O'Keefe Strikes Again: Man Offered Eric Holder's Ballot Without Showing ID...

He showed that you can do something that in the real world, nobody ever does.

What's the point?
F'n LOVE IT !!!! Well lefties what do you have to say now?



How about this?

There was no voter fraud. He merely asked if Holders name was on the list. The actual VERIFICATION is through a SIGNATURE and the phony ran off without signing.

At no point was Holders ballot offered

*twisting in the wind*

Show where he was ever offered Holders ballot like the OP says...

*twisting in the wind*
It still baffles me that only Democrats oppose voter ID laws.....
Did O'Keefe commit a crime?

Lying and then Running away when asked to sign is not a crime

I haven't had the gumption to read through this. Is that what really happened? Is that what the idiots here are getting boners over?

If that's the case, all I can say is


Kid goes up to the desk and says "My name is Eric Holder". The guy looks it up in the book and says "Ok, sign here"

The kid runs away
Rightwing con-artist, pretend journalist, and accomplished liar James O'Keefe is pimping another secretly-taped and selectively-edited video sure to be a sensation on Fox "News" and at other Republican propaganda venues.

The BRAD BLOG : New James O'Keefe Hoax Video Purports to Detail Fraudulent Cases of 'Voter Fraud' in NH

How long before this one gets busted too?

I read the entire useless blog you presented. All it was, was one big personal attack on O'Keefe. It tries to say he uncovered nothing, he is a fraud, he is a liar and all he is doing is disenfranchising the elderly, students and minorities. YET NOT ON PIECE OF PROOF OR EVIDENCE!!! This useless blog doesn't even try to provide evidence.

O'Keefe on the other hand goes into actual polling places with hidden cameras and gives the name of different people including ERIC HOLDER!!! They don't question it and they provide him the ballot! That is proof, not the words of a leftist blogger on partisan mission!

O'Keefe does a great of showing the hypocrisy of no voter ID. He goes to a bar, a restaurant, hotel and even the court house for a civil union. They all require ID and all look at him cross-eyed when he says they are racist for requiring it!

Lastly, how stupid is it that this blogger states that students, the elderly and minorities will have be mad at this, because they can't get ID. Student: Name a kid in America that can't wait until their 16 birthday to rush down to the DMV to get a driver's license? ID right there. Elderly: Are you kidding. The elderly are uselss people incapable get getting ID? What crap. My 94 year old grandfather had ID until he died. Minorities? Goes along with the liberal theme that they are children that need goddling!
Rightwing con-artist, pretend journalist, and accomplished liar James O'Keefe is pimping another secretly-taped and selectively-edited video sure to be a sensation on Fox "News" and at other Republican propaganda venues.

The BRAD BLOG : New James O'Keefe Hoax Video Purports to Detail Fraudulent Cases of 'Voter Fraud' in NH

How long before this one gets busted too?

I read the entire useless blog you presented. All it was, was one big personal attack on O'Keefe. It tries to say he uncovered nothing, he is a fraud, he is a liar and all he is doing is disenfranchising the elderly, students and minorities. YET NOT ON PIECE OF PROOF OR EVIDENCE!!! This useless blog doesn't even try to provide evidence.

O'Keefe on the other hand goes into actual polling places with hidden cameras and gives the name of different people including ERIC HOLDER!!! They don't question it and they provide him the ballot
! That is proof, not the words of a leftist blogger on partisan mission!

O'Keefe does a great of showing the hypocrisy of no voter ID. He goes to a bar, a restaurant, hotel and even the court house for a civil union. They all require ID and all look at him cross-eyed when he says they are racist for requiring it!

Lastly, how stupid is it that this blogger states that students, the elderly and minorities will have be mad at this, because they can't get ID. Student: Name a kid in America that can't wait until their 16 birthday to rush down to the DMV to get a driver's license? ID right there. Elderly: Are you kidding. The elderly are uselss people incapable get getting ID? What crap. My 94 year old grandfather had ID until he died. Minorities? Goes along with the liberal theme that they are children that need goddling!

