O'Keefe is at it again!

You are a very frightening disgusting creep. You are Heidrich or Himmler. What a monster you are!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
You going Nazi on us? Us conservatives are untermenschen? You going to sing the Horst Wessel song for us?

I always knew that some of the left were closet Nazis
I take it you’re a member of that subspecies?
You are a very frightening disgusting creep. You are Heidrich or Himmler. What a monster you are!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.
I am not deflecting, I agreed with you. I do, however, feel that he is giving Nazi talk by saying that people that people that disagree with him are a lower species of human.

You don't like Nazi, then Communist works just as well. Lenin called people who disagreed were insects.

In 1933 they were just name called. Six years later.......
Jesus said “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s ass.”

He didn’t say “Thou shalt not covet the 14 year-old’s ass.”
Sooo..what exactly are you saying here?
That it's okay to covet 14 y.o. ass?

And huh?:eusa_eh:
"What's wrong with that?"<<<<<says the Alabama GOP.

He may be a child molester....but he is a Republican child molester
I would never vote for that...but you voted for Bubba. A well known abuser and rapist. That should shut your mouth, but it doesn't.
Who did he rape?

And who voted for him after any accusation of rape became public knowledge?

And when does your brain start to work?
Hello, Alabamans? This is Bernie Bernstein, a Jew reporter from the librul Washington Post. I’ll give you shekels if you lie that Roy Moorelester groped you at the Orange Julius in the Gadsden Mall.

Nothing quite as deplorable as having someone lie about being molested in order to discredit someone reporting about girls who were really molested. And look at all those who defend this kind of action. Deplorables indeed.
That's standard fake media operating procedure.
Don't be so hard on Silly Jilly. She really is a sweet heart, just lacking in the ability to think.

awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.
No...he was trying to discredit Wapo.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
They can’t find anything to clear Roy Moorelester, so this is what they do to discredit the former high school teenage girls he groped.

LOL. They don't need to find anything. The accusations are not credible to begin with.

Then why are they willing to lie to discredit them?
Don't forget all the so-called religious leaders excusing Moore's behavior as biblical.
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.
You are a very frightening disgusting creep. You are Heidrich or Himmler. What a monster you are!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.
Faun called people who disagreed with him a lower class of humanity. That is one of the hallmarks of Nazi ideology. What else can you call him?

I don't care what he ultimately comes out on the political spectrum. He calls people who disagree a lower class of humanity. Whatever he says he supports he is using Nazi rhetoric.

I don't call him Nazi lightly. But this here, whatever he claims to support, needs to be called out.
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.
No...he was trying to discredit Wapo.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.
wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
Nope, O’Keefe just proved they’re not. He proved they vet their stories.
I find it very disingenuous that for all the recriminations Conservative media organizations and personalities have levied about The Post not publishing accurate content, few if any of those Conservative organizations/outlets are carrying the story of O'keefe's failure.

Time and time again Conservatives have published and uttered all manners of subjective innuendo and circumstantial conjecture about "fake news" this and that, yet when there's an objective fact pattern of events that shows their conjecture to be nothing more than that, they haven't the decency to report it and, to at least some degree, recant their prior accusations.

Individuals and organizations of but the most meager measures of integrity will at least "give the devil his due." Apparently Conservative media and prominent figures lack even that mere modicum of integrity.
Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
Nope, O’Keefe just proved they’re not. He proved they vet their stories.
You mean the do a search on Facebook?

Yeah, they're crack reporters!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!

unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.
Faun called people who disagreed with him a lower class of humanity. That is one of the hallmarks of Nazi ideology. What else can you call him?

I don't care what he ultimately comes out on the political spectrum. He calls people who disagree a lower class of humanity. Whatever he says he supports he is using Nazi rhetoric.

I don't call him Nazi lightly. But this here, whatever he claims to support, needs to be called out.
Moron, thee hallmark of the nazis was exterminating people, something I clearly pointed out was not my objective.

