Okay media if you called for Roseanne's firing then Samantha Bee has to go

No one should be fired, both women could do a better job of finding informative words that better describe there anger or dislike of the person, based on their actions not on there body parts or looks..
yea, everyone needs to back away from the OFF WITH THEIR HEAD mentality.
Normally, I would say ABC was thinking of the bottom line, but since their president is a black woman, there may have been a little more to it than that. Disney CEO Bob Iger: "There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing,"

They knew the hue and cry would be enormous, so they moved fast. I see what you mean, it seems like people are getting fired left and right for "doing the wrong thing," whether it's patting a coworker's ass or saying something racist (unless you're POTUS of course). In the era of social media, though, things go that fast and become that big a deal, regardless of what sense tells us.
Roseanne broke their CONTRACT, otherwise they could not have fired her or cancel the show.... it was in there, for her behavior and what they would not tolerate on and off the stage set...due to her comments and the such, in the past.

Samantha B, may not have had such contract
sjw's dont care about contracts.
No one should be fired, both women could do a better job of finding informative words that better describe there anger or dislike of the person, based on their actions not on there body parts or looks..
yea, everyone needs to back away from the OFF WITH THEIR HEAD mentality.
Normally, I would say ABC was thinking of the bottom line, but since their president is a black woman, there may have been a little more to it than that. Disney CEO Bob Iger: "There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing,"

They knew the hue and cry would be enormous, so they moved fast. I see what you mean, it seems like people are getting fired left and right for "doing the wrong thing," whether it's patting a coworker's ass or saying something racist (unless you're POTUS of course). In the era of social media, though, things go that fast and become that big a deal, regardless of what sense tells us.
Roseanne broke their CONTRACT, otherwise they could not have fired her or cancel the show.... it was in there, for her behavior and what they would not tolerate on and off the stage set...due to her comments and the such, in the past.

Samantha B, may not have had such contract
sjw's dont care about contracts.
sjw's ????
You're right, but it is the most insulting word she could think of because it's used by men to demean women -- we're pretty much just a walking, talking vagina opportunity, right? -- and women appropriated it. Unfortunately. I wish women didn't feel they had to act like a man to climb the pile.

Actually the more women do appropriate it, the more its destructive power is undermined. It's a way of cutting the legs out from under it.

"Gay" used to be such a slur, before the homosexual community adopted it, thereby removing (at least some of) its slur power. Same with the so-called "n-word". Hell I remember when you couldn't say "hell" on TV. Or "damn".
Better yet, everyone but the nastiest wife beaters stop using it. They'll always use it. I hate that word and you're not going to make it acceptable to me, Pogo. Ever.

I'm just saying --- if women (not you individually) were to appropriate it, those wife-beaters would then be disarmed. Powerless.

You'll have to manage that individually however it works for you individually, but that's how it works collectively.
I've got some thinking to do. In this past three days, in all seriousness, posters I thought were pretty good people have argued that a video game replicating a school shooting is fine and there is no violent culture in this country, that saying a woman looks like an ape isn't racist and now that language has no power to degrade or demean unless you're a snowflake, and that we would be well advised to use c*nt since it would take away its power.

I'm experiencing some real cognitive dissonance here.

Do you disagree that this is the way colloquial language evolves and devolves? If you have another theory I'm all ears.
No, there is nothing wrong with your theory but I don't think it's a fit word for everyday use, considering where it comes from and what it represents. I never said someone should get fired over it, but maybe "bleeped" like Stephen Colbert gets bleeped when he says fuck.

I'm wondering about all of it, if it's me that's wrong about what's right.
Actually the more women do appropriate it, the more its destructive power is undermined. It's a way of cutting the legs out from under it.

"Gay" used to be such a slur, before the homosexual community adopted it, thereby removing (at least some of) its slur power. Same with the so-called "n-word". Hell I remember when you couldn't say "hell" on TV. Or "damn".
Better yet, everyone but the nastiest wife beaters stop using it. They'll always use it. I hate that word and you're not going to make it acceptable to me, Pogo. Ever.

I'm just saying --- if women (not you individually) were to appropriate it, those wife-beaters would then be disarmed. Powerless.

You'll have to manage that individually however it works for you individually, but that's how it works collectively.
I've got some thinking to do. In this past three days, in all seriousness, posters I thought were pretty good people have argued that a video game replicating a school shooting is fine and there is no violent culture in this country, that saying a woman looks like an ape isn't racist and now that language has no power to degrade or demean unless you're a snowflake, and that we would be well advised to use c*nt since it would take away its power.

