OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Yeah, I think so. The MSM will have no choice put to go after Comey as a political hack and tool of Putin. I hope that's not the case, seriously. But given the timing of announcing this on a FRIDAY afternoon ... it smells.
The pay to play leaked emails are far more damning than any security violations. Dozens of politicians are sitting in prison right now for pay to play.
Though it won't cost her the election,

What Jake means is that, even if Hillary loses the actual vote by 20%, there are enough frauds and Soros voting machines to keep the White House owned by Zionism...
What I mean (LaDexter is too slow to get it) since there is no fraud or other rigging, even if she wins, she will be impeached or forced to resign.

If the emails are wikileaks, they are inadmissible in court but are admissible in impeachment proceedings
No mention of it on MSNBC's website, even two hours after the news breaks.

Their big story: Hillary is considering Crazy Uncle Joe Biden for her cabinet if she wins.
BS- They're all over it on TV. BTW, there is only one fact so far. The FBI is re-opening an investigation because of Putin's e-mail dumps. zzzzzzzzzzzz. And no more will come out before the election.
you asked a question about that information on this thread so I've answered that it was useless to watch CNN ... good if you know and understand what I'm mean it good to hear.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.

Logically, unless Comey is doing a political hit, it cannot have anything to do with wikileaks. First of all, the wikileak emails were illegally obtained .... by Russia. The FBI looking at them is fine, legally, because the FBI didn't participate in illegally obtaining them. However, as actual evidence they are worthless unless someone in camp Hillary says "yes that is an accurate copy of an email that I sent/received." For evidence, any document has to have a provenance.

Now if someone is willing to testify one of the wikileak documents is accurate ....
"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation … I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."

Unrelated case being the hacking of the emails.
You don't know that. Can you refrain from making shit up?
Irrelevant. Fact remains Hillary will likely be impeached should she be elected.

You know that like you know wikileaks is the reason for the FBI re-opening this investigation.
The speculation is has found and turned Hillary's 30,000 bleached emails over to the FBI. Wikileaks says Hillary will be arrested in a week.
even if she wins

For the past two weeks, you've been telling EVERYONE here that the election "is over." Were you LYING?
You are lying. I am saying Trump is way behind and posting RCP and 538, whereas you have been wailing.

The emails may result in an impeachment after her victory. I don't think it will change the likely election results, slowDexter.
"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.
The big question is, will Trump avoid saying or doing something outrageous in the next few days so as not to kill this story in the media.
Seems Putin is pulling out all stops to elect Trump

It is the Republicans being played
Despite her never being indicted over this, this just killed her election. It's over folks. What little turnout she could have had just shrunk even more
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.

Logically, unless Comey is doing a political hit, it cannot have anything to do with wikileaks. First of all, the wikileak emails were illegally obtained .... by Russia. The FBI looking at them is fine, legally, because the FBI didn't participate in illegally obtaining them. However, as actual evidence they are worthless unless someone in camp Hillary says "yes that is an accurate copy of an email that I sent/received." For evidence, any document has to have a provenance.

Now if someone is willing to testify one of the wikileak documents is accurate ....
"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation … I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."

Unrelated case being the hacking of the emails.
You don't know that. Can you refrain from making shit up?
Irrelevant. Fact remains Hillary will likely be impeached should she be elected.

You know that like you know wikileaks is the reason for the FBI re-opening this investigation.
Congress and the Senate will be Republican. If the FBI recommends prosecution they will run with it no matter what the DOJ does.

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