Old Feinstein introduces bill to outlaw bump stocks

There are simple ways to do the exact same thing as the bump stock...........Outlawing the bump stock will make no difference whatsoever.............It's only purpose is to take advantage of the current Crisis...........Polarize it.........and try to score Political points.

They can say................LOOK WHAT WE DID..............doesn't pass..........then say............LOOK THEY VOTED IT DOWN.............THEIR EVIL..............

Wash, spin, REPEAT.
Outlaw all magazines that hold over 5 rounds. Outlaw semi-auto's, period. Anyone that has not turned their semi in by a certain date faces a mandatory 10 years in Federal Prison.

No, I don't want that, but that is what will happen if we do nothing long enough. People will have had enough of seeing dozens to hundreds of fellow citizens wounded and killed just because some fucked up hillbillies want to shoot a lot of ammo at once. Either outlaw any modification that makes a semi fire like a full auto, or you will see the semi outlawed, period, with pretty draconian penalties enforcing the law.
The country is much bigger fish to fry, you progressives need to get your priorities straight.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Well that will flummox evildoers! I mean, it's not like one can do the same thing a frickin' rubber band.

As long as we do something, that's all that matters, right? Even if that something is completely and totally ineffectual, what's important is that we demonstrate good intentions. Results are unimportant.

I have no problem outlawing bump stocks. Fully automatic weapons are illegal without a federal permit, which is difficult to get. These basically allow people to get around that
But instead of banning them outright, wouldnt it make more sense to classify them as modified fully automatic weapons with all that entails?

Well that will flummox evildoers! I mean, it's not like one can do the same thing a frickin' rubber band.

As long as we do something, that's all that matters, right? Even if that something is completely and totally ineffectual, what's important is that we demonstrate good intentions. Results are unimportant.


Google "DIY bump stock."

Just more feel good legislation from our Constitution hating Leftards.

Wouldn't have stopped a guy determined to do what he did.

Meanwhile we'll just keep ignoring the prescription meds aspect of this little incident.

There are simple ways to do the exact same thing as the bump stock...........Outlawing the bump stock will make no difference whatsoever.............It's only purpose is to take advantage of the current Crisis...........Polarize it.........and try to score Political points.

They can say................LOOK WHAT WE DID..............doesn't pass..........then say............LOOK THEY VOTED IT DOWN.............THEIR EVIL..............

Wash, spin, REPEAT.

The fact is that bump stocks are not needed for ordinary use. Using that logic, we should allow people to have automatic weapons.
By the way, not only can you build a bump stock at home eadily enough, but you can pump them out on a 3D printer.
I have no problem outlawing bump stocks. Fully automatic weapons are illegal without a federal permit, which is difficult to get. These basically allow people to get around that

One of the gun blog writers pointed out...they have worded it so that any modification of a trigger that makes it easier to shoot would make you a criminal...typical anti gun bait and switch.....get an M&P and switch it out for an Apex trigger...you could now be a criminal....
Well now, a couple more of your buddies pull more shit like Vegas, and we will simply outlaw that type of weapon. And if you don't turn it in, a long prison term. That would make all of us safer were it the case right now.

Not my buddy......more like an angry lefty who hates Trump supporters......
The thing is, you can take away the bump stock, and this guy with two AR's and a pile of clips, he could have easily killed as many as he did with the normal AR semi-auto, maybe more since
there's a good chance that having the bump stock, was the main reason the smoke alarm went off, thus cutting short his shooting spree.

I would disagree. With the bump stocks he could put out enough ammo that he would have to hit something. He would not have killed or injured over 500 people using it as a semi-automatic unless he was a very good shot.

He could have killed more people.....and odds are they wouldn't have known they were being shot at as quickly.....
They should hold off on this like they did the suppressor legislation. Emotions are too high right now.
What's to think about? What's to coolly consider?
This is a perfect day to ban those fucking things.

Except they worded it so any modification of a trigger that makes the gun easier to shoot could now be illegal...including fixing a bad factory trigger for simply a better trigger....typical anti gun, bait and switch....

Any modification of the trigger that makes it easier to shoot beyond what the specs call for should be made illegal.

No...you don't understand. A bad factory trigger traded out for a better trigger could be illegal with this legislation...that is what they want, they could care less about stopping mass shooters.
It makes semi autos full automatic. Why is there any disagreement on making this illegal?

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Yeah....not seeing any problem with banning the Bump Stock...the problem is that anti gunners lie....and they bait and switch.....they will say they want to ban the bump stock, and then put anything that fixes a bad trigger in the same bill.....so if you have a crappy trigger and take it to someone to fix it....that could now be a felony....for doing nothing more than making the trigger less gritty, and easier to shoot.

The gun grabbers cannot be trusted...we know what they want and we know the tricks they will use to get there.
I don't know if it's just me, but it seems "bump stocks" is a new term MSM is using since the shooting. Can't they think of a better description? It sounds like you are trying to support the stock market.

It may be the name of an actual product.
I bet before this week less than 2% of the population had even heard of a bump stock.

Oh well, easy to make at home anyway.

Sen. Feinstein introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a longtime advocate of stricter gun control measures, introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the sale and possession of bump-stock equipment and other devices that essentially turn a semiautomatic weapon into an automatic one.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) told reporters Tuesday that multiple bump stocks were found in the hotel room used by the shooter, who opened fire during the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on Sunday, killing 58 people and injuring over 500 others.

Senator introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting
Leftist leaders live in fear of a society that is armed and can overthrow them, so they terrorize the sheep into bleating what they tell them to bleat.