I'm experiencing some real cognitive dissonance here.

Do you disagree that this is the way colloquial language evolves and devolves? If you have another theory I'm all ears.
No, there is nothing wrong with your theory but I don't think it's a fit word for everyday use, considering where it comes from and what it represents. I never said someone should get fired over it, but maybe "bleeped" like Stephen Colbert gets bleeped when he says fuck.

I'm wondering about all of it, if it's me that's wrong about what's right.
not to me. both are out of line, end of story. people are searching for a moral victory that doesnt exist.
What amazes me is the total ignoring of what else samantha said.

'Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***," she said, using a vulgar term for the female anatomy.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it,".

This is blatant innuendo of incest, but nobody is commenting on it. They are focused on the C word.

Totally amazing, this.
Better yet, everyone but the nastiest wife beaters stop using it. They'll always use it. I hate that word and you're not going to make it acceptable to me, Pogo. Ever.

I'm just saying --- if women (not you individually) were to appropriate it, those wife-beaters would then be disarmed. Powerless.

You'll have to manage that individually however it works for you individually, but that's how it works collectively.
I've got some thinking to do. In this past three days, in all seriousness, posters I thought were pretty good people have argued that a video game replicating a school shooting is fine and there is no violent culture in this country, that saying a woman looks like an ape isn't racist and now that language has no power to degrade or demean unless you're a snowflake, and that we would be well advised to use c*nt since it would take away its power.

I'm experiencing some real cognitive dissonance here.

Do you disagree that this is the way colloquial language evolves and devolves? If you have another theory I'm all ears.
No, there is nothing wrong with your theory but I don't think it's a fit word for everyday use, considering where it comes from and what it represents. I never said someone should get fired over it, but maybe "bleeped" like Stephen Colbert gets bleeped when he says fuck.

I'm wondering about all of it, if it's me that's wrong about what's right.
not to me. both are out of line, end of story. people are searching for a moral victory that doesnt exist.
What amazes me is the total ignoring of what else samantha said.

'Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***," she said, using a vulgar term for the female anatomy.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it,".

This is blatant innuendo of incest, but nobody is commenting on it. They are focused on the C word.

Totally amazing, this.
Yeah, I expected more caterwauling about that, too. Maybe people would just as soon not go there.
What amazes me is the total ignoring of what else samantha said.

'Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***," she said, using a vulgar term for the female anatomy.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it,".

This is blatant innuendo of incest, but nobody is commenting on it. They are focused on the C word.

Totally amazing, this.

That's a whole 'nother issue, and playing on Rump's long and deliberately-trolled history of suggesting incest. That's a whole different issue than what a vulgar word is.
What amazes me is the total ignoring of what else samantha said.

'Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***," she said, using a vulgar term for the female anatomy.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it,".

This is blatant innuendo of incest, but nobody is commenting on it. They are focused on the C word.

Totally amazing, this.

That's a whole 'nother issue, and playing on Rump's long and deliberately-trolled history of suggesting incest. That's a whole different issue than what a vulgar word is.
Vulgar is vulgar. Samantha B "went there" but it is being ignored. To me, that is WORSE than using the c word. Its insulting, degrading, and just flat out nasty yet...no problem. Just focus on cvnt.
That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!

Um, no. Not even nearly the same thing. Racism is a lot worse than a woman using a bad word.

Of course, they shouldn't call Ivanka a c**t. She doesn't have depth or warmth.
Actually the more women do appropriate it, the more its destructive power is undermined. It's a way of cutting the legs out from under it.

"Gay" used to be such a slur, before the homosexual community adopted it, thereby removing (at least some of) its slur power. Same with the so-called "n-word". Hell I remember when you couldn't say "hell" on TV. Or "damn".
Better yet, everyone but the nastiest wife beaters stop using it. They'll always use it. I hate that word and you're not going to make it acceptable to me, Pogo. Ever.

I'm just saying --- if women (not you individually) were to appropriate it, those wife-beaters would then be disarmed. Powerless.

You'll have to manage that individually however it works for you individually, but that's how it works collectively.
I've got some thinking to do. In this past three days, in all seriousness, posters I thought were pretty good people have argued that a video game replicating a school shooting is fine and there is no violent culture in this country, that saying a woman looks like an ape isn't racist and now that language has no power to degrade or demean unless you're a snowflake, and that we would be well advised to use c*nt since it would take away its power.

