Oklahoma gives a big thumbs down to recreational marijuana

So does alcohol abuse

again there is no difference between the 2

And if you want to determine if something is legal by using the extreme minority of people as a reason to ban stuff then we're going to have a very long list of banned substances and activities.
Pot leads to even worse drugs

Alcohol does not
And if you want to determine if something is legal by using the extreme minority of people as a reason to ban stuff then we're going to have a very long list of banned substances and activities.
Except that no one except you is proposing we ban every substance known to man

But pot certainly should be banned
All of that gives you one vote on the subject, nothing more

You're the one who made the statement that pot leads to other drugs you didn't actually qualify that statement by saying the pot might lead to other drugs for a small percentage of users.

The fact is the vast majority of people who use pot will not use other drugs.
I dont know

But reports out of liberal drug friendly cities like San Francisco complain of used needles littering the streets not empty beer bottles
So i suppose you can prove all those drug addicts would never have existed if they never smoked weed?

How many people who are living on the streets are alcoholics?

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