Okay media if you called for Roseanne's firing then Samantha Bee has to go

How do you personally compare the words, "pussy" and c*** ?

I have always viewed the "c" word, as much worse

That's interesting, since I've always seen them working exactly the opposite way.

Which all underscores how subjective this all is. It takes two to create an "offense". If the recipient doesn't pre-agree to BE offended, then the offender has no weapon.

Obviously the word "pussy" can refer to a cat, so it has either of two meanings depending on context.

But that's equally true for "****". So it's fascinating to watch the intentional-snowflake wags here deliberately try to pretend the other definition is in play, despite the context, thereby awarding themselves a Snowflake pass.
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I'm not offended at all by Samantha Bee's comment. It's hard (or should be anyway) to get offended when someone acts like their normal self.
I'm not offended at all by Samantha Bee's comment. It's hard (or should be anyway) to get offended when someone acts like their normal self.

It's much like the NFL fake-kerfuffle. Lotta wags come out to cry the blues about a posture, or a TV host, that they didn't even know existed until they were told by their puppeteer.
How do you personally compare the words, "pussy" and c*** ?

I have always viewed the "c" word, as much worse

That's interesting, since I've always seen them as exactly opposite.

Which all underscores how subjective this all is. It takes two to create an "offense". If the recipient doesn't pre-agree to BE offended, then the offender has no weapon.

Obviously the word "pussy" can refer to a cat, so it has either of two meanings depending on context.

But that's equally true for "****". So it's fascinating to watch the intentional-snowflake wags here deliberately try to pretend the other definition is in play, despite the context, thereby awarding themselves a Snowflake pass.

So next time someone uses the "n" word, if you question it, or are offended, I'll just call you a snowflake.
So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".
That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.
Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".

That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.

She might've, if Don Jr. was the subject. And it would carry the same meaning.

Supposedly it's insulting to liken a guy to a female, yes. But again, that equation doesn't make sense on its face. I get that all the time on this board where some klown who can't handle my argument starts referring to me in the third person as "she". Since it requires them to hold females in contempt in the first place in order to define it as an "insult", it has no effect on me but speaks volumes about them. I would have to first agree that "females are inferior", and that's a place I've never been.

That's part of what I mean by 'it takes two to be offended'.
How do you personally compare the words, "pussy" and c*** ?

I have always viewed the "c" word, as much worse

That's interesting, since I've always seen them as exactly opposite.

Which all underscores how subjective this all is. It takes two to create an "offense". If the recipient doesn't pre-agree to BE offended, then the offender has no weapon.

Obviously the word "pussy" can refer to a cat, so it has either of two meanings depending on context.

But that's equally true for "****". So it's fascinating to watch the intentional-snowflake wags here deliberately try to pretend the other definition is in play, despite the context, thereby awarding themselves a Snowflake pass.

So next time someone uses the "n" word, if you question it, or are offended, I'll just call you a snowflake.

You do that.

In fact you go ahead and search past posts and do that retroactively. Happy huntin'.
I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".

That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.

She might've, if Don Jr. was the subject. And it would carry the same meaning.

Supposedly it's insulting to liken a guy to a female, yes. But again, that equation doesn't make sense on its face. I get that all the time on this board where some klown who can't handle my argument starts referring to me in the third person as "she". Since it requires them to hold females in contempt in the first place in order to define it as an "insult", it has no effect on me but speaks volumes about them. I would have to first agree that "females are inferior", and that's a place I've never been.

That's part of what I mean by 'it takes two to be offended'.
(heavy deletions) You aren't about to start that TN bullshit that it's only an insult if the target is such a snowflake that it offends them to be called something super nasty?
I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".

That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.

She might've, if Don Jr. was the subject. And it would carry the same meaning.

Supposedly it's insulting to liken a guy to a female, yes. But again, that equation doesn't make sense on its face. I get that all the time on this board where some klown who can't handle my argument starts referring to me in the third person as "she". Since it requires them to hold females in contempt in the first place in order to define it as an "insult", it has no effect on me but speaks volumes about them. I would have to first agree that "females are inferior", and that's a place I've never been.

That's part of what I mean by 'it takes two to be offended'.
(heavy deletions) You aren't about to start that TN bullshit that it's only an insult if the target is such a snowflake that it offends them to be called something super nasty?

If TN said that he's monkeying me. *I* wrote that tune. :mad:

I just described it above as a fatter o' mact.

I prolly don't get offended easily because I analyze everything. If upon analysis it doesn't add up, I just jettison it as inconsequential.
Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Okay Media. If You Called for Roseanne’s Firing, then Samantha Bee Has to Go.

That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!
Cry me a river....you voted I a president who said most Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers except some...called Haiti a shithole...bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. And you crying over this ? You are as stupid as the trumps.
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".

That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.

She might've, if Don Jr. was the subject. And it would carry the same meaning.

Supposedly it's insulting to liken a guy to a female, yes. But again, that equation doesn't make sense on its face. I get that all the time on this board where some klown who can't handle my argument starts referring to me in the third person as "she". Since it requires them to hold females in contempt in the first place in order to define it as an "insult", it has no effect on me but speaks volumes about them. I would have to first agree that "females are inferior", and that's a place I've never been.

That's part of what I mean by 'it takes two to be offended'.
(heavy deletions) You aren't about to start that TN bullshit that it's only an insult if the target is such a snowflake that it offends them to be called something super nasty?