NRA gives ground on bump stocks - "The National Rifle Association (NRA) on Thursday broke its silence on the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, calling for additional regulations on bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic guns to fire hundreds of rounds per minute."
I bet before this week less than 2% of the population had even heard of a bump stock.

Oh well, easy to make at home anyway.

Sen. Feinstein introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a longtime advocate of stricter gun control measures, introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the sale and possession of bump-stock equipment and other devices that essentially turn a semiautomatic weapon into an automatic one.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) told reporters Tuesday that multiple bump stocks were found in the hotel room used by the shooter, who opened fire during the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on Sunday, killing 58 people and injuring over 500 others.

Senator introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting
Thank God.

For what?
Anyone extreme enough with the sick desire to kill a mass # of people isn't going to abide by any laws, and they'll just make one of these at home.

Go ahead and ban these though, it's fine by me, but just realize this is nothing more than an emotional exercise. It's simply window dressing.

We should get something for banning this....Supressors and National reciprocity....that should do.
One has to be a helluva bad shot if he needs one of these to bring down a deer
Because they put that in the Constitution to guarantee your right to kill deer
You think a well regulated Militia is needed to kill deer? :rolleyes:

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Yeah.....read Heller, Scalia explains it so that even someone as stupid as you can understand....
That stupid old loopy kunt would not Know a bump stock if one hit her in the head, fucking senile old bitch
Hey little cocksuck merchant of death, the person that counts now is the voting citizen. And they, of all political persuasions have just about had it with you fuckers that make profits off of the deaths of other people. The assault weapons have long been the choice of the crazies, and the toll from that type of weapon just keeps climbing. But you assholes just keep insisting that the tool has nothing to do with the problem. The difference is that the Texas Tower crazy killed 15, and wounded 31. With the bump stock on those assault weapons, Paddock killed 59, and wounded 527. Yes, the tool does count.

Yeah....no......in 35 years rifles with magazines have been used a total of 21 times for mass public shootings...according to Mother Jones......moron.

The Texas tower shooter was shooting at people who were able to find cover.....moron. The Vegas shooter started shooting into a crowd of 22,000 people....and civilians ran to their cars and got their hunting rifles and suppressed the Tower shooter...do you realize that...moron. They forced him down till the police could get up there....

My god you are fucking stupid....
That stupid old loopy kunt would not Know a bump stock if one hit her in the head, fucking senile old bitch
Hey little cocksuck merchant of death, the person that counts now is the voting citizen. And they, of all political persuasions have just about had it with you fuckers that make profits off of the deaths of other people. The assault weapons have long been the choice of the crazies, and the toll from that type of weapon just keeps climbing. But you assholes just keep insisting that the tool has nothing to do with the problem. The difference is that the Texas Tower crazy killed 15, and wounded 31. With the bump stock on those assault weapons, Paddock killed 59, and wounded 527. Yes, the tool does count.

Vegas shooting.... 59 killed, 489 wounded.

Nice, rental Truck....89 killed, 458 wounded.

Yes......the tool does count....dumb ass.....

2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia
There are simple ways to do the exact same thing as the bump stock...........Outlawing the bump stock will make no difference whatsoever.............It's only purpose is to take advantage of the current Crisis...........Polarize it.........and try to score Political points.

They can say................LOOK WHAT WE DID..............doesn't pass..........then say............LOOK THEY VOTED IT DOWN.............THEIR EVIL..............

Wash, spin, REPEAT.
Outlaw all magazines that hold over 5 rounds. Outlaw semi-auto's, period. Anyone that has not turned their semi in by a certain date faces a mandatory 10 years in Federal Prison.

No, I don't want that, but that is what will happen if we do nothing long enough. People will have had enough of seeing dozens to hundreds of fellow citizens wounded and killed just because some fucked up hillbillies want to shoot a lot of ammo at once. Either outlaw any modification that makes a semi fire like a full auto, or you will see the semi outlawed, period, with pretty draconian penalties enforcing the law.

Hey...stupid ass.......having looked through the gun blogs....no one is fighting to keep the bump stock...moron. The thing we are watching is how assholes like you are going to try to sneak in other crap to get your hands on other guns......
I bet before this week less than 2% of the population had even heard of a bump stock.

Oh well, easy to make at home anyway.

Sen. Feinstein introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a longtime advocate of stricter gun control measures, introduced a bill Wednesday that would ban the sale and possession of bump-stock equipment and other devices that essentially turn a semiautomatic weapon into an automatic one.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) told reporters Tuesday that multiple bump stocks were found in the hotel room used by the shooter, who opened fire during the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on Sunday, killing 58 people and injuring over 500 others.

Senator introducing bill to ban bump stocks after Vegas shooting

I wouldn't brag too much about being able to make a bump stock at home

Right now the idea is to allow Assault Rifles and just ban devices that allow them to be modified for high rates of fire
If it becomes evident that Assault Rifles are too easily modified to become "automatic" rifles...the only resolution would be to ban assault rifles

Yeah...already did that, didn't change anything.......

Deaths by rifle 2016.....374 (that means all rifles, not just AR-15s)

Death by knife 2016..... 1,064

Notice the difference?

Death by blunt object.....472.

Death by bare hands and feet.....656

Notice the difference in numbers.......
Go ahead and outlaw bump stocks, but please do so knowing it would not stop what occurred in Las Vegas.
These can easily be made at home, and someone bent on creating the nightmare that the Las Vegas murderer created, would have simply done so. The information is on the internet if you can't figure it out yourself.

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