OMG - Rand Paul wants to cut welfare for mothers after so many kids

I agree in theory with Rand: something has to be done.

In relation to your comment: eight as many white women are on welfare as black women.

yeah, and they speak the same language of ghetto gutter talk. so my comment applies to them as well. its not racial, jake. I know you want it to be, but its not.

Shit, you really think everyone here besides you is retarded.

Give Redfish a break. He has come such a long way. The problem is that he has such a long way more to go.
OMG - Rand Paul wants to cut welfare for mothers after so many kids

I think that's a good idea. I can see welfare for a single mother with one kid. That could have been a mistake on her part. However, after more than one "mistake" you should be on your own and labeled as a "slow learner".

Perhaps, instead of welfare, the government should insist the father provide child support...OR, if he can provide a more stable home, get custody.
People should not get more in subsidies for having more kids while on Welfare.
They should not be rewarded.
And it should be the same for everyone.This is not a race issue or another attack on women...

But the left will play it as such.
People should not get more in subsidies for having more kids while on Welfare.
They should not be rewarded.
And it should be the same for everyone.This is not a race issue or another attack on women...

But the left will play it as such


"Yes dear?"

"I wasn't throwing the ball in the house and I didn't break the priceless vase that your grandmother gave to you."

Liberals will now scream RACISM since blacks are ten times as likely as whites to be on welfare.
38.8% of welfare recipients are white, and 39.8% are black.
Wow, I did not realize it is such a huge disparity considering that black women make up such a small percentage of the population in comparison to white women!

It is simply not feasible for poor people to have children; they can not afford them, and it is unfair to burden responsible tax payers with their needs.

Temporary sterilization would be a good solution if possible. After all, a welfare recipient would be deemed unfit to adopt a child! If you are not fit to adopt; you are not fit to have!

That is fucking insane.

Welfare should be abolished. Period.


Exactly. Along with Social Security, Medicare, education, health care.

We want a nation we can be proud of:


Go to work , tie your pecker in a knot and shut the fuck up.


I've got some buttcheeks for you to kiss. But please, try not to slobber. Still trying to get the stains out from last time.
And what percentage of the population is black?

There are not 10 times as many whites to blacks!

Whites are 69% of the population and blacks are 12%

So why do blacks who are a small percentage of the pop represent such a high number on welfare rolls?

If blacks were so unwilling to work and conservatives work so hard, why did white conservatives make them slaves so conservatives didn't have to work?

How come white conservatives are unwilling to do the work that immigrants do? Like pick fruit and vegetables?

And why are white conservatives so damn fat?
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Perfect! Absolutely perfect!!!! Let's punish the children for the sins of their mother.

Punish the children.?? Are you so stupid you think SNAP money is spent on the kids? HAHAHA
These black and brown welfare queens sell the food and spend the money on themselves.
There is no doubt that welfare has been an incentive to have multiple children.
It would be interesting to have seen how many kids minorities would have had, had the benefits not been there, and they knew that they would have been responsible for feeding them, housing, etc.
Bet you there would have been damn few families with eight kids.

No doubt?

Fuck off. There is absolute doubt. You are talking out of your ass.

Did I hurt your feelings ?
The democrats can get the woman with 15 kids back so she can say "who gonna pay for these kids?"
Liberals will now scream RACISM since blacks are ten times as likely as whites to be on welfare.
38.8% of welfare recipients are white, and 39.8% are black.

Half the white recipients are actually hispanic - another obozo lie to make whites look bad. Anyway that cuts the ratio down to 2 to 1. And since whites outnumber blacks 5 to 1, that means blacks are ten times as likely as whites to be a snapper.
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While you're at it, make contraception and abortion illegal. We want these women to suffer and their kids to starve. That'll show 'em. And who said Republicans were good people? Not me. We want the world to see the kind of moral people Republicans really are.

Fuck off, you retarded democratic party piece of shit.

Tell the people on welfare that we will support X number of kids, and no more. If they decide to breed more than that, it's on their dime.

Just watch how fast they trot their asses down to Walgreen's to buy rubbers.

Sended fum uh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Its part of black culture to have lots of kids, and to cut our welfare is racist. Someone needs to be responsible here, these precious gifts from heaven need your help.
The kids have to be taken care of regardless of what the mothers are doing. That's why they get away with it if they are indeed having children to get more welfare. The kids didn't ask to be put in that situation so why should they suffer?

the argument isn't targeted at the kids, but at the mothers who continually have kids they can't support. Why should that be society's responsibility for irresponsible behavior? If a person wants to have 20 kids, great. Just don't expect me to pay for them.

Then stop fucking with Planned Parenthood and stop trying to reduce accessibility to contraceptives.

Shit !!!!!!!

They can buy 12 Trojan condoms for $11 @ Walgreens

What's stopping them????

Sended fum uh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Perfect! Absolutely perfect!!!! Let's punish the children for the sins of their mother. Why don't we just arrest the mother and put her and her children into a woman's prison somewhere. We could make sure no men work or are allowed into that prison. Or better, we could forcible sterilize the mother. As I recall the Third Reich had pretty good success with this program.

If the mother was told there would be no more loot for extra kids, maybe she would use birth control and there would be no kids to "punish".

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:

You mean she can control her libido????

Apparently not.
38.8% of welfare recipients are white, and 39.8% are black.

And add Hispanics to the white total, since they are normally identified that way, and we find that eight times as many white mothers draw welfare as black.

15.7% are hispanic.

It's actually twice that since obozo has ordered the govt to list half the hispanics on welfare as white. Just like Holder lists half of hispanic criminals as white and half of white crime victims as hispanic. THINK
The kids have to be taken care of regardless of what the mothers are doing. That's why they get away with it if they are indeed having children to get more welfare. The kids didn't ask to be put in that situation so why should they suffer?

HAHA. What a stupid thing to say. And i suppose bank robbers with kids should not be sent to prison since that would make the kids suffer and why should they suffer.

Can you think at all? Don't answer that.
You'll do the responsible thing and support these poor underprivileged minority children. If you don't, we'll riot! It's time to pay up, you have no choice.

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