If TN said that he's monkeying me. *I* wrote that tune. :mad:

I just described it above as a fatter o' mact.

I prolly don't get offended easily because I analyze everything. If upon analysis it doesn't add up, I just jettison it as inconsequential.
Few people have your gift for detachment. Words can definitely cut and the fact that YOU can do that shouldn't give others the right to use slurs and bully others. But they use it as a justification, and then get all bent out of shape if you call them something they don't like.
That's why I qualified context If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt".

That's putting too fine a point on it, imo. Bee wouldn't have called Donald Jr. a c*nt. They call males "c*nts" downstairs, and talk about guys' vaginas because it's insulting to liken a guy to a female. It's a real loaded word, imo. How they use it in Britain is another story; I don't live there.

But, peace. Just sharing a female perspective.

She might've, if Don Jr. was the subject. And it would carry the same meaning.

Supposedly it's insulting to liken a guy to a female, yes. But again, that equation doesn't make sense on its face. I get that all the time on this board where some klown who can't handle my argument starts referring to me in the third person as "she". Since it requires them to hold females in contempt in the first place in order to define it as an "insult", it has no effect on me but speaks volumes about them. I would have to first agree that "females are inferior", and that's a place I've never been.

That's part of what I mean by 'it takes two to be offended'.
(heavy deletions) You aren't about to start that TN bullshit that it's only an insult if the target is such a snowflake that it offends them to be called something super nasty?

If TN said that he's monkeying me. *I* wrote that tune. :mad:

I just described it above as a fatter o' mact.

I prolly don't get offended easily because I analyze everything. If upon analysis it doesn't add up, I just jettison it as inconsequential.
Few people have your gift for detachment. Words can definitely cut and the fact that YOU can do that shouldn't give others the right to use slurs and bully others. But they use it as a justification, and then get all bent out of shape if you call them something they don't like.

But that again is operating from emotion rather than rationality.

Anyone in a position to fling a verbal turd should know what the limit of their target is, the line between insult and hurt. Mostly what I see in the OP here is a lot of bullshit posturing about where that line really is -- as a pretext to pretend a vulgar slur and a racial slur are the 'same thing'. It's a dishonest false dilemma, so it needs a dishonest reasoning to prop it up. That's what the whole thread has been about.
I'm not offended at all by Samantha Bee's comment. It's hard (or should be anyway) to get offended when someone acts like their normal self.

It's much like the NFL fake-kerfuffle. Lotta wags come out to cry the blues about a posture, or a TV host, that they didn't even know existed until they were told by their puppeteer.

Oh what bullshit.
Most of us moderstes and conservatives are offended when we see someone purposely being disrespectful to our flag, our anthem, our country. We didn't need anyone to tell us when to be offended.
To me, if a male calls a female a ****, it can be as a demeaning and sexist comment...and said purposely for this reason.... I said can be sexist....not that it definitely is...

if a woman is calling another woman a ****, all she is doing is calling the other woman, a mega Bitch on steroids....in a more vulgar way....
Somehow this cretin along with TBS forgot to run this by George Carlin.

The Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television
George Carlin

"Shit, piss, fuck, ****, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits,"
he specifically used the word to describe the presidents daughter, but just as the "n" word directed at only one person effects an entire group, the "c" word does as well. Both are meant to demean, and both effect people that have historically been marginalized.

Could someone please come out with a “locker room talk dictionary?” I know pussy and bitch are cool, but feckless **** must not have made the cut based on outrage by Trump supporters. Bee was name-calling. Trump was bragging about sexual assault.

But Trump’s remarks, captured while filming an episode of “Access Hollywood” weren’t merely a verbal attack. He was bragging about violating not one, but multiple women, arguing his fame made it permissible. And the words weren’t just “locker-room talk” ― more than 20 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct.

Trump’s comments are backed by the weight of his actions and the damage he’s inflicted upon women he “moved on” without their consent. Women like Mindy McGillivray, Karena Virginia and Ninni Laaksonen, who all claim Trump has groped them.

Or women like Jessica Drake, Temple Taggart McDowell, Jennifer Murphy, Natasha Stoynoff and Cathy Heller, who all claim Trump kissed them without their consent. Or Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s show “The Apprentice” who said Trump not only forcibly kissed her on the mouth, but also thrusted his genitals at her.

Even Ivana Trump, his ex-wife, was allegedly subject to his unwanted advances. She claimed he forced her to have sex with him. (Trump’s lawyer once argued a man can’t legally rape his wife.) Not to mention women who don’t want to be named, or haven’t come forward for fear of retaliation.

Bee’s use of the C word should pale in comparison with the anger over a public figure joking about how he has violated women’s bodies. But the fallout of each of their comments doesn’t reflect that. Bee lost advertisers, issued an apology and was chastised by the network she works for. Trump became president of the United States.

Outrage Over Samantha Bee Should Pale In Comparison To Outrage Over Trump | HuffPost
By the way, I didn't block out the "c" word there. Looks like even this board knows it's not acceptable.
Amazing, yet some of those other words are not.... like the F word... I was taught that the F word was an even worse vulgarity than the C word!
No one should be fired, both women could do a better job of finding informative words that better describe there anger or dislike of the person, based on their actions not on there body parts or looks..
yea, everyone needs to back away from the OFF WITH THEIR HEAD mentality.

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