Omar is Right, Watch "American" AIPAC Members Sing Israeli National Anthem, Choke Old Man

Imagine the backlash if it was a Russian lobbying group and they were singing the Russian national anthem.

I despise AIPAC.

All they do is help support the present Israeli government's illegal treatment of innocent people.

Israel is the Apartheid of the 21'st century - except they deny Palestinians their rights.

American Zionists should be made to swear an oath to America over Israel. Else they are traitors and their citizenship should be revoked.

The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

Lets start with the American Taliban first....Omar and Talib
Imagine the backlash if it was a Russian lobbying group and they were singing the Russian national anthem.

I despise AIPAC.

All they do is help support the present Israeli government's illegal treatment of innocent people.

Israel is the Apartheid of the 21'st century - except they deny Palestinians their rights.

American Zionists should be made to swear an oath to America over Israel. Else they are traitors and their citizenship should be revoked.

The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

I love this, Jews and Muslims coming together for once...who knew? just wanna be a bigot dont make assumption on what a 1.7 billion will or will not do.

Based on Pew and Rasmussen polls, a significant percentage of Muslims around the world support Sharia Law and even terrorism.
Sharia is not practiced in most islamic countries...and if it was evangelicals would love it.
Show me those polls that most muslims support can muslims support something that killed the most and they are at war with it...since it was brought by the US invading their countries.


Iraq under Saddam there were no terrorist group, no suicide bombs, the US invades Iraq based on lies and we all know the rest of the story.

Syria the west backs terrorist groups, and the country in ruins.

Lybia: under Gaddafi there were no terrorist groups, the west once again led by the US intervenes and create a safe heaven for chaos and terrorists.

You were saying ?
Better yet show me these "moderate" Muslisms who like Jews and hate terrorism......
Yep anything anti America the dems are for...….they apparently dont like democracies......

Like pussy grabbing ?
Cheating on the wife?
Fraud ?
Calling people names?
Lying conata
Lybia: under Gaddafi there were no terrorist groups, the west once again led by the US intervenes and create a safe heaven for chaos and terrorists.

I agree. Obama and Europe should have stayed out of that. Their misguided intervention is surely giving Jung-un pause to the notion of giving up his WMD's, as did Qadaffi.
Bush the father started all that mess. So did Bush Jr.
Pussy grabbing..that's Joe Biden......Trump never said he did that.....learn to listen
Cheating on his wife....oh so you didn't like Bill Clinton?
Fraud.....uh that's the democrats and their policies
calling people names......are you serious? you're a legit snowflake....mommy he called me a name....
Lying......about what?
Imagine the backlash if it was a Russian lobbying group and they were singing the Russian national anthem.

I despise AIPAC.

All they do is help support the present Israeli government's illegal treatment of innocent people.

Israel is the Apartheid of the 21'st century - except they deny Palestinians their rights.

American Zionists should be made to swear an oath to America over Israel. Else they are traitors and their citizenship should be revoked.

The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

I love this, Jews and Muslims coming together for once...who knew?

Jews should leave their Middle East hatreds at home in Israel. This is what Thomas Jefferson warned about, foreigners bringing their beefs to America.
Muslim Omar has no eyelashes and probably just has afro stubble like Micheal Obama. If flowing, long hair is offensive and sexually provocative to Islam (the cult was invented partly to enslave Blacks and promised 72 homosexuals "revirginating virgins" after death if killed attacking normal people) why would a Black with afro stubble wear red lipstick! Cognitive dissonance?
Muslim Omar has no eyelashes and probably just has afro stubble like Micheal Obama. If flowing, long hair is offensive and sexually provocative to Islam (the cult was invented partly to enslave Blacks and promised 72 homosexuals "revirginating virgins" after death if killed attacking normal people) why would a Black with afro stubble wear red lipstick! Cognitive dissonance?

LOL...another Snouter comment. You focus on women's looks and then say something monumentally bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic and moronic.

You are starting to get predictable...and more mentally disturbed.

Have a WONDERFUL need it.
As I predicted, the Dems will side with Omar and AOC and turn on Israel, simply because President Trump supports Israel versus Muslim barbarians.
Fuck israel....why we fighting their wars? Handing billions from our money each year ? Isnt it america first....or you like to be Israel's bitch ?
As I predicted, the Dems will side with Omar and AOC and turn on Israel, simply because President Trump supports Israel versus Muslim barbarians.
Fuck israel....why we fighting their wars? Handing billions from our money each year ? Isnt it america first....or you like to be Israel's bitch ?

