OMG - Rand Paul wants to cut welfare for mothers after so many kids

If the mother was told there would be no more loot for extra kids, maybe she would use birth control and there would be no kids to "punish".

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Isn't that closing the barn door after the horses have left. How about this, what if the government provided birth control to the potential mother BEFORE she has the unwanted children. That seems like a good idea to me but if I am not mistaken huckabee doesn't think Uncle Sugar should be providing birth control to those who need it most. Bottom line is you don't want to give out birth control, you don't want abortions, and you don't want woman to have sex. Isn't this a little illogical? It is kind of like saying, I don't want you to swim, I don't want you to float, and I don't want you to drown.

If the mother knew 4 kids was the limit, maybe she would do the smart thing and use some of the welfare money to buy rubbers herself. Then she wouldn't have any more horses to leave the barn door open for.

Sended fum muh iFoam usin sum magikl whitey ju-ju shit.
Good point. However, as the welfare program is cut back choosing to buy food, clothes, and pay the rent leaves less and less money for buying birth control of any type. I am surprised people like paul haven't been pushing for a "Wash and reuse" program for used rubbers. It is the crazy type of idea that the far right loves and which makes no sense.

Margaret Sanger would be so disappointed that these women aren't taking advantage of the opportunity to visit their local Planned Parenthood clinic...they were her inspiration.

Sanger was indeed for informed contraceptive options.

She would have fit well into the far right fascist eugenics programs of Europe.

She has her own special place in history...with the American Progressives.

In far right propaganda, yes. She was basically a fascist, which places her on the authoritarian side of the right. Add in the race and breeding nonsense, she makes a good American fascist.
Great idea.
Have as many kids as you long as you can take care of them.
You want to have kids you can't support that should end..Taxpayers should be able to have a say in that.

Last few weeks you were all about protecting the rights of the guy in your avatar to express his religious beliefs. Today you want to use gov't authority to limit the religious right and bible command to procreate. Make up your mind.
Sanger was indeed for informed contraceptive options.

She would have fit well into the far right fascist eugenics programs of Europe.

She has her own special place in history...with the American Progressives.

In far right propaganda, yes. She was basically a fascist, which places her on the authoritarian side of the right. Add in the race and breeding nonsense, she makes a good American fascist.

No, she prided herself on being a Progressive...don't take that away from her. Hillary greatly admires her, and wanted to rebrand herself as a like-minded Progressive, rather than being referred to as a Liberal.
I am such a radical liberal (so I've been told) that I would require that welfare women and men be taking long term birth control. Any pregnancy during the period the woman was on welfare would not cause an increase in benefits. No matter how many kids. Refuse to take birth control, ok, no welfare benefits.

The maximum benefit would be for a women with three. Have 4, 5, 6 kids, but no additional money would be available through welfare.

If welfare recipients really cared about kids, they would quit having them.

Hows that for a radical liberal?
OMG - Rand Paul wants to cut welfare for mothers after so many kids

I think that's a good idea. I can see welfare for a single mother with one kid. That could have been a mistake on her part. However, after more than one "mistake" you should be on your own and labeled as a "slow learner".
While you're at it, make contraception and abortion illegal. We want these women to suffer and their kids to starve. That'll show 'em. And who said Republicans were good people? Not me. We want the world to see the kind of moral people Republicans really are.
She has her own special place in history...with the American Progressives.

In far right propaganda, yes. She was basically a fascist, which places her on the authoritarian side of the right. Add in the race and breeding nonsense, she makes a good American fascist.

No, she prided herself on being a Progressive...don't take that away from her. Hillary greatly admires her, and wanted to rebrand herself as a like-minded Progressive, rather than being referred to as a Liberal.

Progressivism has right wing and left wing facets. Did you not know that?

For instance, social cons who want to use Congress to outlaw abortion are far right progressives.

Progressivism is a philosophy that began in the 1890s supported by right, center, and left. It always had a racialist and class taint to it.

But it is what it is.
In far right propaganda, yes. She was basically a fascist, which places her on the authoritarian side of the right. Add in the race and breeding nonsense, she makes a good American fascist.

