Oklahoma City Thunder Suspends Announcer After ‘Cotton-Picking’ Comment

I have read the OP's link very carefully.

I feel that Mr. Davis, the announcer, was very mature and professional in acknowledging that his use of that phrase was "insensitive."

And a one-game suspension seemed to be fair.


This is 2018.

This country is very much divided and apparently becoming more divided every day when it comes to ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.

We all have to be super careful not to unintentionally hurt the feelings of other groups.


A few years ago, two announcers were criticized for referring to an American athlete as an "Oriental." They claimed that they did not know that the word was now considered offensive. One of the last acts of the Obama administration was to forbid the word "Oriental" to be used in government documents.

We cannot live in peace, if normal word usage gives an member of a protected class, the power to have someone punished.

That is a recipe for division and strife.
That makes zero sense. Nobody forced this private business to punish it's announcer. If they were doing something you agreed with, you would be applauding them.

Whether they are doing because they honestly feel they should, or rather they are doing it out of fear, the result is the same.

We cannot live in peace and harmony, if one group, is constantly in danger of being punished for no reason.
The PC zealots know it's not racist,
Actually, that phrase is pretty racist. His intent likely was not, but even that blase use of the phrase has it's origins in the fact that racism was completely normalized in this country until about 2 generations ago. Which explains why you don't find it racist . I'm sure a lot of black people find no offense as well. But I can also be sure that many did.
The PC zealots know it's not racist,
Actually, that phrase is pretty racist. His intent likely was not, because even that has it's origins in the fact that racism was completely normalized in this country until about 2 generations ago. Which explains why you don't find it racist . I'm sure a lot of black people find no offense as well. But I can also be sure that many did.
The actual definition of the term is thinking that another race is inferior.

That's an absurd, comical and dishonest stretch.
Stasi of former East Germany...the way of the left...the way we are going if we are not careful...
Answer a question for me: If I am a black man and someone uses the phrase "cotton picking" and I know this person is not racist and did not intend it that way, that it was used as a euphemism for a more obscene alternative, and knowing that slaves were not the only people who picked cotton, why would I be offended?
The PC zealots know it's not racist, but that's not why they react the way they do.

They just want you on the defensive so that they can control the conversation.

That's something I noticed some time ago and I've been doing this for too long to get sucked in by it.
Answer a question for me: If I am a black man and someone uses the phrase "cotton picking" and I know this person is not racist and did not intend it that way, that it was used as a euphemism for a more obscene alternative, and knowing that slaves were not the only people who picked cotton, why would I be offended?
The PC zealots know it's not racist, but that's not why they react the way they do.

They just want you on the defensive so that they can control the conversation.

That's something I noticed some time ago and I've been doing this for too long to get sucked in by it.
Yep. The problem is that they have completely diluted a terribly important word for their own political advantage.

They throw it around at every opportunity just to attack you.

It's an insult to every Black American who has suffered from REAL racism, but these people couldn't care less.
The actual definition of the term is thinking that another race is inferior.
Thank you, I am aware. And that is precisely the meaning of the term: that a cotton picking mind (meaning, a negro mind) is inferior. We're you under the impression that it was a compliment?

It became a neutered colloquialism, only because racism was normalized in this country. It's an artifact of the very racist past of this country. I will leave the weeping for its demise to you.
The stalinist alt right are just too funny.

No, dudes, we don't live in the 1950s, and the term in the context of the NBA in 2018 is insensitive.

I don't care if you are mad.

Context is irrelevant if there is no intent. And people get offended because they choose to.
Those who do not understand the importance of context and intent think like you, yes.

I understand it just fine.

Answer a question for me: If I am a black man and someone uses the phrase "cotton picking" and I know this person is not racist and did not intend it that way, that it was used as a euphemism for a more obscene alternative, and knowing that slaves were not the only people who picked cotton, why would I be offended?

You mean like the NFL players kneeling in protest of police brutality, but limp wristed snowflakes bitched about them kneeling to disrespect the flag and veterans? Even after they said they were not kneeling as disrespect to the flag, and you and your ilk continued to say they were disrespecting the flag?

Yea, cry me a river.
The actual definition of the term is thinking that another race is inferior.
Thank you, I am aware. And that is precisely the meaning of the term: that a cotton picking mind (meaning, a negro mind) is inferior. We're you under the impression that it was a compliment?

It became a neutered colloquialism, only because racism was normalized in this country. It's an artifact of the very racist past of this country. I will leave the weeping for its demise to you.
You're saying the guy was claiming Westbrook has an inferior mind?

Holy crap.

Okay. I believe that you believe that. The announcer was saying that Westbrook has an inferior mind and that it's because he's black.

Stunning. I do believe that you believe that.
You're saying the guy was claiming Westbrook has an inferior mind?
No, and I clearly said the opposite, in that I think it highly likely that was not his intent. Why even comment to you, if you are not going to read what I post? If you believei think this was his intent, then you are either delusional or a liar, considering the fact that I clearly stated the opposite.

I will repeat myself:

While intent may inform the depth of a penalty, it does not necessarily inform the existence of one. If there is a behavior you wish to extinguish, then you must still negatively reinforce, regardless of intent.
What behavior are we talking about here?
Obviously....the uttering of a phrase that has origins of being demeaning to a whole swath of people who have been oppressed, historically, in the same spirit as the meaning of the phrase: as slaves and as subhumans. Come on man, you could have figured that out.

And it appears that this private organization does feel that uttering that phrase is a behavior to be extinguished . Probably a smart move, for a business whose consumers are so often black.
White privilege
Farmers Without Land: The Plight of White Tenant Farmers and Sharecroppers | Mississippi History Now
What behavior are we talking about here?
Obviously....the uttering of a phrase that has origins of being demeaning to a whole swath of people who have been oppressed, historically, in the same spirit as the meaning of the phrase: as slaves and as subhumans. Come on man, you could have figured that out.

And it appears that this private organization does feel that uttering that phrase is a behavior to be extinguished . Probably a smart move, for a business whose consumers are so often black.
White privilege
Farmers Without Land: The Plight of White Tenant Farmers and Sharecroppers | Mississippi History Now
Dude, we all speak English, here. Go ahead and make your point, using English words. ;)
While intent may inform the depth of a penalty, it does not necessarily inform the existence if one. If there is a behavior you wish to extinguish, then you must still negatively reinforce, regardless of intent.
^^^ The Regressive Left in full view ^^^

Watch every last damn thing you say, gang. Otherwise, there will be consequences.

After all, this is America.
"You're saying the guy was claiming Westbrook has an inferior mind?" is not what the poster said or implied. That implication is a falsehood.
While intent may inform the depth of a penalty, it does not necessarily inform the existence if one. If there is a behavior you wish to extinguish, then you must still negatively reinforce, regardless of intent.
^^^ The Regressive Left in full view ^^^

Watch every last damn thing you say, gang. Otherwise, there will be consequences.

After all, this is America.
Well , that certainly was a whiny non sequitur. Nowhere can it be inferred from my arguments that any and all behaviors or speech carries risk of penalty. You just employed a whiny appeal to emotion.

And my explanation of their reaction is not advocacy of it. If you throw a fit in light of a simple explanation (that contains no value judgments whatsoever), then it is YOU who is being the sensitive little sissy.

It is good to understand things, whether or not you agree with them. So, breathe into the paper bag for a while, settle down, and consider the idea that understanding both sides of something is good practice.

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