Ok. WTF is this thing?

Like that commercial of the kids running INTO the garage that has hanging chainsaws and shit and the crazy dude rolls his eyes. Yeah, like that. NEVER touch the stuff. Jeez.
NASA - NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical

NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth.

Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.

"The definition of life has just expanded," said Ed Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington. "As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it."

This finding of an alternative biochemistry makeup will alter biology textbooks and expand the scope of the search for life beyond Earth. The research is published in this week's edition of Science Express.
Hell,they already touched it.
Personally I'm not sure I would have touched it myself.
I would have used the convenient star bucks cup and my hat or something to scrape em up.
I wouldn't have touched it either. But, after you've collected some in the Starbucks cup, what then? TAKE IT TO CIVILISATION.???? :eek-52:

I was thinking the nearest college with a good science department.
The weird boney looking things along with the video would have gotten those eggheads all riled up.
I would bring Mohammed to the mountain as it were, rather than take samples and endanger the safe space crowd.
OMG - Islamist spore warfare?

That would be a good idea,but I still would have snagged some of the boney looking things as proof and incentive so the eggheads would go out into the cold.
You just can't help yourself, can you? Lol.
Don't you watch scifi movies? NEVER TOUCH THE STUFF :ack-1:

Sorry...I keep going back to the potential monetary value.
Well...since the internet is abuzz with this nasty ass shit...maybe someone will state the answers...besides our very own smarty pants Eagle.
It looks like something the lake coughed up..you know like when a shallow bowl of liquid freezes outside and at the bottom there's a holdout of nasty goo...it's just something that was in the water. It does look like lard lol it could be anything.
All the shitting on this planet, plus not knowing everything in or ON it, there is much still to be discovered. I'd rather a pretty bird or something in the amazon..or whats left of it...instead of goo, though. :lol:
to me it looks like a bunch of water softener pellets dropped on the ice

to create a hoax
I don't know what it is but it's just another example of why we need to expand background checks on gun purchases and fund the new climate change initiative. If we don't, we'll be seeing a lot more of this stuff.
I also think it can be bio-chemicals experiments done by "geniuses scientists ".

And they will not be happy until they destroy and poison everything on earth...people and animals included.

"An ice disc, ice circle, or ice pan is a natural phenomenon that occurs in slow moving water in cold climates.

Ice circles are thin and circular slabs of ice that rotate slowly in the water. It is believed that they form in eddy currents."

Ice circle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then again maybe this guy took a dump in the water.

They're salt lumps.

You know when your local authority uses gritter trucks to put salt on the road when we're expecting ice? Well, they grind down salt lumps and put them in the back of the truck. Notice how the centre of the circle is in a lesser state of repair than further out. Someone, possibly the people who 'discovered' this so-called phenomenom, has carefully placed the salt lumps in a pattern. You'll also notice that the shape of each hole corresponds with the shape in the ice they've sunk into, which means they aren't something that's risen from under the ice, which most of you seem to have assumed.
They're salt lumps.

You know when your local authority uses gritter trucks to put salt on the road when we're expecting ice? Well, they grind down salt lumps and put them in the back of the truck. Notice how the centre of the circle is in a lesser state of repair than further out. Someone, possibly the people who 'discovered' this so-called phenomenom, has carefully placed the salt lumps in a pattern. You'll also notice that the shape of each hole corresponds with the shape in the ice they've sunk into, which means they aren't something that's risen from under the ice, which most of you seem to have assumed.
Bummer. Looked like the start of a good b sci-fi movie. Although they do not look like road salt crystals to big. Probably a hoax but still kinda fun.
The answer was there the whole time lol.

This phenomena is caused by water softener pellet's that someone used on the lake to melt thru the ice, much in the same way road salt would work. Someone put it down to eat thru the ice so they could do some ice fishing which also explains the reason for the circular shape. They either intend on going back (after it's eaten thru the ice) or it didn't melt fast enough so they chalked it up to a no go. These pellet's get gooey/slimy when they get wet & begin to break down..
The answer was there the whole time lol.

This phenomena is caused by water softener pellet's that someone used on the lake to melt thru the ice, much in the same way road salt would work. Someone put it down to eat thru the ice so they could do some ice fishing which also explains the reason for the circular shape. They either intend on going back (after it's eaten thru the ice) or it didn't melt fast enough so they chalked it up to a no go. These pellet's get gooey/slimy when they get wet & begin to break down..
What the hell. You just ruined a perfectly good conspiracy!

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