storing nuts for the winter, and all is well.

Do I consider TeaTards treasonous? No I don't

Do I consider TeaTards to be loyal Americans? No I don't

Being a loyal american does not mean being loyal to a given government, it means being loyal to the consitution and to the people.

What you expect is for people to be sheep to whatever party is in power. No, i correct that, you expect people to be loyal sheep when YOUR party is in power. When the other side is in power, then all of a sudden dissent is the highest public virtue.

Word to the wise...

Anyone who calls themselves a "Patriot" ....probably isn't
Do I consider TeaTards treasonous? No I don't

Do I consider TeaTards to be loyal Americans? No I don't

Being a loyal american does not mean being loyal to a given government, it means being loyal to the consitution and to the people.

What you expect is for people to be sheep to whatever party is in power. No, i correct that, you expect people to be loyal sheep when YOUR party is in power. When the other side is in power, then all of a sudden dissent is the highest public virtue.

Word to the wise...

Anyone who calls themselves a "Patriot" ....probably isn't

Patriots are respectful to the constitution and the people of this country, first, and then they can be loyal to a given party that controls a certain part of the government.

Notice in a solider's oath they do not profess alligence to the government, but to the consitution, and thier requirment to follow a presidents orders are tempered by the UCMJ.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Government shutdown 2013: Ted Cruz blasted by angry GOP colleagues - POLITICO.com

Ted Cruz faced a barrage of hostile questions Wednesday from angry GOP senators, who lashed the Texas tea party freshman for helping prompt a government shutdown crisis without a strategy to end it.

At a closed-door lunch meeting in the Senate’s Mansfield Room, Republican after Republican pressed Cruz to explain how he would propose to end the bitter budget impasse with Democrats, according to senators who attended the meeting. A defensive Cruz had no clear plan to force an end to the shutdown — or explain how he would defund Obamacare, as he has demanded all along, sources said.

Things got particularly heated when Cruz was asked point-blank if he would renounce attacks waged on GOP senators by the Senate Conservatives Fund, an outside group that has aligned itself closely with the Texas senator.

Cruz’s response: “I will not,” according to an attendee.
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The Republicans represent well over half the country in the House, and I shouldn't have to remind you they were ALL freshly elected.

Any budget must be approved by the HOUSE, its in the US CONSITUTION.

WE WON the House last election. GET OVER IT.

No you didn't. You lost by 1.7 million votes.
I understand your intent, bit imo it's misplaced. Cruz is where he wants to be. He has no interest in actual governance. Politcally, he is George Wallace in 1968 (race being a non issue to Cruz). It's about "power" and "attention."
The problem with Cruz is he just does not care about the consequences

It is all about him and the publicity he can draw

Yep. I think Rafael has higher political aspirations or he plans on cashing-in like DeMint which is basically a big middle finger to the taxpayers AND the teabaggers who elected him

Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ using Tapatalk 4

I think Teds higher political aspirations are gone. The guy just does not play well with others

I imagine he will stick around in the Senate for a couple terms because Texas is too dumb to realize what they have inflicted on the country.

I agree his future is in a DeMint type of role where he just spews his hate while he wraps himself in the flag

Come general election time, I think we will see a repeat of the last debacle. One by one, they'll trot out idiots like Cruz and one by one, the rw's will ooo and awww and then move on to the next one to ooo and awww over.

But not one of them will be qualified or electable.

Watch for a sale on popcorn because next time will be just as entertaining as the last one.
The Republicans represent well over half the country in the House, and I shouldn't have to remind you they were ALL freshly elected.

Any budget must be approved by the HOUSE, its in the US CONSITUTION.

WE WON the House last election. GET OVER IT.

No you didn't. You lost by 1.7 million votes.

Dumbass! Your name must be "ghetto Bob!" You won those with the extra votes Santa Claus.:cuckoo:
The Republicans represent well over half the country in the House, and I shouldn't have to remind you they were ALL freshly elected.

