OMG - Rand Paul wants to cut welfare for mothers after so many kids

Some of you Big Black Bucks need to see the young Cassius Clay talk about how the male black man is destroying his race. Sounds like Mr. King

That's Mohammad Ali for you young bucks. And I'm a white Vietnam vet who is to the right of Rush and Hannity who knows the difference between garbage and gold.
Good movie on Net Flix oh and he was and always will be the Best Heavyweight Champ of all time.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Some of you Big Black Bucks need to see the young Cassius Clay talk about how the male black man is destroying his race. Sounds like Mr. King

That's Mohammad Ali for you young bucks.
Good movie on Net Flix oh and he was and always will be the Best Heavyweight Champ of all time.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Ali was a media creation. He could barely read and write but the press never talked about that either.
Has anyone talked to these welfare women and asked why they keep having more children when they can't even take care of themselves?

It is time to start telling people that they need to make better decisions because the tax payers are being drained. What if we did say that from now on, if you've been on welfare your own adult life, you aren't getting more money if you keep having more children? Do you think some would stop? Do Dems believe they can control their libidos? Will they keep whining and say that unless we pay for birth control and abortions that they will end up with children they don't want and then we can keep taking care of them, too?

Birth control is cheap and readily available. There is no acceptable excuse for not buying it. I have no idea what abortions cost, but if a woman wants one, she should get it and then she can figure out how to pay for it when she chooses one for convenience. Maybe they would opt to spend the $4 at Walmart and get birth control if they knew they'd be responsible for either paying for an abortion or paying to raise the child.

As it is, we have women, like Octomom, who despite being on the public doles still deliberately have more children. Why is it okay for some to take advantage of tax payers but not okay for tax payers to resent being taken advantage of?

There has to be consequences to poor decisions. People on the doles who are able bodied should give something back. If they knew that nothing was free, not even to them, maybe they'd take stock and make some changes in their lives.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some people that they feel they can make demands when they should be grateful for the help they have received. When a person is able-bodied, but has never worked, and has always been on the doles, what will it take for them to become a giver instead of a taker? There are 5th ad 6th generation welfare recipients who haven't done a fucking thing to improve their own lives. If they can't start meeting us halfway and at least try to keep expenses down, they are doomed to be on the doles forever and their children will likely be the next generation of government dependents.
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She has her own special place in history...with the American Progressives.

In far right propaganda, yes. She was basically a fascist, which places her on the authoritarian side of the right. Add in the race and breeding nonsense, she makes a good American fascist.

No, she prided herself on being a Progressive...don't take that away from her. Hillary greatly admires her, and wanted to rebrand herself as a like-minded Progressive, rather than being referred to as a Liberal.
in liberal land, there is no consequences for your actions.
Has anyone talked to these welfare women and asked why they keep having more children when they can't even take care of themselves?

It is time to start telling people that they need to make better decisions because the tax payers are being drained. What if we did say that from now on, if you've been on welfare your own adult life, you aren't getting more money if you keep having more children? Do you think some would stop? Do Dems believe they can control their libidos? Will they keep whining and say that unless we pay for birth control and abortions that they will end up with children they don't want and then we can keep taking care of them, too?

Birth control is cheap and readily available. There is no acceptable excuse for not buying it. I have no idea what abortions cost, but if a woman wants one, she should get it and then she can figure out how to pay for it when she chooses one for convenience. Maybe they would opt to spend the $4 at Walmart and get birth control if they knew they'd be responsible for either paying for an abortion or paying to raise the child.

As it is, we have women, like Octomom, who despite being on the public doles still deliberately have more children. Why is it okay for some to take advantage of tax payers but not okay for tax payers to resent being taken advantage of?

There has to be consequences to poor decisions. People on the doles who are able bodied should give something back. If they knew that nothing was free, not even to them, maybe they'd take stock and make some changes in their lives.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with some people that they feel they can make demands when they should be grateful for the help they have received. When a person is able-bodied, but has never worked, and has always been on the doles, what will it take for them to become a giver instead of a taker? There are 5th ad 6th generation welfare recipients who haven't done a fucking thing to improve their own lives. If they can't start meeting us halfway and at least try to keep expenses down, they are doomed to be on the doles forever and their children will likely be the next generation of government dependents.

All these things happen because giving to the dole people gets Dems elected--why do they want to be a politician---great pay wonderful benny's and talk circuit after they make millions.
Big ego trip for most, we have to stop that and if they need a job then have them go get one like everyone else, then see how fast good bills will come thru.
This would create more good jobs in the USA as they would surely make it possible for businesses that left to come back.
So what to do, turn it into a lousy job. So have session twice a year and No campaigns. Volunteer's only.
It used to be that way YEARS ago...But now it's 15 kids by 15 different daddies, no problems...

Just expect the taxpayers to give freely and keep them legs open wide

They can all become upstanding people like the Democrats see's you
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70% of the nation's poor are women. Women are mothers.

Men still make more money than women for doing the same job.

What does Rand Paul say about men paying to support the children they produce?
I don't want the government within micro-economics any further then minimum wage.

To much government is very bad. Whos to say that woman aren't going for lesser degree's and so ending up with lesser paying jobs??? Why do you think the government has a right to force a small business to pay someone more because they're a woman?
There are not 10 times as many whites to blacks!

Whites are 69% of the population and blacks are 12%

So why do blacks who are a small percentage of the pop represent such a high number on welfare rolls?

If blacks were so unwilling to work and conservatives work so hard, why did white conservatives make them slaves so conservatives didn't have to work?

How come white conservatives are unwilling to do the work that immigrants do? Like pick fruit and vegetables?

And why are white conservatives so damn fat?

How about you ask a question thats relative to the original OP instead of some shit you pulled out your ass that has nothing to do with facts?
I know got nothing.
Margaret Sanger would be so disappointed that these women aren't taking advantage of the opportunity to visit their local Planned Parenthood clinic...they were her inspiration.

Sanger was indeed for informed contraceptive options.

She would have fit well into the far right fascist eugenics programs of Europe.

horseshit, Sanger started planned parenthood as a way to stop the growth of the black population. Her goal was to abort as many black babies as possible, and she succeeded because fools like you refuse to see the truth.
I don't want the government within micro-economics any further then minimum wage.

To much government is very bad. Whos to say that woman aren't going for lesser degree's and so ending up with lesser paying jobs??? Why do you think the government has a right to force a small business to pay someone more because they're a woman?

YOUR one vote.
I don't want the government within micro-economics any further then minimum wage.

To much government is very bad. Whos to say that woman aren't going for lesser degree's and so ending up with lesser paying jobs??? Why do you think the government has a right to force a small business to pay someone more because they're a woman?

why shouldn't the price of labor be set by supply and demand like everything else?

less than 2% of americans make minimum wage and most of them are teenagers working part time------its a non-issue.
How do you know that's what's happening? How do you know my thinking isn't the right thinking.
Has anyone talked to these welfare women and asked why they keep having more children when they can't even take care of themselves?


We know why. Cause more kids means more welfare. Rand paul is right. This must stop.
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Men still make more money than women for doing the same job.

That's a lie. They get the same or more than men for the same job. Trouble is women don't get good jobs cause they go to college and study BS like literature while money study engineering.

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