OMG - "Euthanized" pets kept alive for blood


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Us paranoids are right Everything is a scam and everybody is a crook.

Ft. Worth veterinarian accused of secretly keeping 'euthanized' pets alive | Fox News

April 30, 2014
A complaint against a long-time Fort Worth veterinarian alleges some animals that the owners believed were euthanized were kept alive. The accusers told investigators the vet wanted the animals for their blood.

Fort Worth police and medical board investigators raided the Camp Bowie Animal Clinic on Tuesday, acting on a complaint filed by Marian Harris against Dr. Lou Tierce.

According to the complaint, "The clinic was using Sid (and other dogs) for blood transfusions and other experimental treatments.”

Harris actually managed to steal her dog back, and then confronted Tierce, who reportedly declined to comment on the allegations.

According to the complaint, another veterinarian examined Sid and determined that among other things, "he had mange and shows definite signs of having been used for blood transfusions
I have never seen a vet that did not have several donor animals around. Where do you think blood comes from when dogs or cats need a tranfusion, the canine feline red cross? Sometimes owners will bring in an animal to be euthanized because they don't want to pay a vet bill. The vet takes the animal makes sure it's restored to health and it becomes one of the hospital donors. I was at the vet when someone came in with a cat that had a broken leg. The owners wouldn't make payment arrangements or put the bill on a credit card. They wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down. The bastards. The vet had them sign a release. When I came back the next week the leg was in a cast. The hospital had a new donor cat.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Are they really that fucking ignorant?
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.
Those people didn't stay to witness the euthanasia?

I have stayed with every pet I have had to euthanize until the bitter end
Those people didn't stay to witness the euthanasia?

I have stayed with every pet I have had to euthanize until the bitter end

I have held them in my arms. It's pretty clear as to what happened. This woman's dog was old, not cute any more and she was tired of feeding him. But he was healthy. No matter what a vet says to you, no reputable vet will put a healthy dog down. They will keep it as a donor, they will send it to a rescue organization. Even dogs sent to the shelter aren't always destroyed. There are agencies to take them.

The object is zero euthanasia of healthy animals.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.

Yep, I believe in human rights over animal rights and you vice versa. I am not a traitor to my species.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.

Yep, I believe in human rights over animal rights and you vice versa. I am not a traitor to my species.

I agree but we should not make the mistake of thinking its an either/or question. We hear that all the time - that those who care about animals don't care about people. Its usually just the opposite. Compassion is not and should not be limited to either human animals or non-human animals.

Vets often have donor animals but what this vet did was wrong.

OTOH, many of those who object to this have no problem with many cruel and useless uses of animals for fun and profit.
It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.

Yep, I believe in human rights over animal rights and you vice versa. I am not a traitor to my species.

I agree but we should not make the mistake of thinking its an either/or question. We hear that all the time - that those who care about animals don't care about people. Its usually just the opposite. Compassion is not and should not be limited to either human animals or non-human animals.

Vets often have donor animals but what this vet did was wrong.

OTOH, many of those who object to this have no problem with many cruel and useless uses of animals for fun and profit.

The vet chose to not put a healthy animal down. That's just what vets should do. The woman who wanted her old dog killed for the crime of being an old dog should be beaten with a red hot poker. That she's upset that the dog wasn't killed says more about her than the vet. Aw the dog wasn't dead, how bloody AWFUL.
I was at the vet when someone came in with a cat that had a broken leg. The owners wouldn't make payment arrangements or put the bill on a credit card. They wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down.

So perfectly healthy animals have broken legs!!??? THINK
I was at the vet when someone came in with a cat that had a broken leg. The owners wouldn't make payment arrangements or put the bill on a credit card. They wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down.

So perfectly healthy animals have broken legs!!??? THINK

Well, yes. A broken leg does not mean the animal is sick. It means the animal has a broken leg without any associated disease.
I was at the vet when someone came in with a cat that had a broken leg. The owners wouldn't make payment arrangements or put the bill on a credit card. They wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down.

So perfectly healthy animals have broken legs!!??? THINK

Well, yes. A broken leg does not mean the animal is sick. It means the animal has a broken leg without any associated disease.

Broken ain't perfect. Next question.

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