OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

A fly landed on Crooked Hillary's face just a second ago at her presentation of bullshit. That happens a lot with her. :p
She accidentally drank out of her own colostomy bag…

"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Oh I see talking points are already coming out.
I have a question.
If I kill someone, like stab them a billion times then cut their body up and feed it to the homeless in Kenya, and its all on video. But, that video is locked up on my computer so nobody can see it. Then someone hacks my computer and turns that video over.
Am I going to get in trouble or do I go free because the video was used without my permission.
Jesus you people are idiots. What does it matter how the information came out, if its true, then there is guilt. and hopefully a prison term. Would be nice if obama could also end up in prison for trying to cover up for her.

So there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence?
That questions tells me a whole bunch about you.
You know that she is guilty and has been all along.
You want the evidence to be considered inadmissible because you would rather have an un-American traitor in office than to try to maintain some degree of respect for that office.
Why do you hate the U.S so much, what exactly happened in your life for you to be willing to sell this country to the lowest bidder.

I asked you if there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence and you give me a demented rant,

sans answer?

You seem to forget that I have said for years now that Hillary Clinton was a terrible choice for the Democrats to nominate.

So again, do you really believe there is no such thing as inadmissible evidence?

Yes, No, or I have no Clue....
Uh, guy, . . . actually, that's you.


If I had my way, Newt Gingrich would still be Speaker, the US would have $2 trillion of debt instead of $20, and the US would never have sent troops to Afghan or Iraq.

You, on the other hand, have supported all that has wrecked the US since Newt left, in large part because you care only about one country, and that country is not the US.
Groper? lie with no evidence, hater dupe.

Careful, franco. Something prevented Biden from running this time, and his campaign was all set up, and then he chickened out.

It wasn't any "righty" that pushed him out of the Dem primary. It was the Hillary Hate Machine and the long list of dead folks who dared stand up to it.

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