"Israel" is JACOB (yakub)----who, according to the dogs of mecca, is a
"nabi" You have committed "blasphemy" ---according to the
principles of shariah shit.
As I predicted, the Dems will side with Omar and AOC and turn on Israel, simply because President Trump supports Israel versus Muslim barbarians.
Muslims are 1.7 billion, millions are Americans if they were barbarians life would stop 5o exist on this earth.
Why is it very typical of a trump supporter to be bigot and racist ?

your idiot concept that 1.7 billion barbaric muslims have the capacity to destroy life on the planet is nothing more than mosque APE CHEST
POUNDING------I have worked with muslims for more than 50 years and heard that idiocy -------for the first time----50 years ago. Muslim "scholars"
emit that idiot fart
As I predicted, the Dems will side with Omar and AOC and turn on Israel, simply because President Trump supports Israel versus Muslim barbarians.
Muslims are 1.7 billion, millions are Americans if they were barbarians life would stop 5o exist on this earth.
Why is it very typical of a trump supporter to be bigot and racist ?
They would stop life to exist for all non-Muslims on this Earth if they had the technology and capacity to.

Why is it very typical of left wingers to ignore the obvious? just wanna be a bigot dont make assumption on what a 1.7 billion will or will not do.

A firm and correct principle----determined by centuries of observation is-----prediction of FUTURE behavior is CORRECTLY BASED on history of
past behavior just wanna be a bigot dont make assumption on what a 1.7 billion will or will not do.

Based on Pew and Rasmussen polls, a significant percentage of Muslims around the world support Sharia Law and even terrorism.
Sharia is not practiced in most islamic countries...and if it was evangelicals would love it.
Show me those polls that most muslims support can muslims support something that killed the most and they are at war with it...since it was brought by the US invading their countries.


Iraq under Saddam there were no terrorist group, no suicide bombs, the US invades Iraq based on lies and we all know the rest of the story.

Syria the west backs terrorist groups, and the country in ruins.

Lybia: under Gaddafi there were no terrorist groups, the west once again led by the US intervenes and create a safe heaven for chaos and terrorists.

You were saying ?

Iraq, under Saddam, was engaged in a very effective genocide
against both Shiites and Kurds for the glory of allah. Gaddafi,
financially supported terrorism thruout the world. He even knocked
down commercial airplanes for the glory of allah. Save it for the
next Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
As I predicted, the Dems will side with Omar and AOC and turn on Israel, simply because President Trump supports Israel versus Muslim barbarians.
Muslims are 1.7 billion, millions are Americans if they were barbarians life would stop 5o exist on this earth.
Why is it very typical of a trump supporter to be bigot and racist ?

Muslims may not necessarily be barbarians, but their religion is barbaric. There are countless examples of the backward and savage nature of Islamic fundamentalists. Even in Europe, where Muslim men are confused about why white women should be able to wear what they want and not get raped for it. Rather than realize that certain aspects of their religion are deeply problematic, they refuse to discuss it, call everyone who speaks out racist or Islamophobic (such as yourself), even though Muslim is not a race and there is nothing irrational about a fear and dislike of Islam, given the horrible things Muslims have done with the justification of their "superior" faith, in a very public, brazen way.

Once Christians form an evil army that rapes and slaughters anyone who deviates from Christianity, claims that apostates and homosexuals deserve death (and follows through on these beliefs with sick and twisted religious laws), and orchestrates terrorist attacks in foreign lands, IN THE MODERN AGE, then you can talk about how unfair it is that people pick on the poor, defenseless Muslims.
You clearly not only dont know muslims but you also never being to a Muslim countries, and have no clue about islam.

Muslims didnt go around invading countries and created and aided terrorists group such as al Qaeda...countries like Iraq, lybia, syria had no terrorist groups till US interventions.

you should learn a bit about the history of islam-----from the life and
times of the rapist dog---muhummad of mecca------from people who
carry family legacies of having lived with that filth. PS, I know lots
of muslims and have lots of relatives born in shariah shit holes
Imagine the backlash if it was a Russian lobbying group and they were singing the Russian national anthem.

I despise AIPAC.

All they do is help support the present Israeli government's illegal treatment of innocent people.

Israel is the Apartheid of the 21'st century - except they deny Palestinians their rights.

American Zionists should be made to swear an oath to America over Israel. Else they are traitors and their citizenship should be revoked.

The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

I love this, Jews and Muslims coming together for once...who knew?

Jews should leave their Middle East hatreds at home in Israel. This is what Thomas Jefferson warned about, foreigners bringing their beefs to America.

what hatreds. thanks for arguing against diversity

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