Oklahoma City PBS Documentary Explores America’s Tradition of Anti-Government Terrorism


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
On tonight on PBS. The biggest domestic white christian terrorist bombing in US history

The latest presidential election was awash in anti-government sentiment that often turned virulent. A new documentary airing Tuesday night on PBS shows that this brand of American outrage is nothing new.

Oklahoma City, which airs Tuesday on the PBS series American Experience, casts the infamous bombing that killed 168 people and injured 675 others as part of a dark American tradition.

“These sorts of movements have deep roots, very deep roots, in American history,” says Barak Goodman, the award-winning director whose film revisits the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing when a former American soldier and Gulf War veteran, Timothy McVeigh, parked a rented truck carrying a five-ton fertilizer bomb outside of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building before walking away.

Oklahoma City PBS Documentary Explores America’s Tradition of Anti-Government Terrorism
The Feds are good at their job but the fact that McVeigh was identified and his car was on he alert mere moments after the blast suggests that the ATF might have had some relationship with McVeigh. The ATF allegedly warned the local Court not to hold sessions at the same day that the bomb went off and the ATF office was empty of agents at the time. Nobody ever looked for John Doe #2 even though McVeigh couldn't have driven the truck and his car at the same time. Something ain't right and it ain't about McVeigh being a Christian.

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