Any budget must be approved by the HOUSE, its in the US CONSITUTION.

WE WON the House last election. GET OVER IT.

No you didn't. You lost by 1.7 million votes.

Dumbass! Your name must be "ghetto Bob!" You won those with the extra votes Santa Claus.:cuckoo:

Okay...you can say whatever you want about "how or why" the democrats won the votes...but the fact of the matter is...the bottom line is...the undeniable truth is....The Democrats won 1.7 Million more House Votes then the Republicans.

D:60,252,696 to R:58,541,130

You cannot claim you "won" the house vote. You got more districts through Gerrymandering.
Yep. I think Rafael has higher political aspirations or he plans on cashing-in like DeMint which is basically a big middle finger to the taxpayers AND the teabaggers who elected him

Sent from my Barnes & Noble Nook HD+ using Tapatalk 4

I think Teds higher political aspirations are gone. The guy just does not play well with others

I imagine he will stick around in the Senate for a couple terms because Texas is too dumb to realize what they have inflicted on the country.

I agree his future is in a DeMint type of role where he just spews his hate while he wraps himself in the flag

Come general election time, I think we will see a repeat of the last debacle. One by one, they'll trot out idiots like Cruz and one by one, the rw's will ooo and awww and then move on to the next one to ooo and awww over.

But not one of them will be qualified or electable.

Watch for a sale on popcorn because next time will be just as entertaining as the last one.

Probabaly true. But what if we've defaulted on the debt in the meantime?
No you didn't. You lost by 1.7 million votes.

Dumbass! Your name must be "ghetto Bob!" You won those with the extra votes Santa Claus.:cuckoo:

Okay...you can say whatever you want about "how or why" the democrats won the votes...but the fact of the matter is...the bottom line is...the undeniable truth is....The Democrats won 1.7 Million more House Votes then the Republicans.

D:60,252,696 to R:58,541,130

You cannot claim you "won" the house vote. You got more districts through Gerrymandering.

Considering we vote by district, and not apportioning via popular vote, We won the house, as in we won more districts and hence have more representatives than you do.

You win nothing for any excess votes in a district, as we win nothing for our excess votes in our winning districts.

So the fact you win certain urban districts by 70%-80% means nothing.

We. Won. The. House. Vote.

Neener neener.
Nice attempt at equating supporting the shutdown as treason.

You sick fuck you.

Oh Jesus H Christ, You people are so fucking sensitive. Grow a pair and stop crying.

How about a nice cup of shut the fuck up for you as well?

He's implying that supporters of the shutdown are traitors, and he's a fucking liar.

I said nothing of the kind

Those who are willing to shut down our government for political gain are Un-American and disloyal

Those who support them are fucking Retards
Ted Cruz: OK guys, here's the plan.......We hold the Government hostage unless Obama agrees to defund Obamacare. Obama will fold and we WIN

Obama didn't fold

What do we do now?
keep her shut down. look at all the money we are saving
The problem with Cruz is he just does not care about the consequences

It is all about him and the publicity he can draw

its only in day 3 and already you are pissing and moaning? what kind of lightweight are you?
obama said he would not increase our taxes. the supreme court rulled obamcare was a tax. so he lied. republicans are just trying to hold him to his word. nothing wrong with that
Oh Jesus H Christ, You people are so fucking sensitive. Grow a pair and stop crying.

How about a nice cup of shut the fuck up for you as well?

He's implying that supporters of the shutdown are traitors, and he's a fucking liar.

I said nothing of the kind

Those who are willing to shut down our government for political gain are Un-American and disloyal

Those who support them are fucking Retards

So basically they are traitors in your view, semantics aside.

Those who think a shutdown is a good idea are not un-american, or disloyal. Those are big accusations to throw around against people who merely disagree with you politically.

Of course progressives only have emotion as a basis of argument, so I'm not very suprised by this.

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