O'Keefe Strikes Again: Man Offered Eric Holder's Ballot Without Showing ID...

You sir are full of shit..

Show me where in the O'Keefe propaganda video they ever got to signature verification. The video is a fraud. Just like everything else O'Keefe puts out

That isnt the point moron.

The voting precincts have x amount of time for verification. Often unable to meet the demand on time set by the legislature.

You dont have the know how, to defeat me here.

Since it wasnt sent for verification neither of us can prove the points with this ballot.

But your dumbass is trying.

Show me what exactly O'Keefe proved with his fraudulent video

Did he prove that signature verification doesn't work? No
Did he prove he could vote under someone elses name? No
Did he prove that photo ID works better? No

Other than prove that he could walk up to the desk and say his name was Eric Holder, what did he prove?
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.
That isnt the point moron.

The voting precincts have x amount of time for verification. Often unable to meet the demand on time set by the legislature.

You dont have the know how, to defeat me here.

Since it wasnt sent for verification neither of us can prove the points with this ballot.

But your dumbass is trying.

Show me what exactly O'Keefe proved with his fraudulent video

Did he prove that signature verification doesn't work? No
Did he prove he could vote under someone elses name? No
Did he prove that photo ID works better? No

Other than prove that he could walk up to the desk and say his name was Eric Holder, what did he prove?
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.

My god that's such an inconvenience. What about those poor middle class american minorities who don't have mailing boxes near their residence, and would have to actually drive somewhere to drop it off to be mailed. You racist.
You sir are full of shit..

Show me where in the O'Keefe propaganda video they ever got to signature verification. The video is a fraud. Just like everything else O'Keefe puts out

:cuckoo:How are you going to compare signatures when the poll worker has nothing to compare it to????????????:cuckoo:

Eric Holders signature is in that book. When the pollster asked the phony to sign, he ran away

Proves a lot doesn't it?

It proves,dumbass, the guy knew the law. Signing as Holder would constitute the fraud, so he, cleverly, inquires about the need to show his ID he claimed to have left in the car, which elicited the response he hoped for from the precinct worker that you don't need an ID. Just the name and address of someone registered there will do, and that's the whole point. If someone wants to vote illegally as someone else it's as easy as taking candy from a baby.
Eric Holders signature is in that book. When the pollster asked the phony to sign, he ran away

Proves a lot doesn't it?

That isnt where they verify signatures numb nuts..................

It is in New Jersey

Your signature is right in the book and they make you sign right there
You sure? It says nothing about signing anything at the website.......
New Jersey Department of State - Division of Elections

If they do require a verified signature that would be fine with me.
In California, where I live, all you need to do is show up and say a name. They'll start looking in the book and they will volunteer an address. Say yes to the address and they will then ask you to sign the book. Which is no big deal since they have nothing to compare your signature with. They then smile and hand you a ballot. Then you fill out the ballot and place it in the box. Viola! Voting is done.

Bottom line- if you know the name and address of a registered voter (dead or alive!) you will get a ballot and be able to vote.

Able to commit vote fraud, you mean.
Which is a felony.

If you know the name and address of someone, you can get them arrested for assault too.
That doesn't mean that they committed it or you aren't lying.

It just presupposes that MOST people aren't going to do this and get someone arrested for fun, because who would be such a huge a-hole and run the risk of a prison sentence?

All O'Keefe managed to "expose" was his own woeful ignorance on how the country he lives in, works.
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You sir are full of shit..

Show me where in the O'Keefe propaganda video they ever got to signature verification. The video is a fraud. Just like everything else O'Keefe puts out

:cuckoo:How are you going to compare signatures when the poll worker has nothing to compare it to????????????:cuckoo:

Eric Holders signature is in that book. When the pollster asked the phony to sign, he ran away

Proves a lot doesn't it?

:cuckoo:There are no signatures in the Voter Roster Book until the voter signs to get a ballot.:cuckoo:

That isnt the point moron.

The voting precincts have x amount of time for verification. Often unable to meet the demand on time set by the legislature.

You dont have the know how, to defeat me here.

Since it wasnt sent for verification neither of us can prove the points with this ballot.

But your dumbass is trying.

Show me what exactly O'Keefe proved with his fraudulent video

Did he prove that signature verification doesn't work? No
Did he prove he could vote under someone elses name? No
Did he prove that photo ID works better? No

Other than prove that he could walk up to the desk and say his name was Eric Holder, what did he prove?
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.

I look at it this way, If I do not need ID to vote, then I do not need it for purchasing firearms.

Voter fraud is rampant in my state. A thousand more votes then voters is the common avg.
EVERY single election.

Its seems our blue legislature made it damn near impossible to void a vote.

The person must appear in person to declare how he or she voted.
Show me what exactly O'Keefe proved with his fraudulent video

Did he prove that signature verification doesn't work? No
Did he prove he could vote under someone elses name? No
Did he prove that photo ID works better? No

Other than prove that he could walk up to the desk and say his name was Eric Holder, what did he prove?
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.

My god that's such an inconvenience. What about those poor middle class american minorities who don't have mailing boxes near their residence, and would have to actually drive somewhere to drop it off to be mailed. You racist.
hahahaha....you ARE Wacky and quacky...perfect user name! :razz:
:cuckoo:How are you going to compare signatures when the poll worker has nothing to compare it to????????????:cuckoo:

Eric Holders signature is in that book. When the pollster asked the phony to sign, he ran away

Proves a lot doesn't it?

