O'Keefe is at it again!

No...he was trying to discredit Wapo.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.

What was his goal in those cases? We're dying to know.
This is the Coup de grace of Moore's chances. It is proof that the Post's original reporting was accurate and backed up. The post didn't bite at the story that was just bait, they actually checked it out. And it was bogus.

If the Post stories that started this thing were the nonsense that Moore said it was. A 15 year old who had her abortion paid for by Moore? They should have jumped with both feet. Instead they checked it and proved all their stories.

(this does not validate Alred's lies. It was not part of Post's reporting. That is a tissue of lies from beginning to end)

It proves nothing of the sort. When someone tries to con a con artist, the fact that they weren't fooled doesn't proved they aren't con artists. The Post reporters didn't bite because she looked suspecious from the start. She never even lived in Gadsen. That would be enough right there to arouse suspicion.
Moron ....

How did they know she never lived in Gadsden unless they did research?

It's like you're allergic to common sense.

She told them she didn't, moron.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.
True enough...and I am glad he exposed the heinous nature of those organizations. Are you?

All he exposed is what an idiot he is.


... to which his arrest record attests.

He failed miserably.

Not only did he expose himself as fake news — he proved the Washington Post vets their articles. I don’t believe the stories told by Moore’s accusers, but O’Keefe just raised their credibility.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.

What was his goal in those cases? We're dying to know.
Don’t be such a lazy ass. Google is your friend.
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.
True enough...and I am glad he exposed the heinous nature of those organizations. Are you?

All he exposed is what an idiot he is.


... to which his arrest record attests.
I don't think so, but I do know that people who watch too much DNC TV think as you do.
You mean the do a search on Facebook?

Yeah, they're crack reporters!

They researched her entire story, numbnuts. Called supposed employers, references, looked into her claims. Determined she was full of shit and exposed her and was able to connect her with O’Keefe.

It’s called, “vetting,” and all O’Keefe exposed was the Washington Post vets their articles.


You have no idea what they did.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Of course I do. Try reading their article on this story. They explain how they figured out she was a fraud.

I've read it, turd. They searched social media.
You're lying about reading their article, otherwise you would have known that was not the entirety of their research. They also called the references she gave, none of which panned out. They also found a gofundme page of hers, exposing her as a partisan conservative.

Here ya go, douchebag:

Conservative Tries to Prove Washington Post Is Fake News, Proves Opposite

The scam collapsed for a number of reasons. His fake source provided a flimsy cover story with odd details — she claimed to have only spent a few summers in Alabama, but provided a cell phone with an Alabama area code. The supposed place of employment that she provided did not have any person by that name working there. A search of her name turned up a social-media post in which she explained that she was going to “work in the conservative media movement to combat the lies and deceipt [sic] of the liberal MSM.”
He did fail, but you were wrong in your conclusions. He was all about exposing Wapo not discrediting women who claim abuse, like the Clinton's did in the 90s with the help of Wapo and most in the MSM.

Don't you find that appalling?
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.

What was his goal in those cases? We're dying to know.
Don’t be such a lazy ass. Google is your friend.
Google doesn't tell me your absurd reasons, moron.
Their "vetting" only proves that the accusers lived in the town at the right time. Nothing more.

You obviously didn't read the entire story - or watch the video

Washington Post 'exposes woman with false Roy Moore story' | Daily Mail Online

O'Keefe has succeeded in proving WaPo's reporting was well researched and vetted.


True...but a bet Wapo is glad they got lucky. Because we all know they would have LOVED to report that story...and they have a history of reporting flawed stories.
True...but a bet Wapo is glad they got lucky. Because we all know they would have LOVED to report that story...and they have a history of reporting flawed stories.

Can you give us an example of one of their "flawed stories"?
Oh brother.

If you think Wapo has never made mistakes in their reporting, you are too far gone.

No doubt you believe Fox News lies all the time...right?
O'Keefe's idiot mole tried to get the Washington Post reporters to say that her fake claim would bring down Moore.

This reveals how O'Keefe operates. The mole asks leading questions, and then O'Keefe would only have played the reporters' responses. This is a classic attempt at a lie of omission.

O'Keefe failed catastrophically. His sleazy tactics were exposed and crushed by the Washington Post.
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.
True enough...and I am glad he exposed the heinous nature of those organizations. Are you?

All he exposed is what an idiot he is.


... to which his arrest record attests.
I don't think so, but I do know that people who watch too much DNC TV think as you do.

O’Keefe’s arrest record speaks for him.
Phillips also repeatedly asked [Reinhard] to guarantee her that Moore would lose the election if she came forward. Reinhard told her in a subsequent text message that she could not predict what the impact would be. . . .

She said she wanted [Post reporter Stephanie] McCrummen to assure her that the article would result in Moore’s defeat, according to a recording. McCrummen instead asked her about her story regarding Moore.

Phillips complained that President Trump had endorsed Moore.

“So my whole thing is, like, I want him to be completely taken out of the race,” she said. “And I really expected that was going to happen, and now it’s not. So, I don’t know what you think about that.”

Analysis | The 6 most puzzling aspects of this James O’Keefe-Project Veritas botched sting debacle
O'Keefe's idiot mole tried to get the Washington Post reporters to say that her fake claim would bring down Moore.

This reveals how O'Keefe operates. The mole asks leading questions, and then O'Keefe would only have played the reporters' responses. This is a classic attempt at a lie of omission.

O'Keefe failed catastrophically. His sleazy tactics were exposed and crushed by the Washington Post.

The entire videos have always been available whenever O'Keefe nails some scumbag leftwing operation.
Bullshit. Had he pulled off this stunt, the right would be using her fake news as evidence all the other women were lying too.

He just bolstered their case.

You are likely correct, but that still does not change your erroneous thinking about O'Keefe's motives. His goal was to discredit the liberal media.
That may indeed been part of his plan but I don't believe that was his only goal. That certainly wasn't his goal when he tried to expose ACORN. That wasn't his goal when he tried to expose Planned Parenthood. That wasn't his intent when he tried to expose NPR or when he tried to expose Senator Landrieu.

What was his goal in those cases? We're dying to know.
Don’t be such a lazy ass. Google is your friend.
Google doesn't tell me your absurd reasons, moron.
Imbecile... google leads you to articles which tell you his motives.
If you think Wapo has never made mistakes in their reporting, you are too far gone.

No doubt you believe Fox News lies all the time...right?

Sure, they've made minor errors and have printed retractions.

Lot more than you can say about DailyCaller, Breitbart & Gateway Pundit.

Fox online is fine - they are mostly straight up reporting.

Hannity, Judge Jeanine & the Goofballs at Fox-n-Friends lie all the damn time.

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