OK women.......unhappy because you ended up with Trump?

Well cry me a river

You don't get the respect you deserve? Well too freak'n bad

53% of white women voted for Trump
Only 54% of women voted for Hillary

Voices: What Trump's victory tells us about women

Let's hear it for the lip service women give that our political system does not respect them

Let's see if we have this straight.

1. Black people are expected to vote as a bloc, all the same way. If they do not, they are traitors and are to be hated.
2. Hispanics are expected to vote as a bloc, all the same way. If they do not, they are traitors and are to be hated.
3. Women are expected to vote as a bloc, all the same way. If they do not, they are traitors and are to be hated.

The ONLY group that is NOT expected to all vote the same way is white men. In fact, if they DO all vote the same way, they're racists and are to be hated. Few people are so shallow as to be single issue voters, and most realize that no one candidate matches their priorities perfectly.
Well cry me a river

You don't get the respect you deserve? Well too freak'n bad

53% of white women voted for Trump
Only 54% of women voted for Hillary

Voices: What Trump's victory tells us about women

Let's hear it for the lip service women give that our political system does not respect them


WHite women did not agree with your opinion of Trump.

They are presumably happy with Trump, and probably feel they get enough respect as is.
Reminds me of women who stay with a wife beater
Reminds me of women who stay with a wife beater

Not really.

Abused women suffer from low self esteem.

Women who refuse to accept as a given the Conventional Wisdom crafted by the Left, instead show great self esteem in trusting their internal ideas over peer pressure and bullying.
Proud to be among the 53% and a Trump campaign volunteer.
I was under the impression that women are to be respected, but based on what you said, it appears that only women who the left can deceive and use deserve respect.
You are a pathetic loser, period. The American people have seen through all your tricks and the Democrats have lost nearly everything. If you have the slightest sense of responsibility for this country and her people, think about why you lose and stop pointing your finger at others!
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women

and they made good use of that opportunity..

by keeping Bill out of the WH
Well cry me a river

You don't get the respect you deserve? Well too freak'n bad

53% of white women voted for Trump
Only 54% of women voted for Hillary

Voices: What Trump's victory tells us about women

Let's hear it for the lip service women give that our political system does not respect them


Give it a rest... you moonbats voted for Hillary, the adults voted for Trump. It's over. Heed Obama' advice and get to the back of the bus, elections have consequences.
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump
Choosing a POS just for the sake of getting a woman into the WH was not acceptable to over 50% of women. Thank God.

Apparently folks like RW regard women just as they do blacks and Hispanics... mindless robots they do as their master tell them. Sad.
Millions of women that voted for Obama in 8/12 voted for Trump this time around... fact
Women value security above all other issues. Trump was seen as the security candidate.

Women are small business owners. Trump was seen as the business friendly candidate.

Young women saw Hillary as an artifact of the 20th century.

Hillary ran a defensive campaign that was more about Trump than herself. It may have been more effective if skeevy Bill hadn't been standing aside her.
Well cry me a river

You don't get the respect you deserve? Well too freak'n bad

53% of white women voted for Trump
Only 54% of women voted for Hillary

Voices: What Trump's victory tells us about women

Let's hear it for the lip service women give that our political system does not respect them


They aren't, they voted for him too. Women like men that are in charge.
Women like men that provide safety and security
Women like his policies

Time to get past the identity politics and look at policies.
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump

Real women understand their proper place in society. Hillary Clinton, whose entire life has been a slap in the face of real women, we're not ever going to vote for her. It's just that simple.
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump

Conservative women are more informed and voted on policies rather than just for 1st Woman President who know nothing about Hillary's policies.
OK women...we get it

All this empowerment of women, demand for respect, decades of sexual harassment protections.....

But when given an opportunity to strike a blow for women......you chose Trump

Voting for Hillary was not striking a blow for women.

It would have been striking a blow for the Status Quo that has being very hard for a lot of people.

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