Okay media if you called for Roseanne's firing then Samantha Bee has to go

It ain't rocket surgery.

makes me laugh everytime

If you make a racist crack about a target, you're commenting on a trait of that target that is a circumstance of birth -- her race. She has no control over that (if 'control' were even desirable)

as opposed to what? the fact that Ivanka can get a sex change operation?

That cannot be compared with a different comment about a target's behaviour, which is something the target CAN control.

this only serves to prove that the left has been lying about misogynist remarks like the "C" word used to describe some women by those on the left...again is it your position that Ivanka can do something about being born a woman [if she wanted to] by having an operration so that exempts sammy b [and all of us] from misogyny when it comes to using that word?

Simple enough?
I guess, if you were looking for something not addressing the issue of misogyny by sammy this would be the simple enough one...in any case you are still attempting to move the goal posts away from the fact that this was a misogynist rant by sammy b and the left sees no problem with that...lemme ask yo something now, do you think sams use of the "c" word was misogynistic?...now it does not get any simpler than that.
Should be treated the same way, but it wont be.
Explain why they are the same.

Roseanne demeaned African-Americans with her comments. Samantha Bee did the same thing to women.

Also, Roseanne's comments were seen by people who use Twitter.
Bee used the "c" word on her show itself, on a major cable network.
I agree with you that the "c" word is demeaning to women, but DD, this is the era where we elected a guy who brags about "Grabbin' 'em by the Pussy!" and referred to M. Kelly's period to describe her "mood," so I am pretty surprised that suddenly so many folks here are concerned.
It's heart warming.

Yepp --- once again it's back to "As ye sow, so shall ye reap".

He also referred to Ted Cruz as a "p***y". In a public speech.

We could say he's turned public discourse into a shithole.
Explain why they are the same.

Roseanne demeaned African-Americans with her comments. Samantha Bee did the same thing to women.

Where exactly did Samantha Bee address (or comment on) "women"?

Another question PopPop whiffed on.

You do understand the word women is plural --- right?

And Roseanne addressed a Black Woman, not Black women ---- right?

Correct. You actually got one right. :clap2:

See, I told you it would open up a whole new world, learning to read.

So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?
he specifically used the word to describe the presidents daughter, but just as the "n" word directed at only one person effects an entire group, the "c" word does as well. Both are meant to demean, and both effect people that have historically been marginalized.
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Roseanne demeaned African-Americans with her comments. Samantha Bee did the same thing to women.

Where exactly did Samantha Bee address (or comment on) "women"?

Another question PopPop whiffed on.

You do understand the word women is plural --- right?

And Roseanne addressed a Black Woman, not Black women ---- right?

Correct. You actually got one right. :clap2:

See, I told you it would open up a whole new world, learning to read.

So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?
In order to find a Double Standard you need the same action in two different places, treated differently.

Two things cannot be defined as "the same action" merely because they both offend you (if they do).

I'm offended by both obnoxious radio commercials and by finding raisins in my cereal. That doesn't make them the same thing.
while all this is true it ignores the fact that they are the same thing, in fact pretending or believing they are not is a double standard...simply explaining what a double standard is only means you intend to separate the 2 through semantics...

Pretending that it was profanity instead of misogyny is a specious argument, part of what made sams tirade so much more of an egregious [is there such a word as "fire-able"?] offense is that she actually used what the left pretends is a misogynist word to punctuate her hysterical rant and all because she is not getting her way while rosanne did what you did, she implied something that is not true but never actually said it...samantha b has said herself that there is no excuse for what she did meaning even she thinks defending her actions are wrong.

Where do you get the idea of a "misogynist word"? Who said that?
I mean other than your co-wag here who also can't explain it?
She specifically used the word to describe the presidents daughter, but just as the "n" word directed at only one person effects an entire group, the "c" word does as well. Both are meant to demean, and both effect people that have historically been marginalized.

Cons shouldn’t be mad at USA for sticking with Sam b or abc for firing rosanne they should wonder why no other station will touch rosanne.

Gee, it's been a whole 2 or 3 days after all.
No station wants to be associated with rosanne. No one cares about Ivanka feelings but offend an entire race and what channel will pick you up? Not BET

Yep, use that in the mid terms. Women are nothing more than their vag's. Sound like a winning attitude to me (Not). But roll with that. K?
How do you get women’s attention? Grab em by the pussies. I mean *****

Did the person you are referencing say that in a public forum, as a part of a contract? Was is vetted by his production staff, and network attorneys prior to release?
No it was the real Donald. Ever hear him on stern?
If people cant call women *****, people cant call men dicks
If we cant say a woman that looks like a monkey, looks like a monkey, white people shouldnt be called called cracker for being white like a cracker.

Sounds fair to me. :thup:

Is that where 'cracker' comes from? I never did know.

