O'Keefe is at it again!

After extensive editing, O'Keefe would make it look like the Washington Post came up with the idea
The point of this whole OKeefe scam was to prove that WAPO will print any story whatsoever that is against Conservatives like Roy Moore...by doing this they planned to Undercut the Real Victim's stories ...well Okeefe proved the Exact opposite ...now there is IRONY
What passes as journalism on the right

Project Veritas has a history of misleadingly editing footage to create false accusations about Democratic groups. In 2010, O’Keefe pleaded guilty to breaking into former Sen. Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) office. In 2013, he paid $100,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by employees of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), after his group released a video leading to ACORN’s dissolution.

In March 2016, O’Keefe — whose modus operandi is focused on such attempted “stings” — blew his own cover by forgetting to hang up the phone while apparently demonstrating how to conduct such an operation.

Regardless of his success, O’Keefe has viewers in the highest offices; President Donald Trump in June posted two videos from O’Keefe’s “American Pravda” series.
After extensive editing, O'Keefe would make it look like the Washington Post came up with the idea
The point of this whole OKeefe scam was to prove that WAPO will print any story whatsoever that is against Conservatives like Roy Moore...by doing this they planned to Undercut the Real Victim's stories ...well Okeefe proved the Exact opposite ...now there is IRONY

How LEGITIMATE media handles a source......

Upon further examination, Phillips’ account was less than watertight, according to the report published Monday. Phillips gave Reinhard a cell phone number with an Alabama area code, but claimed she had only lived in the state briefly as a teenager. The company at which Phillips claimed she worked told Reinhard that it had no employee with that name.

The Post also found a
GoFundMe fundraising campaign started by somebody with the same name as Phillips, who was soliciting donations in May to move to New York for “a job to work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt (sic) of the liberal MSM” (mainstream media).

Phillips later met with McCrummen, who was accompanied by Washington Post videographers, and claimed she wanted Moore “to be completely taken out of the race.”

McCrummen asked Phillips to “explain” the GoFundMe campaign, and told her she was being “recorded and video recorded.”

“Um, yeah, I was looking to take a job last summer in New York, but it fell through,” Phillips replied. “Yeah, it was going to be with the Daily Caller, but it ended up falling through, so I wasn’t able to do it.”

According to the Washington Post, Phillips claimed that she was interviewed by a Daily Caller employee named Kathy Johnson; the Daily Caller’s executive editor told the Washington Post that the outlet has no employee with that name.
James O'Keefe Clowned So Hard That Even Netflix Dunked On Him ...
Everyone Points and Laughs at James O'Keefe's Incredibly ...

They can’t find anything to clear Roy Moorelester, so this is what they do to discredit the former high school teenage girls he groped.

LOL. They don't need to find anything. The accusations are not credible to begin with.
Sure....then why so much trouble to discredit them thru fake attempts?
They can’t find anything to clear Roy Moorelester, so this is what they do to discredit the former high school teenage girls he groped.

LOL. They don't need to find anything. The accusations are not credible to begin with.


You keep running with that.

I will. And you will keep running with your 3rd world style witch hunts.

Personally I think Venezuela would suit you a lot better. They take in immigrants, it would be a blast for all of us if you took the opportunity!


You seem a little butthurt.

I am not one of these people:

Being butthurt is not my thing.

Shall I order the one way ticket?

Check out the sad attempt at deflection.....:lol:
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!
Don't be so hard on Silly Jilly. She really is a sweet heart, just lacking in the ability to think.

awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.
wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!
Don't be so hard on Silly Jilly. She really is a sweet heart, just lacking in the ability to think.

awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.
No...he was trying to discredit Wapo.
wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!
Don't be so hard on Silly Jilly. She really is a sweet heart, just lacking in the ability to think.

awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.

The real reason you hate him is that he exposes Dim crimes and hypocrisy.
Hello, Alabamans? This is Bernie Bernstein, a Jew reporter from the librul Washington Post. I’ll give you shekels if you lie that Roy Moorelester groped you at the Orange Julius in the Gadsden Mall.

Nothing quite as deplorable as having someone lie about being molested in order to discredit someone reporting about girls who were really molested. And look at all those who defend this kind of action. Deplorables indeed.

Crying about "witchhunts", telling me to leave the country...

Seems like butthurt to me.

Not butthurt, but I for sure don't want to have witch burnings here and will fight to keep that so.

You are of course completely fine with people being burned at stake for imaginary crimes so I understand why you would not share my views. That's why I would suggest a different culture where your way is the norm.


Whining and crying on message boards isn't "fighting", fuckwit.

That's what you are doing. Stop projecting. It's not contained to message boards either.

Anyway I am pretty content with the amount of recent winnings. It does seem like your BS was rejected once again. Coming out as bunch of witch hunters will work absolutely brilliant for you!

Winning what recently, exactly?

Over 20 elections in a handful of states swung from the Republicans to the Democrats last month in response to President Trump.

Republican congress, republican senate, republican president. Butthurt lefties like I have never seen before! AMAZING.

And I am not even a republican. For me a win is the fact that your 3rd world America supporting commie gang is being defeated every day. Just look at the youtube montages of butthurt leftists.

The face of it all:

Brilliant all around how the snowflakes are melting.

I see that you have to deflect from the OP topic....you've been well groomed.
Jesus said “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s ass.”

He didn’t say “Thou shalt not covet the 14 year-old’s ass.”
Sooo..what exactly are you saying here?
That it's okay to covet 14 y.o. ass?

And huh?:eusa_eh:
"What's wrong with that?"<<<<<says the Alabama GOP.

He may be a child molester....but he is a Republican child molester
I would never vote for that...but you voted for Bubba. A well known abuser and rapist. That should shut your mouth, but it doesn't.
Wow! Did you really think what you wrote or as usual you spout off without thinking?

You wrote:the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.

In one sentence you accuse people on the right of being "white supremacist"! Really?
I thought your perception of "white supremacists" that they were "Nazis" so why would any dedicated "white supremacist" use "Nazi" pejoratively?

You easily reveal your ignorance by pressing the enter key without thinking what you wrote!
Don't be so hard on Silly Jilly. She really is a sweet heart, just lacking in the ability to think.

awwwww.... poor little troll boy.

would you like a pat on the head today?
I really like O'Keefe. Why don't you?
The guy gets caught trying to invent fake news in order to discredit women who claim Moore sexually assaulted them when they were teenagers. That’s good enough reason not to like him. That you do despite that is a reflection on you.
No...he was trying to discredit Wapo.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.

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