Okay, John

Jingoistic bullshit from a near-incompetent political hack, as reported by a news outlet that is overtly anti-Trump. Not the best source of useful information.

McCain did not do anything resembling what is stated in the headline. He simply reinforced a different philosophy - one that has led to nothing good - and a lot of evil - in the past 20 years. The American People - the ones who elected DJT - are quite happy to have a POTUS who puts America's interests first for a change, and is not out to re-mold authoritarian shit-holes into little copies of the U.S.
Jingoistic bullshit from a near-incompetent political hack, as reported by a news outlet that is overtly anti-Trump. Not the best source of useful information.

McCain did not do anything resembling what is stated in the headline. He simply reinforced a different philosophy - one that has led to nothing good - and a lot of evil - in the past 20 years. The American People - the ones who elected DJT - are quite happy to have a POTUS who puts America's interests first for a change, and is not out to re-mold authoritarian shit-holes into little copies of the U.S.
FYI: In 2K I voted for McCain in my state primary, but the RNC chose Bush so I voted Dem. In 08 I seriously considered voting for him but he chose Palin, so I again decamped to the opposition. He is too conservative for my preferences and I have often disagreed with his decisions. But I have always highly respected McCain, and Jingo..it really pisses me off to read pompous trash like 'near-incompetent political hack' about a man who has earned lifelong creds BY HIS ACTIONS. If you don't like him, OK. But to trash him is over the line. Grow up!
McCain is way past his sell by date.

Disappear into the sunset Senator.....go away !

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