Why are you so determined to prove me right?
unlike you, I actually do think. and I'm.not a compulsive liar.

I didn't accuse "people", you nutter. I pointed out that the loon who fallaciously called Faun a nazi.
but thanks for being your usual troll self.

as to why the hack would use the term nazi pejoratively, I cannot speak to his dysfunction... other than that by calling someone else what you are, it deflects from you and turns the attention to the other person. even you should be able to comprehend that.

but perhaps you should stick to things you know -- like how to post propaganda and trolling.

Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
Nope, O’Keefe just proved they’re not. He proved they vet their stories.
You mean the do a search on Facebook?

Yeah, they're crack reporters!

They researched her entire story, numbnuts. Called supposed employers, references, looked into her claims. Determined she was full of shit and exposed her and was able to connect her with O’Keefe.

It’s called, “vetting,” and all O’Keefe exposed was the Washington Post vets their articles.

So the psychos on the right thought if they got someone to lie about having had sex with roy Moore when she was 15 and got the Washington post to print it that they'd be able to discredit both roy moose's victims and the WaPo.

:rofl: seems that didn't work so well...

A conservative activist group tried to target Washington Post reporters, planting a source with a false allegation against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

But instead of publishing the story of “Jaime Phillips,” who claimed Moore impregnated her at 15 and helped her get an abortion, the Post exposed the plot and foiled the operation to dupe its journalists.

After the Post first published allegations on November 9 that Moore pursued relationships with teenagers and sexually assaulted a 14-year-old, the newspaper has been dogged by easily disprovable allegations that sources were biased, paid, or both.

A conservative group tried to plant a fake Roy Moore allegation in the Washington Post. It failed.

project veritas? :rofl: :rofl:
Never ceases to amaze me how stupid conservatives are. It’s like they’re a subspecies if humans.
Speaking of stupid & incredibly pathetic, check this out....

Hey, moron, stop trolling to redirect the original topic......

My post is as on topic as the one I quoted dummy lol

Now call her out before someone else notices your hypocrisy

Nope....but it IS interesting that you are so supportive of Moore and O'Keefe trying to discredit child molestation victims that you would try to contribute to deflection.
This is the Coup de grace of Moore's chances. It is proof that the Post's original reporting was accurate and backed up. The post didn't bite at the story that was just bait, they actually checked it out. And it was bogus.

If the Post stories that started this thing were the nonsense that Moore said it was. A 15 year old who had her abortion paid for by Moore? They should have jumped with both feet. Instead they checked it and proved all their stories.

(this does not validate Alred's lies. It was not part of Post's reporting. That is a tissue of lies from beginning to end)
Well once again your "ass" is showing i.e. when you assume you make an ass of yourself... but I'm sure you don't get that old adage.
Your "assumption" is I'm a "troll".... geez with 9,000 times a day organizations looking for advice from my expertise, you think I need $$s as a "troll"?

You may be not be a "compulsive" liar but you certainly looked the other way when you supported THIS WELL DOCUMENTED LIAR!
View attachment 163163
That’s it? Just 20?

Shit, that’s just a few days work for trump.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

Find another 1600 Obama lies just to catch up to trump. Oh, and by the time you do, you’ll have to catch up to trump again, who’s averaging more than 5 lies a day.

The Washington Post - fake news.
Nope, O’Keefe just proved they’re not. He proved they vet their stories.
You mean the do a search on Facebook?

Yeah, they're crack reporters!

They researched her entire story, numbnuts. Called supposed employers, references, looked into her claims. Determined she was full of shit and exposed her and was able to connect her with O’Keefe.

It’s called, “vetting,” and all O’Keefe exposed was the Washington Post vets their articles.


You have no idea what they did.

Who do you think you're fooling?

It's difficult to construct a fake identify for someone who never actually lived in the location where events took place. Furthermore this chick posted on social media that she was going to “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.” That kind of gives it away right there.

All this proved is that the attempt was amatuerish, but that has been more than enough to expose plenty of leftwing douche bags in the past.
Last edited:

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