Show where anyone was provided a ballot.....it wasn't in O'Keefes video
F'n LOVE IT !!!! Well lefties what do you have to say now?



How about this?

There was no voter fraud. He merely asked if Holders name was on the list. The actual VERIFICATION is through a SIGNATURE and the phony ran off without signing.

At no point was Holders ballot offered

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious here, Winger but the only reason the ballot wasn't given was that the man pretending to be Holder declined to take it. It was plainly "offered".

There was no voter fraud because if the man had gone through with voting he'd be liable for criminal charges...that in no way however changes the fact that he COULD have voted if he'd wanted to. O'Keefe isn't a dummy. He knows only too well that the left would LOVE to get him arrested for voter fraud.
F'n LOVE IT !!!! Well lefties what do you have to say now?



How about this?

There was no voter fraud. He merely asked if Holders name was on the list. The actual VERIFICATION is through a SIGNATURE and the phony ran off without signing.

At no point was Holders ballot offered

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious here, Winger but the only reason the ballot wasn't given was that the man pretending to be Holder declined to take it. It was plainly "offered".

There was no voter fraud because if the man had gone through with voting he'd be liable for criminal charges...that in no way however changes the fact that he COULD have voted if he'd wanted to. O'Keefe isn't a dummy. He knows only too well that the left would LOVE to get him arrested for voter fraud.

The ballot was never offered

What was offered was the book to sign. If you don't sign, you don't get a ballot, do you?
I have never met a Republican who opposes voter ID - only Democrats. Even Libertarians are in favor it it. Why is that?
it's not voter id's that are opposed, but the requirement that people have to go and get a pictured government ID, ones "papers" that is objectionable...Having to show that you live at the address that you are registered under is not a problem with me at all and this would have stopped Okeefe from the get go....it's forcing people who have lived their lives in this country for decades and in some cases have even served their country during war, that do not have a valid government issued photo ID like the old man in a story posted here at usmb a short time ago, that are denied their right to vote in the voting booth due to the lack of such photo id, that bothers me....

I have no problem with voting precincts requiring other forms of id....

It won't solve the problem of the dead voting by having a pictured id at the polls either....the dead can vote in mass via absentee ballot voting and this is where the voter fraud takes place, and this focus on making us all get a pictured government id to stop fraud is simply a ruse....while the REAL voter fraud is taking place via absentee ballot and via the registration process.

Illegal aliens have USA gvt id's with pictures on them....they have driver's licenses, so this law is not even stopping them from voting.
I can appreciate what you are saying, but as Spock once said "the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few, or the one". Hermits that live in caves need to get an ID and stop whining - or else get used to not voting.

Another issue is that once a person is registered , we do not require anything else from them - except knowing the name and address - for a person to vote. If I know your name and address (and you are a registered voter) I can walk in to a polling place and cast a ballot in your name. I don't think it is too cumbersome to require some form of proof that you are who you say you are. Seriously, we require ID for everything......
Like I said, I personally do not have a problem with asking for an id at the poll, but I feel having your electric bill with your address on it and a pay stub is enough id to verify who you are.... and honestly, voter fraud does not take place at the poll....

if you were a thug and wanted to vote in someone else's spot, would you really chance going in to the poll precinct, knowing that the voter could have already voted, whom you are going to claim to be? NO WAY JOSE....if anything it's done via mail, absentee ballot, imo....

in the entire USA over the last 2 or more decades, you can count this kind of crime on your fingers....

we are putting way too much focus on this, while dead people continue to be on the rosters instead of being removed when they die, and illegal aliens can still find their way around the system with their gvt produced driver's licenses as valid id's....something's wrong in Denmark, and the pictured id ain't the solution, but it is what politicians on both sides of the aisle, want us to argue over....
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What was offered was the book to sign. If you don't sign, you don't get a ballot, do you?

