OMG - "Euthanized" pets kept alive for blood

I hope this asshole loses his license and is shunned by every human being on earth. When he dies, I hope he isn't dead or is brought back, then milked of his blood and kept in a cage for 6 months.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

They are better family members than human ones, asshole.
The woman should have been there with her dog if it was ill and had conditions that could not be remedied. To just dump it off and let them kill it (supposedly) without her being there is chickenshit. I hope like hell they didn't give the dog back to her. It needs to go to a home where it can be helped and loved forever and when it is time, the new owner loves it enough to BE THERE when they insert the needle.

Geez. The quote of "the more I am around humans, the more I love my dogs" sure gets stronger every day.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.

Yep, I believe in human rights over animal rights and you vice versa. I am not a traitor to my species.

I'm a real big fan of the either/or crowd. NOT!
I was at the vet when someone came in with a cat that had a broken leg. The owners wouldn't make payment arrangements or put the bill on a credit card. They wanted this perfectly healthy animal put down.

So perfectly healthy animals have broken legs!!??? THINK

Yes. A perfectly healthy human can also have a broken arm. A broken bone doesn't mean you are unhealthy.
I suppose it makes a perverted sort of sence that the people on here who are happy to portray the sixth of the human race of Islamic faith as animals who should be destroyed get all pansy about a couple of animals as though they are human family members.

Talk about a messed up set of priorities.

It makes perfect sense. Only your priorities are messed up.

Yep, I believe in human rights over animal rights and you vice versa. I am not a traitor to my species.

Humans ARE animals, in case you didn't realize that. We're the apes. :)
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