Old Soviet union 45 goals to destroy America perfectly match liberal ideology ( video)


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Old Soviet Union 45 Goals to Destroy America Perfectly Match Liberal Ideology!?!? (Video) - The Last Great Stand
It's no secret Barack Obama’s belief system leans towards Marxism, and by his own admission his childhood was very heavily influenced by Communist revolutionary Frank Marshall Davis. The media once shouted “conspiracy theory” whenever anyone tried to tie Obama to Davis, however conspiracy theorists were once again vindicated when film of Obama explicitly and openly identifying “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis suddenly surfaced on the Internet not long ago.

After the conclusion of the 45 goals, is video of a speech given by Ronald Reagan in 1961 where he gave the American people an eerily prophetic warning about the times we are currently living in. We were warned about the times we are living in, and we refused to listen…

America has been slipping right into a communist nation , but since we are not full blown yet most don't recognize it . Although there is a lot of it going on right now. As rights are stripped away, freedom of speech etc.
Silly ass, we see all your posts, and those of your compatriots. And all of you have have never passed up an opportunity to kiss Putin's ass. And then you accuse someone else of being a closet communist? LOL
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Silly ass, we see all your posts, and those of your compatriots. And all of you have have never passed up an opportunity to kiss Putin's ass. And then you accuse someone else of being a closet communist? LOL
Aint our problem you all are that blind to the loss of freedom here. betcha would be if Clinton got in though.
But oh wait we aren't out of the woods yet, some lunatic might try and take Trump out. maybe that Soviet American could happen after all LOL
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Silly ass, we see all your posts, and those of your compatriots. And all of you have have never passed up an opportunity to kiss Putin's ass. And then you accuse someone else of being a closet communist? LOL
America and the Constitution is Under Assault Today
Godless collectivists throughout our government and society are working hard to destroy this nation's legacy and replace it with one ruled by Marxist ideologies. The process has been in the making for many years and it would appear we have just about reached the critical mass necessary for its success and have entered the 21st century with a complete new set of values.

It's not too difficult to see that we have precious little time left before a complete deprivation of freedom when you consider what's transpired in recent years with technology, the growth of the federal government and its reach into private lives, and the long-term ramifications of September 11, 2001..............................
If only you weren't an Alex Jones acolyte....

He undermines the opposition to regressivism by promoting bullshit.

He IS NOT working to thwart the collectivist agenda, he is getting rich pretending to be the sole voice against "globalism".

I know the man personally, I've been in his house.

He is into himself, he serves no other cause.

As the family goes so goes the country. Pope Benedict, in one of his final Christmas messages, warned of the attacks on the family by marxists. It was a warning recieved late in the game but since 2012 the attacks have intensified. Perhaps Barack Hussein soetoro obama couldnt stop ISIS or bring health care costs down but he could push gay marriage, gender confusion and abortion. And to your point mindwars strong families (and christianity) have always stood in the way of statist and marxist goals both because they dont abide the divided loyalty and because the family and christianity are tied together as the full expression of what God intended.

Some of the most incisive points were taken from Giles Bernheim...

" the attack we are currently experiencing on the true structure of the family, made up of father, mother, and child, goes much deeper. While up to now we regarded a false understanding of the nature of human freedom as one cause of the crisis of the family, it is now becoming clear that the very notion of being—of what being human really means—is being called into question...
These words lay the foundation for what is put forward today under the term “gender” as a new philosophy of sexuality. According to this philosophy, sex is no longer a given element of nature, that man has to accept and personally make sense of: it is a social role that we choose for ourselves...
The profound falsehood of this theory and of the anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious....The words of the creation account: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27) no longer apply. No, what applies now is this: it was not God who created them male and female—hitherto society did this, now we decide for ourselves....

This was given 2012 link

Divorce, homosexuality, abortion, promiscuity...any of these sticks are good enough to attack the family and society turning citizens into drones who reject God and look to marxists to provide utopia on earth.
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If only you weren't an Alex Jones acolyte....

He undermines the opposition to regressivism by promoting bullshit.

He IS NOT working to thwart the collectivist agenda, he is getting rich pretending to be the sole voice against "globalism".

I know the man personally, I've been in his house.

He is into himself, he serves no other cause.

If only infowarphobes knew how to research it somewhere else, or click on the links that are in the article which takes you to where it org. came from.
What is hysterical is I can't tell you how many of you info pricks have agreed to an article not having a fkn clue it was from infowars LMAO.
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If only you weren't an Alex Jones acolyte....

He undermines the opposition to regressivism by promoting bullshit.

He IS NOT working to thwart the collectivist agenda, he is getting rich pretending to be the sole voice against "globalism".

I know the man personally, I've been in his house.

He is into himself, he serves no other cause.


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