I'm experiencing some real cognitive dissonance here.

Do you disagree that this is the way colloquial language evolves and devolves? If you have another theory I'm all ears.
No, there is nothing wrong with your theory but I don't think it's a fit word for everyday use, considering where it comes from and what it represents. I never said someone should get fired over it, but maybe "bleeped" like Stephen Colbert gets bleeped when he says fuck.

I'm wondering about all of it, if it's me that's wrong about what's right.

Where it comes from is simply Old English. From the other thread, my post 67

**** (n.)
female intercrural foramen," or, as some 18c. writers refer to it, "the monosyllable," Middle English cunte "female genitalia," by early 14c. (in Hendyng's "Proverbs" -- ʒeve þi cunte to cunni[n]g, And crave affetir wedding), akin to Old Norse kunta, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, and Middle Low German kunte, from Proto-Germanic *kunton, which is of uncertain origin. Some suggest a link with Latin cuneus "wedge," others to PIE root *geu- "hollow place," still others to PIE root *gwen- "woman."

The form is similar to Latin cunnus "female pudenda" (also, vulgarly, "a woman"), which is likewise of disputed origin, perhaps literally "gash, slit," from PIE *sker- (1) "to cut," or [Watkins] literally "sheath," from PIE *kut-no-, from root *(s)keu- "to conceal, hide."

Hec vulva: a ****. Hic cunnus: idem est. [from Londesborough Illustrated Nominale, c. 1500, in "Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies," eds. Wright and Wülcker, vol. 1, 1884]
First known reference in English apparently is in a compound, Oxford street name Gropecuntlane cited from c. 1230 (and attested through late 14c.) in "Place-Names of Oxfordshire" (Gelling & Stenton, 1953), presumably a haunt of prostitutes. Used in medical writing c. 1400, but avoided in public speech since 15c.; considered obscene since 17c.

in Middle English also conte, counte, and sometimes queinte, queynte (for this, see Q).

Chaucer used quaint and queynte in "Canterbury Tales" (late 14c.), and Andrew Marvell might be punning on quaint in "To His Coy Mistress" (1650).

"What eyleth yow to grucche thus and grone? Is it for ye wolde haue my queynte allone?" [Wife of Bath's Tale]
---- OED

--- It's also related to the word "Queen" (see "Gwen" above). And next time you meet someone named "Gwen" you've got a conversation starter. Or she does. :)

As far as how it got denigrated, my theory from that same thread:

After reviewing 160 plus of the comments can someone tell me where this "evil" word Ka Un TT came from ?

Good ol' Anglo-Saxon Englisshe.

Once William the Conqueror conquered England with his William, the language of those with power was Norman French while the commoners kept the Olde Englisshe. Over time a shitload of French words merged with already existing Old English ones that meant the same thing in a way that the original Anglo-Saxon terms, the language of the real people, became the despised or so-called "obscene" ones, which is why we now say urine in 'polite' company (the French term) instead of 'piss' (the Anglo-Saxon meaning the same thing). Exactly the same meanings, separated only by classism.

Anglo-Saxon words were the straight-ahead, no bullshit, down-to-earth terms where the French ones became (in England, not France) the more lofty, indirect, pretentious synonyms for "formal" use. So where Old English would ask, the French would inquire. And of course the basic biological functions were the most widely separated -- where French used copulate or intercourse, Old English simply and directly said fuck without beating around the bush.

That's the hole '****' went down. No logical reason other than that a lot of people mutually agreed to be offended by it. In other words it's a highly concentrated PC pill.
What amazes me is the total ignoring of what else samantha said.

'Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c***," she said, using a vulgar term for the female anatomy.

"Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it,".

This is blatant innuendo of incest, but nobody is commenting on it. They are focused on the C word.

Totally amazing, this.

That's a whole 'nother issue, and playing on Rump's long and deliberately-trolled history of suggesting incest. That's a whole different issue than what a vulgar word is.
Vulgar is vulgar. Samantha B "went there" but it is being ignored. To me, that is WORSE than using the c word. Its insulting, degrading, and just flat out nasty yet...no problem. Just focus on cvnt.

Several hundred posts in this thread, threads before it and threads after it, no I don't think it's being "ignored" at all.