Are you suggesting the poll workers have the means by which to verify the signature is a dead on match? Otherwise, anyone can sign anything...and vote then fraudulently.
Rightwing con-artist, pretend journalist, and accomplished liar James O'Keefe is pimping another secretly-taped and selectively-edited video sure to be a sensation on Fox "News" and at other Republican propaganda venues.

The BRAD BLOG : New James O'Keefe Hoax Video Purports to Detail Fraudulent Cases of 'Voter Fraud' in NH

How long before this one gets busted too?

I read the entire useless blog you presented. All it was, was one big personal attack on O'Keefe. It tries to say he uncovered nothing, he is a fraud, he is a liar and all he is doing is disenfranchising the elderly, students and minorities. YET NOT ON PIECE OF PROOF OR EVIDENCE!!! This useless blog doesn't even try to provide evidence.

O'Keefe on the other hand goes into actual polling places with hidden cameras and gives the name of different people including ERIC HOLDER!!! They don't question it and they provide him the ballot! That is proof, not the words of a leftist blogger on partisan mission!

O'Keefe does a great of showing the hypocrisy of no voter ID. He goes to a bar, a restaurant, hotel and even the court house for a civil union. They all require ID and all look at him cross-eyed when he says they are racist for requiring it!

Lastly, how stupid is it that this blogger states that students, the elderly and minorities will have be mad at this, because they can't get ID. Student: Name a kid in America that can't wait until their 16 birthday to rush down to the DMV to get a driver's license? ID right there. Elderly: Are you kidding. The elderly are uselss people incapable get getting ID? What crap. My 94 year old grandfather had ID until he died. Minorities? Goes along with the liberal theme that they are children that need goddling!
well, my 87 year old mother in law did not have a driver's license cuz she didn't drive and no gvt pictured id....

so, your grandpa must have had a car to have a gvt pictured id....not all people own cars and not all people drive....

What is wrong with having to show your own electric bill and latest pay stub or various other non pictured id's? it does the same that a newly required photo id would do?
Best thread of the month. + rep

Poor poor scrambling libbies

:eusa_eh: Are we reading the same thread? There's no proof anyone would have been allowed to vote and the notion that it's prevalent doesn't pass the smell test.
What was offered was the book to sign. If you don't sign, you don't get a ballot, do you?

Are you suggesting the poll workers have the means by which to verify the signature is a dead on match? Otherwise, anyone can sign anything...and vote then fraudulently.

When I sign, my signature is in the book and they compare

If there is so much voter fraud, where is your proof? You should be able to go through that book and find hundreds of fake signatures. Why hasn't O'Keefe done that?

Because it is easier to run away?
How about this?

There was no voter fraud. He merely asked if Holders name was on the list. The actual VERIFICATION is through a SIGNATURE and the phony ran off without signing.

At no point was Holders ballot offered

Ah, I hate to point out the obvious here, Winger but the only reason the ballot wasn't given was that the man pretending to be Holder declined to take it. It was plainly "offered".

There was no voter fraud because if the man had gone through with voting he'd be liable for criminal charges...that in no way however changes the fact that he COULD have voted if he'd wanted to. O'Keefe isn't a dummy. He knows only too well that the left would LOVE to get him arrested for voter fraud.

The ballot was never offered

What was offered was the book to sign. If you don't sign, you don't get a ballot, do you?

Are you serious, Winger? You know as well as I do that poll worker was going to hand that ballot over. The guy posing as Holder has to INSIST that he'd feel better showing his ID which he left in the car and the poll worker is telling him not to worry about it. What is with you folks on the left and this issue?
Best thread of the month. + rep

Poor poor scrambling libbies

:eusa_eh: Are we reading the same thread? There's no proof anyone would have been allowed to vote and the notion that it's prevalent doesn't pass the smell test.

They handed him the ballot and told him to go vote. He rightfully didn't follow through because it would have been a federal offense. Other people might not be so caring of the law.

That it's not that prevalent isn't the point. That it can happen so easily is the problem. It's just like the problem with the patriot act, it's not that it is being abused, it's that it can be so easily.

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