No, she prided herself on being a Progressive...don't take that away from her. Hillary greatly admires her, and wanted to rebrand herself as a like-minded Progressive, rather than being referred to as a Liberal.

Progressivism has right wing and left wing facets. Did you not know that?

For instance, social cons who want to use Congress to outlaw abortion are far right progressives.

Progressivism is a philosophy that began in the 1890s supported by right, center, and left. It always had a racialist and class taint to it.

But it is what it is.

Yes, but thanks for the condescending tone...if it makes you feel better to believe that she wasn't an arm of the leftist Progressives, then have at it.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) suggested the possibility of cutting government benefits for unwed mothers who have multiple children.


That is fucking insane.

Welfare should be abolished. Period.


Exactly. Along with Social Security, Medicare, education, health care.

We want a nation we can be proud of:

We, America, builds a system where there are winners and losers. Both "winners" and "losers" are sometimes such through no action of their own. To have no support for the "losers" in the system is inhumane. Unfortunately inhumanity is a common trait in humans.
Liberals will now scream RACISM since blacks are ten times as likely as whites to be on welfare.

?Enough is enough?: Rand Paul suggests cutting benefits for unwed mothers with too many kids | The Raw Story

January 26, 2014 9:30 EST

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) suggested the possibility of cutting government benefits for unwed mothers who have multiple children.

“Maybe we have to say ‘enough’s enough, you shouldn’t be having kids after a certain amount,’” said Paul, who opposes legal abortion and has criticized the federal health care law’s contraception mandate as a violation of religious and economic liberty.

“I don’t know how you do all that because then it’s tough to tell a woman with four kids that she’s got a fifth kid we’re not going to give her any more money,” Paul said. “But we have to figure out how to get that message through because that is part of the answer. Some of that’s not coming from government. It needs to come from ministers and people in the community and parents and grandparents to convince our kids to do something different.”

The conservative senator said communities or families should be responsible for the prevention of unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, but he said government policies could discourage unwed mothers from having additional children.

“Married with kids versus unmarried with kids is the difference between living in poverty and not,” Paul said.

U.S. Census Bureau data back his claim, showing that 30.9 percent of families led by a single mother were living in poverty in 2012, compared to 6.3 percent of families led by a married couple and 16.4 percent of families led by a single father.
Perfect! Absolutely perfect!!!! Let's punish the children for the sins of their mother. Why don't we just arrest the mother and put her and her children into a woman's prison somewhere. We could make sure no men work or are allowed into that prison. Or better, we could forcible sterilize the mother. As I recall the Third Reich had pretty good success with this program.

So you're saying you support lazy welfare whores who pop out kids every 9 months so she can get an increase in her welfare allotment?
While you're at it, make contraception and abortion illegal. We want these women to suffer and their kids to starve. That'll show 'em. And who said Republicans were good people? Not me. We want the world to see the kind of moral people Republicans really are.

You're being overly usual.
Liberals will now scream RACISM since blacks are ten times as likely as whites to be on welfare.
Perfect! Absolutely perfect!!!! Let's punish the children for the sins of their mother. Why don't we just arrest the mother and put her and her children into a woman's prison somewhere. We could make sure no men work or are allowed into that prison. Or better, we could forcible sterilize the mother. As I recall the Third Reich had pretty good success with this program.

So you're saying you support lazy welfare whores who pop out kids every 9 months so she can get an increase in her welfare allotment?

You have any statistics on just how many "lazy welfare whores" there are?
No, she prided herself on being a Progressive...don't take that away from her. Hillary greatly admires her, and wanted to rebrand herself as a like-minded Progressive, rather than being referred to as a Liberal.

Progressivism has right wing and left wing facets. Did you not know that?

For instance, social cons who want to use Congress to outlaw abortion are far right progressives.

Progressivism is a philosophy that began in the 1890s supported by right, center, and left. It always had a racialist and class taint to it.

But it is what it is.

Yes, but thanks for the condescending tone...if it makes you feel better to believe that she wasn't an arm of the leftist Progressives, then have at it.

You resent my 'tone' after you used one on me. OK.

Thank you for accepting that progressivism has left and center and right facets.

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