Or care.
I just assumed
Where exactly did Samantha Bee address (or comment on) "women"?

Another question PopPop whiffed on.

You do understand the word women is plural --- right?

And Roseanne addressed a Black Woman, not Black women ---- right?

Correct. You actually got one right. :clap2:

See, I told you it would open up a whole new world, learning to read.

So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".
If people cant call women *****, people cant call men dicks
If we cant say a woman that looks like a monkey, looks like a monkey, white people shouldnt be called called cracker for being white like a cracker.

Sounds fair to me. :thup:

Is that where 'cracker' comes from? I never did know.

Or care.
I just assumed

It's as plausible as anything so you could be right. I have no idea.
Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Okay Media. If You Called for Roseanne’s Firing, then Samantha Bee Has to Go.

That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!

That would require consistency. There is none.

One law for the anointed, another for the hated Americans.
Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

Okay Media. If You Called for Roseanne’s Firing, then Samantha Bee Has to Go.

That's right most hypocrites don't get what is fair is fair. If one can't get away with it nobody should get away with it. Just another area where people are up to their heads in knee deep bs actions that keep happening. The people with right minds are SICK OF THE PC BS!!

Haven't you heard the latest? Suddenly calling a woman the c-word isn't offensive. It's just a body part to be proud of.

Mild compared to the Potus calling kneelers Moms bitches.
He SAID that?
And Roseanne addressed a Black Woman, not Black women ---- right?

Correct. You actually got one right. :clap2:

See, I told you it would open up a whole new world, learning to read.

So, what Roseanne said wasn't Racist. Thanks.


Uh HUH. So you actually think the tweet target, whoever it was --- is a race unto herself?

I'm, playin you like a Piano Pogo.

So you think Samantha Bee's target is a sex unto herself?

I hate to be the bearer of erudite knowledge you're clearly not ready for but ---- Bee's commentary had nothing to do with "sex".

It clearly did, did you not hear the part about the tight, low cut clothing?

Try to keep up, it obviously was. Then the wording about a physical trait that she was born with and has no control over.

Then we have you trying to rationalize it?

You can't argue with an idiot that try's to make claims you do, then shrugs off something THIS OBVIOUS.

Woman haters will always be woman haters even when they tell you they aren't. Keep on hating women Pogo. I'll just keep pointing out your obvious hatred.
Another thing here that I found really sad and disturbing, was the glee of the audience at this woman's show when she used the word.
Simply disgusting.
Another thing here that I found really sad and disturbing, was the glee of the audience at this woman's show when she used the word.
Simply disgusting.

Speaks again to the lowering of the credibility of women's rights. It's a sad day when those within, and would benefit from this credibility, show a complete hatred for their own
It ain't rocket surgery.

makes me laugh everytime

Thangyew. Stole it from Frank Caliendo.

If you make a racist crack about a target, you're commenting on a trait of that target that is a circumstance of birth -- her race. She has no control over that (if 'control' were even desirable)

as opposed to what? the fact that Ivanka can get a sex change operation?

uhhhhhhhhhhh................ what? :wtf:

Yyyyyyeah I'm uh, sure Ivanka can get a sex change operation.... sure. Whatever that's got to do with the price of eggs in the average uterus. Perhaps it would help fend off her father too.

Thanks for that excursion down a side road to nowhere.

That cannot be compared with a different comment about a target's behaviour, which is something the target CAN control.

this only serves to prove that the left has been lying about misogynist remarks like the "C" word used to describe some women by those on the left...again is it your position that Ivanka can do something about being born a woman [if she wanted to] by having an operration so that exempts sammy b [and all of us] from misogyny when it comes to using that word?

I have no idea who "the left" is supposed to be but I actually type with both hands. If you have a specific quote from *ME* --- and that's a singular --- then show it. I stand behind my posts and I remember every one. Whatcha got?

Still waiting for what this "misogynist word" is.

Simple enough?
I guess, if you were looking for something not addressing the issue of misogyny by sammy this would be the simple enough one...in any case you are still attempting to move the goal posts away from the fact that this was a misogynist rant by sammy b and the left sees no problem with that...lemme ask yo something now, do you think sams use of the "c" word was misogynistic?...now it does not get any simpler than that.

Once AGAIN something doesn't become "misogynist" just because you use the adjective. We could call it "purple" or "fat" or "woody" and it wouldn't take those qualities on either.

If you call somebody an "asshole" ---- are we supposed to think you're talking about a lower intestine?
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Another thing here that I found really sad and disturbing, was the glee of the audience at this woman's show when she used the word.
Simply disgusting.

That's uh --- the whole point of using it. If it didn't have shock value it wouldn't get a reaction.


And again the only reason it does have shock value is that scores of people have mutually agreed that they're going to be 'offended' by it. In other words it's pure concentrated PC in verbal form.

I find that fucking ironic.

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