O'Keefe is at it again!

Never ceases to amaze me how stupid conservatives are. It’s like they’re a subspecies if humans.
You going Nazi on us? Us conservatives are untermenschen? You going to sing the Horst Wessel song for us?

I always knew that some of the left were closet Nazis
I take it you’re a member of that subspecies?
You are a very frightening disgusting creep. You are Heidrich or Himmler. What a monster you are!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?
You tell me since I already explained, unlike Nazi’s, I’m not seeking for you to be put down like a rabid dog; but suggesting you ask the attending physician at your asylum to consider putting you on a Chlorpromazine regimen.
Another example of the right wing media’s objectivity.
Why would a "conservative group" want to do a fake story with the Washington Post against Roy Moore?
Swamp critters on both sides! Trump voters ALREADY know this.
This kinda has one wondering. Is this Fred Ryan who writes Log Cabin Chronicles and Fred Ryan the WAPO editor one in the same person? Also maybe someone can tell me is this a family member of Paul Ryan? Plus Jeff Bezos owns WAPO and he's a known eugenicist and depopulation pusher. It would be no surprise to me that the depopulation crowd using abortion, vaccines and whatever other means and the backdoor buds would gang up to try to discredit Veritas and Roy Moore in one fell swoop if they could?
Why would a "conservative group" want to do a fake story with the Washington Post against Roy Moore?
are you mental ?

if this Mother Fucker had been able to pull off his stupid stunt ALL THE OTHER Roy Moore femalesWOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED FAKES TOO...he could not pull off the stunt because they check out information before they publish ...
James O'Keefe, preparing to infiltrate ISIS.
Yep, Pimp O'Keefe strikes again.

Will Sommer @willsommer
James O'Keefe's repeated public faceplants are truly a blessing.

4:48 PM - Nov 27, 2017

Tsar Becket Adams @BecketAdams
Looks like WaPo legit caught O’Keefe and his gang trying to punk them with a bogus Roy Moore story. If true, this is extraordinarily unethical on O’Keefe’s part. Unethical and extra idiotic.https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/a-woman-approached-the-post-with-dramatic--and-false--tale-about-roy-moore-sje-appears-to-be-part-of-undercover-sting-operation/2017/11/27/0c2e335a-cfb6-11e7-9d3a-bcbe2af58c3a_story.html?utm_term=.ac7d1176f65e …

5:11 PM - Nov 27, 2017
The newspaper found out that a woman was lying after contacting reporters with a false claim that she'd become pregnant after having sex with Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore when she was a teenage girl. She claimed he then took her to get an abortion.

Reporters and researchers for The Post traced the woman back to Project Veritas, a controversial group known for its undercover "sting" operations that often target liberal ideals or groups. The organization has been behind controversial and edited videos that have targeted CNN and Planned Parenthood.

The controversial group also has ties to the commander in chief.

About a month before Trump announced his candidacy for president, his charity, the Trump Foundation, gave $10,000 to Project Veritas.

Trump Donated To Project Veritas

newspaper that clears More got donation from Trump ..

funny how that works.

crooked bitches, and child molesters run the Rabid Right.

There is nothing too deceitful or dishonest that Trump won’t attach his name to.
I can’t wait to see how all the “Fake Newsies” try and rationalize this one. Why in the world did WAPO not print her story? After all they are supposedly in the business of printing fake Right wing hit pieces... why not this one?
Never ceases to amaze me how stupid conservatives are. It’s like they’re a subspecies if humans.
You going Nazi on us? Us conservatives are untermenschen? You going to sing the Horst Wessel song for us?

I always knew that some of the left were closet Nazis
I take it you’re a member of that subspecies?
You are a very frightening disgusting creep. You are Heidrich or Himmler. What a monster you are!
Dumbfuck, I’m not promoting your extermination like a nazi would. I’m suggesting you seek help to cure you of your conservatism. Perhaps a priest can help with an exorcism?
you aren't? Then what is this untermenschen stuff you are peddling?

wow... nice way to deflect. :cuckoo:

the quickest way to identify a hack is when he/she calls people on the left "nazis" to deflect from their white supremacist agenda.
The people who invented fake news get caught creating it. These people are literally everything that is wrong with this country.

well maybe not "everything" but they are determined to make it pretty miserable.

one has to wondeer at what type of people think a child molester in office is acceptable.

but they did hoist themselves on their own petard bacause the WaPo was perfectly capable of ascertaining what actually IS fake.


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