It proves,dumbass, the guy knew the law. Signing as Holder would constitute the fraud, so he, cleverly, inquires about the need to show his ID he claimed to have left in the car, which elicited the response he hoped for from the precinct worker that you don't need an ID. Just the name and address of someone registered there will do, and that's the whole point. If someone wants to vote illegally as someone else it's as easy as taking candy from a baby.

He didn't prove that at all

All he proved was he could go up to the desk and say his name is Eric Holder. He knew beforehand that he didn't need an ID. When asked to prove it by signing his name, he ran away. I can do the same thing with photo ID, just claim I left it in the car and run away

If it is so easy to fake, show me the statistics where it is a rampant occurrence in Washington. There should be tons of fake signatures in that book. Show me
BlindBoo, you do realize he is only doing it to shed light on the existence of a problem, not because he is trying to vote, right? If not...you clearly have the mental capacity of a half decomposed lemon.

Bullshit. He's a propagandist on a mission who uses doctored video to convince his all to ready to be deceived audience. I see you have a front row seat!
Show me what exactly O'Keefe proved with his fraudulent video

Did he prove that signature verification doesn't work? No
Did he prove he could vote under someone elses name? No
Did he prove that photo ID works better? No

Other than prove that he could walk up to the desk and say his name was Eric Holder, what did he prove?
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.

I look at it this way, If I do not need ID to vote, then I do not need it for purchasing firearms.

Voter fraud is rampant in my state. A thousand more votes then voters is the common avg.
EVERY single election.

Its seems our blue legislature made it damn near impossible to void a vote.

The person must appear in person to declare how he or she voted.
And HOW exactly does that HAPPEN Full Auto? NOT at the voting booth where ONLY registered voters can vote and their name is crossed off as voting when they did.

the voter photo ID card would not stop this fraud....and this is why I KNOW this required photo ID is just a ruse.....while the TRUE voter fraud can continue to take place....it's a slight of hand, making us focus only on this stupid photo ID , WHILE the real fraud can continue to take place....we are being played fools imo.
That isnt where they verify signatures numb nuts..................

It is in New Jersey

Your signature is right in the book and they make you sign right there
You sure? It says nothing about signing anything at the website.......
New Jersey Department of State - Division of Elections

If they do require a verified signature that would be fine with me.

A copy of my signature has been on that roster for the last 30 years

They compare it when I sign
in massachusetts, no id was required at all....what was required was filling out a postcard they sent registered voters, verifying they still lived at the address they registered to vote under, or filling out their new address on this post card if they did move, and mailing it back to the State....postage was prepaid.

Then when you went to vote, the clerk first asked what Party you were registered under, what your name was, what street address you lived at, and they made you sign your name.....then you got to vote.

not ONE recorded CASE of voter fraud took place where someone else came in and used another person's name to vote at the voting precinct.

I look at it this way, If I do not need ID to vote, then I do not need it for purchasing firearms.

Voter fraud is rampant in my state. A thousand more votes then voters is the common avg.
EVERY single election.

Its seems our blue legislature made it damn near impossible to void a vote.

The person must appear in person to declare how he or she voted.
And HOW exactly does that HAPPEN Full Auto? NOT at the voting booth where ONLY registered voters can vote and their name is crossed off as voting when they did.

the voter photo ID card would not stop this fraud....and this is why I KNOW this required photo ID is just a ruse.....while the TRUE voter fraud can continue to take place....it's a slight of hand, making us focus only on this stupid photo ID , WHILE the real fraud can continue to take place....we are being played fools imo.

Mainly through voter motor laws. There is such a discrepancy the election officials charged with verification have said they can not under the time constraints, So our state allows them to commit fraud by signing everything was properly accounted for.

I didnt know any of this until 2004 when we had a thousand more votes then voters in King county. The Judge in the case said there was definitely fraud. The burden of proof required made it a moot point.
This kid is brilliant. If he ever runs for office, any office, I'll donate to him.

Great thread politician.
Then certainly you can explain, using your own grown up words please, why this undercover video cannot be taken seriously. No ad hominem, no red herrings, no emotionally based rants please. Just tells us exactly why we should not take this seriously.

Go on...

This is going to be hard...

Where was the guy ever offered Holders ballot? You claim that voter fraud is so easy that even Eric Holders ballot can be defrauded

The process is....you sign your name and they verify your signature against the signature on file. The fraud ran off without signing.

The process worked

IF the process in D.C. is the same as here in MI, nobody compares one's signature to anything. They don't have anything on hand to compare it to. All they've got is a printout with the names and addresses of registered voters in the precinct. You claim to be John Doe of 123 Elm St., Our Town, MI, by putting that info on the ballot request form, sign it, they check the name and address to the printout, check off John Doe as having shown up to vote, and hand you a ballot. What happens later in the day when the real John Doe shows up to vote and they've got him already checked off I haven't a clue.

Well that would be a real case of fraud and if it's as prevalent as touted there should be evidence. Cites, anyone..., ANYONE, not just personal anecdotes that more people vote in your state than there are registered voters. A., if that was really happening, it would be headline news in an age when more than 50% participation is considered good and B., for that to happen it's not a matter of IDs or signatures, but the fact that people are being allowed to vote more than once! :doubt:

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