The WORD is the "new" topic here. The incest thing has been going on for years. And again, Rump brought that on himself, on purpose. As I've often pondered on this forum over the years, we don't know if those two have ever had an incestuous relationship. What we do know is that Rump wants us to THINK that. Why he'd want people to think that, Ah, there's the rub.
So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context. If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt" (referring to himself).

We are not in Britain!
Actually the more women do appropriate it, the more its destructive power is undermined. It's a way of cutting the legs out from under it.

"Gay" used to be such a slur, before the homosexual community adopted it, thereby removing (at least some of) its slur power. Same with the so-called "n-word". Hell I remember when you couldn't say "hell" on TV. Or "damn".
Better yet, everyone but the nastiest wife beaters stop using it. They'll always use it. I hate that word and you're not going to make it acceptable to me, Pogo. Ever.

I'm just saying --- if women (not you individually) were to appropriate it, those wife-beaters would then be disarmed. Powerless.

You'll have to manage that individually however it works for you individually, but that's how it works collectively.
I've got some thinking to do. In this past three days, in all seriousness, posters I thought were pretty good people have argued that a video game replicating a school shooting is fine and there is no violent culture in this country, that saying a woman looks like an ape isn't racist and now that language has no power to degrade or demean unless you're a snowflake, and that we would be well advised to use c*nt since it would take away its power.

I'm experiencing some real cognitive dissonance here.

Do you disagree that this is the way colloquial language evolves and devolves? If you have another theory I'm all ears.
No, there is nothing wrong with your theory but I don't think it's a fit word for everyday use, considering where it comes from and what it represents. I never said someone should get fired over it, but maybe "bleeped" like Stephen Colbert gets bleeped when he says fuck.

I'm wondering about all of it, if it's me that's wrong about what's right.
I know!!!

Every thing is just crazy to me now a days!!!
Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Okay Media. If You Called for Roseanne’s Firing, then Samantha Bee Has to Go.

That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!

Your are tedious and arrogant. Subscribe to Breitbart under panniez, clean your sore ass and be done with it, already.

Ivanka posted this picture knowing that children were being ripped from the arms of their mothers on our southern border. She knew what those women are going through and did it anyway. What other conclusion is there except she was mocking them?
This is who her family is. While we've known it for a long time, it seems they are really reveling in it in a way they weren't before.

And it's this woman and this behavior Republicans are protecting.
Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context. If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt" (referring to himself).

We are not in Britain!

This just in --- we speak the same language.

I know right? Why doesn't anybody TELL us these things... :eusa_doh:

Besides which, there are those among us who are indeed in Britain. Or elsewhere where English is used. I'm not sure but I think there are one or two other countries where that same language thing applies as well.
I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context. If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt" (referring to himself).

We are not in Britain!

This just in --- we speak the same language.

I know right? Why doesn't anybody TELL us these things... :eusa_doh:

Besides which, there are those among us who are indeed in Britain. Or elsewhere where English is used. I'm not sure but I think there are one or two other countries where that same language thing applies as well.

You’ve spent way more hours than needed in justifying her sexism.

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
I disagree with you on this one. Calling a woman a c*nt is very much a misogynist slur. I ought to know; I'm a woman and I know how it feels to get demeaned by referring to the one piece of my anatomy that all misogynists love to dwell on: my vagina. Because heaven knows that's pretty much all women are good for, a walking talking sex object.

That's why I qualified context. If somebody called a woman a **** based only on her gender, then of course. But the other meaning, as used here, is based on behaviour. It's common in British slang that way and doesn't need a female target at all. To quote Eric Idle, "what a silly bunt" (referring to himself).

We are not in Britain!

This just in --- we speak the same language.

I know right? Why doesn't anybody TELL us these things... :eusa_doh:

Besides which, there are those among us who are indeed in Britain. Or elsewhere where English is used. I'm not sure but I think there are one or two other countries where that same language thing applies as well.

You’ve spent way more hours than needed in justifying her sexism.


"Sexism" that you've had all day to somehow document, yet have come up with bupkis.

mmmmm hmmmm.

Burden of proof is on the ass-serter.
Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Okay Media. If You Called for Roseanne’s Firing, then Samantha Bee Has to Go.

That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!
No fucking way! I like Samantha Bee and Trump's daughter is a c*nt. And the right should shut their fucking hypocritical mouths. What's worse, calling someone a c*nt, or grabbing their pussy?

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