Okay Trump supporters,just how doe this tax reform of his benefit the middle class and not the rich?

I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote
you should read it and see.

John Mccain is a corrupt evil bastard.HE is in favor of it,that does not bode well for Americans.:mad:

plus i dont see anywhere in here where it has PROOF that this statement by senate leader connel below is true.

The #Senate has passed #TaxReform to boost our #economy, help grow #SmallBusiness, and give our nation more #energyindependence.

HOW is that true? where is the proof? please show me.i will look at it if you can provide evidence that is all true that it indeed helps grow small businesses and boosts the economy.

But again.lets see the proof on that. thanks.
Ewe are behind the eight ball
so it DOESNT Benefit the lower class familys is that what your saying here.am i wrong? CA more than anything is who really needs it if it really is this good
It does with child tax credits and earned income credits and don't forget the poor don't pay income taxes in the first place...one must pay a tax to get a tax cut...
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote

It benefits all Americans.

You can stop the class divide bullshit now. Everyone will be voting Trump in unison come 2020.

Okay, I suppose some gamma losers are excluded, but they always have the choice of having a one way plane ticket to Venezuela. I am sure we can have funding for this brilliant program.

where is the evidence it benefits all Americans? I dont see it as of yet.

I cant trust ANYTHING asshole american traiter John Mccain is in favor either.

Why the sudden change of heart? You people sure loved him when he didn't vote for the GOP's Obamacare revision.
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote
How will the tax plan affect homeowners or home buyers?
The mortgage interest deduction will stay in place for all homeowners with existing mortgages. If you're about to buy a home, the home mortgage interest deduction will be available for mortgages up to $750,000.

Can I still deduct my state and local taxes?
Up to a point, and you'll have to make a choice. Filers will be able to write off the cost of state and local taxes, up to $10,000. And they must choose from among sales, income and property taxes for the deduction, instead of being able to deduct all local taxes.

What if I give to charity?
The charitable deduction will remain as it is. So, if you itemize your deductions, you may be able to deduct charitable contributions that are made to qualifying organizations. According to the IRS, you may deduct up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income, although some filers are limited to 20 percent and 30 percent.

Do I still have to pay Obamacare penalties if I don't have health insurance?
Nope. The final version of the measure eliminates that fee.

Under current law, you would owe 2.5 percent of your household income or $695 per adult and $347.50 per child under 18 -- whichever amount is higher -- and that fee would have been adjusted upwards for inflation in every subsequent year.

How big a tax cut did corporations get?
The tax legislation lowers the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. It's one point higher than the original 20 percent in the House and Senate bills, but still a massive cut.

What's the deal with the alternative minimum tax?
For corporations, the AMT disappears.

That's not the case for individual filers, but fewer will have to pay it, at least.

  • Exemption amounts will increase from $84,000 for joint filers under the current law level to $109,400. Single filers will see that number increase from $54,300 to $70,300.
  • The exemption currently phases out for joint filers at $160,900, and $120,700 for individuals. Under the tax bill, that phaseout would kick in at $1 million for married filers and $500,000 for those who are single. Above the threshold, filers lose 25 percent of their exemption, that is, $0.25 on every dollar in income.
If you're a pass-through company, known as an S-corporation...
Business owners who take their income in the form of a profit distribution, rather than a salary, are making what's known as "pass-through" income, which is taxed at personal income rates.

Under the tax plan, your company can "pass through" profits and losses on your personal income tax return, and you will be able to deduct your first 20 percent of income tax-free. Those in personal service businesses -- doctors or lawyers, for instance -- can only take this deduction if their taxable income is under $315,000 for married couples or $157,500 for single filers.

Are your children in private school?
Under the tax plan, parents will be able to use up to $10,000 per year tax-free from 529 college savings accounts for K-12 tuition. According to the laws on the books right now, those funds can only be used for college plans.

Tuition waivers
Also, a proposal to tax tuition waivers has gone away -- GOP lawmakers had considered counting tuition waivers as income, which would make them taxable. Graduate students who would have owed considerably more can rest assured that their tax bills will not be seeing this hike in the tax plan.

What if I'm adopting a child?
The tax plan preserve the child adoption tax credit. The maximum adoption tax credit increased in 2017 to $13,570 from $13,460 in 2016.

What does the bill do to the child tax credit?
The child tax credit is doubling -- from $1,000 to $2,000, and during the conference process, Sen. Marco Rubio fought for and succeeded in securing an increase the refundable portion of the child tax credit to $1,400, a $300 increase over the $1,100 that was originally agreed upon.

What's happening to the standard deduction?
That's roughly doubling -- from $6,350 to $12,000 for individuals, and from $12,700 to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly.

GOP tax bill: How the new tax plan will affect you
so it DOESNT Benefit the lower class familys is that what your saying here.am i wrong? CA more than anything is who really needs it if it really is this good
It does with child tax credits and earned income credits and don't forget the poor don't pay income taxes in the first place...one must pay a tax to get a tax cut...
Not true. The poor get tax rebates on taxes they have not paid.
Super-MAGA-Winning for Christmas: U.S. Companies Announce Massive Employee Financial Benefits With Trump Tax Bill Passing…
Posted on December 20, 2017 by sundance
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat party said the Trump Tax Reform bill was going to end up killing people. Perhaps if she was counting all the people injuring themselves while jumping for joy, she might be accurate.

