OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.

So there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence?
MSNBC can stick its head in the sand if it wants to.....but the fact is:

The Wicked Witch is dead, as a Cancer on the American Way of Life.
"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.
If they are related to an illegal Russian hacking job, the emails will finish Trump. They will probably finish HRC after election. She would resign after inauguration and TK would be president.
Hillary wins the election. Obama pardons her. lololol
And the revolution begins lololol
he can only pardon her if she is convicted of something.
If she is convicted before the election, she cant be a choice.
If she is convicted after the election, obama will not be in a position to pardon her, and she is not allowed to pardon herself.
Im not sure if Kain could issue a pardon after he took over the office or not. Something worth looking into.
Oh please let that evil bitch end up in prison where she will publicly whine for at least 4 years so we can enjoy her torment. then, when we start to get tired of it, please God, have Chawnequa shank her in front of a prison camera so we can all take great joy in her fitting end.
"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.

So there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence?
Notice who you are talking to.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
Hillarys election was ALREADY a disaster.
"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.

So there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence?
That questions tells me a whole bunch about you.
You know that she is guilty and has been all along.
You want the evidence to be considered inadmissible because you would rather have an un-American traitor in office than to try to maintain some degree of respect for that office.
Why do you hate the U.S so much, what exactly happened in your life for you to be willing to sell this country to the lowest bidder.
The law, mp, is more important that HRC. If she is elected and the emails are of criminal nature, then she can be impeached and tried and removed.

If they are not, then the illegal hackers and all who knowingly pushed it to disrupt an election will be charged and brought to trial.
This is serious. For the FBI to come out at this time indicates there's something there.

We can only pray this destroys the crook's chances for election.
It Will be a dream that came after all the shits launch at Trump so can't win she could get her well déserve from the beginning..Thank God!
Despite her never being indicted over this, this just killed her election. It's over folks. What little turnout she could have had just shrunk even more
That remains to be seen. It all depends on how this plays out over the next few days.

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