OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Yeah, I think so. The MSM will have no choice put to go after Comey as a political hack and tool of Putin. I hope that's not the case, seriously. But given the timing of announcing this on a FRIDAY afternoon ... it smells.
"Unless the FBI has an independent source that doesn't involve Russian illegally hacked political documents", then this is the final straw for Trump. He is finished for good.
Weatherman has the right of it.

If the real smoking gun is here, then nothing will be done until after the election. Say hello to President Kaine.
Say hello to federal inmate Clinton.
Can you imagine the curse words she was using on the plane? Hope someone had their phone on record!
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point
Well you are wrong I'm watching CNN right now. They are reporting the new info comes from the Podesta leaked emails from yesterday.
Obama needs to fire Comey effective Nov. 9th then. We can't have the FBI utilizing Russian propaganda to influence an election. Regardless of party.

Now if the FBI can legally authenticate something from Wikileaks via a US govt employee ... have at it.
How Nixonian.
Weathertutu, you remain willfully ignorant. very few wanted to impeach Nixon. What Nixon said, however, was anything the president does in his officlal capaicity is illegal. That's not the case.

If they can prove Hillary intentionally transmitted classified matl on a private server, they should.
That's the only reason Comey has reopened the case, he feels he has a smoking gun. If it was political, he would have recommended prosecution before.
This is serious. For the FBI to come out at this time indicates there's something there.

We can only pray this destroys the crook's chances for election.
Funny thing is the wikileaks in unadmissable in any case...

This is a continual joke at this stage...

I said Comey is awful when he commented on an investigation and Hillary Clinton, That is simply not allowed.

He should have said she has no case to answer and thats it... It is unprecident to comment on people who has no charges brought against them...
I understand the news, including CNN, is not reporting this has anything to do with wikileaks. What part of that do you need explained to you in your first language?
you asked a question about that information on this thread so I've answered that it was useless to watch CNN ... good if you know and understand what I'm mean it good to hear.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point.
dont hold your breath for news agencies to rush to get this out. If they do, they might do it after the election.
They need to keep air space open incase something important comes in on one of the candidates, like, Donald Trump picked his nose and wiped his booger on the bus seat or something like that.
You're deranged. The news is all over this. But their information is limited at the moment to Comey's letter.
you want to put a known traitor in the office of president, and Im the deranged one?
I see this at work all the time, those with mental conditions think they are perfectly sane, and the consider those of us that are not stricken with a mental disorder to be the sick ones.
Have you discussed this at any length with your case manager?
Your derangement worsens. Hillary's not been charged with any crimes which would make her a traitor and I have no case manager or reason to have one.

Meanwhile, I can prove you're deranged by your idiotic comment that the news keeping a lid on any aspects of this when the reality is nothing is known beyond the information Comey conveyed to Congress.
Another subversive free thread?....Come on, leftists, where is the spin...waiting for DNC instructions?

Shows how hard up the GOP is. General Flynn needs to be investigated.
I bet he did, it was an inside job, someone leaked emails and he would be the one, intel used to be a Dem til he was shoved out and then became buddy buddy with Russia. He needs to be investigated. Perhaps he and Trump belong in the slammer together.
Funny thing is the wikileaks in unadmissable in any case...

This is a continual joke at this stage...

I said Comey is awful when he commented on an investigation and Hillary Clinton, That is simply not allowed.

He should have said she has no case to answer and thats it... It is unprecident to comment on people who has no charges brought against them...

Nothing to do with wikileaks.
Again ... no news agencies have reported it has anything to do with wikileaks. Nothing beyond Comey's letter is known at this point
Well you are wrong I'm watching CNN right now. They are reporting the new info comes from the Podesta leaked emails from yesterday.
Obama needs to fire Comey effective Nov. 9th then. We can't have the FBI utilizing Russian propaganda to influence an election. Regardless of party.

Now if the FBI can legally authenticate something from Wikileaks via a US govt employee ... have at it.
How Nixonian.
Weathertutu, you remain willfully ignorant. very few wanted to impeach Nixon. What Nixon said, however, was anything the president does in his officlal capaicity is illegal. That's not the case.

If they can prove Hillary intentionally transmitted classified matl on a private server, they should.
That's the only reason Comey has reopened the case, he feels he has a smoking gun. If it was political, he would have recommended prosecution before.
Well IF he has a smoking gun for a source who can vouch for an email's accuracy in an AMERICAN court .. fine.
No mention of it on MSNBC's website, even two hours after the news breaks.

Their big story: Hillary is considering Crazy Uncle Joe Biden for her cabinet if she wins.
Funny thing is the wikileaks in unadmissable in any case...

This is a continual joke at this stage...

I said Comey is awful when he commented on an investigation and Hillary Clinton, That is simply not allowed.

He should have said she has no case to answer and thats it... It is unprecident to comment on people who has no charges brought against them...

Nothing to do with wikileaks.
I really hope you're right. IF not, we just went somewhere America's never gone before.
I bet he did, it was an inside job, someone leaked emails and he would be the one, intel used to be a Dem til he was shoved out and then became buddy buddy with Russia. He needs to be investigated. Perhaps he and Trump belong in the slammer together.

Looks like your candidate is in trouble. Hahaha!!

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