Immediately following the passage of the Tax Cut Bill, U.S. companies are announcing their plans to increase the pay, benefits and bonuses of U.S. workers. This is almost too much winning…. but we can take it…. Super-MAGA-Winning:

(AT&T Story HERE)

Oh, but it doesn’t stop with AT&T.

(Wells Fargo Story HERE)


Super-MAGA-Winning for Christmas: U.S. Companies Announce Massive Employee Financial Benefits With Trump Tax Bill Passing…
Okay thanks.I'll take your word for it.Trump has done good things like fighting the courts to end abortion,signing an executive order that protects whistle blowers when exposing the VA's corruption that should have happend DECADES ago,and more importantly deporting illegals,however he also fired rockets at syria when they had done nothing to us so I am skeptical at the same time since like i said,ESPEICALLY that asshole traiter and and sellout John Mccain,a Bush crony is in favor of this.If "Mccain" is in favor of this bill,there is something fishy to it. you DO know how evil and corrupt Mccain is right?

That more than anything is why I am skeptical of this.
The United States can not stand by while banned weapons are being used...Hey What the hell got into the LA Rams this year? I guess the west coast agrees with them...congrats to ya I know how much NFL fans care about their teams...

they got rid of the worst NFL coach in the league and replaced him with someone who knows what he is doing is what happened.LOL. I always said once they got back to LA where they belong,they would be good again.i just did not think it would be this soon.i figured it would not be till NEXT year they got good again.LOL

I Wish i could get excited about the Rams but i cant because the NFL these days is everybit as corrupt and evil an organization as our government is sadly. just watch the movie Concussion and you'll see what i am talking about.

PLUS the refs are in the pockets of Robert Kraft as was evidenced last sunday against the steelers. they will make sure the cheatriots go and win another superbowl this year and the players of all the other teams are involved in it as well i am afraid.

i never watch superbowls anymore since i know beforehand what is going to happen since i am awake on this now just so you know.:D
Last edited:
What I don't understand, is why people like Schumer and Pelosi are saying that the tax bill will be the end of the GOP in 2018 and 2020.

If that's so, why did the Democrats fight the bill tooth and nail? They could have accelerated the GOP's predicted loss by just allowing them to pass it without so much opposition and bluster.
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote
For Republicans who believe in "trickle down" that's a trick question.

For them, moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, even at the expense of the future of America is benefiting America.
What I don't understand, is why people like Schumer and Pelosi are saying that the tax bill will be the end of the GOP in 2018 and 2020.

If that's so, why did the Democrats fight the bill tooth and nail? They could have accelerated the GOP's predicted loss by just allowing them to pass it without so much opposition and bluster.

because they are going out of their collective minds

they dont know what else to say

these dumb fckers claim it is the end of the world every time

I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote

All income under $90k drops from 25% to 12%. The standard deduction doubles, you can still get $10k from local taxes, higher child deduction and can still deduct mortgage and student loan interest.

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What I don't understand, is why people like Schumer and Pelosi are saying that the tax bill will be the end of the GOP in 2018 and 2020.

If that's so, why did the Democrats fight the bill tooth and nail? They could have accelerated the GOP's predicted loss by just allowing them to pass it without so much opposition and bluster.
Yes, you clearly don't understand.
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote

It benefits all Americans.

You can stop the class divide bullshit now. Everyone will be voting Trump in unison come 2020.

Okay, I suppose some gamma losers are excluded, but they always have the choice of having a one way plane ticket to Venezuela. I am sure we can have funding for this brilliant program.

where is the evidence it benefits all Americans? I dont see it as of yet.

I cant trust ANYTHING asshole american traiter John Mccain is in favor either.

He is in favor of supporting the military. Makes sense a douche bag like you is against the Military!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote
It benefits the middle class and the upper class unless you live in a high tax BLUE state like CA and NY BUUUUUUAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA!

so it DOESNT Benefit the lower class familys is that what your saying here.am i wrong? CA more than anything is who really needs it if it really is this good.

How ignorant can you be?

It's a tax break...

How much taxes do lower class families pay now?
I mean seriously,am I missing something here? have i overlooked something? what? please tell me,this should be interesting.

It also provides steep tax cuts for businesses and wealthy families, and more modest reductions for low- and middle-income families.
Senate OKs tax reform package, sends bill back to House for final vote
It benefits the middle class and the upper class unless you live in a high tax BLUE state like CA and NY BUUUUUUAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA!

so it DOESNT Benefit the lower class familys is that what your saying here.am i wrong? CA more than anything is who really needs it if it really is this good.
Why would it? It doesn’t affect them since they don’t pay into the pool to be handed out?
so it DOESNT Benefit the lower class familys is that what your saying here.am i wrong? CA more than anything is who really needs it if it really is this good
It does with child tax credits and earned income credits and don't forget the poor don't pay income taxes in the first place...one must pay a tax to get a tax cut...
It’s free money

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