asterism, you are mistaken and you cannot support your belief.

Then you should have no problem providing proof that Obama did order attacks on terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So.... why didn't you present any?

I don't have to prove anything until you prove your assertion.

You can't, you fail here.
asterism, you are mistaken and you cannot support your belief.

Then you should have no problem providing proof that Obama did order attacks on terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So.... why didn't you present any?

I don't have to prove anything until you prove your assertion.

You can't, you fail here.

Prove a negative? How can I prove something that hasn't happened? You say it has, so prove it.

Logic fail on your part.
Laughter rings through the hall as Asterism wants me to disprove something he admits he can't prove.

Laughter rings through the hall as Asterism wants me to disprove something he admits he can't prove.


You seem to have failed logic.

When someone asserts that something didn't happen, the only proof is a continued lack of proof that the event actually did happen.

Therefore my statement is correct given that you have not proven me incorrect. Now had I said that Obama did indeed order attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood, that would be accompanied by evidence showing that he did. But since he didn't, the lack of evidence that he did proves this.
Your statement falls because of the internal inconsistency of your assertion.

If you can't prove it, then no one has any obligation to disprove it
Saddam Hussein uses chemical weapons Bush acts,, the left demonizes him.

Syria uses chemical weapons obummer threatens to act the left cheers.

in both cases both dick taters refuse to let the UN in.


if obummer goes to war is he gonna blame BUSH?

Less than 500 have died of WMD in Syria. Saddam killed 500,000 of his own people with them. So, yes the irony is so think you would need a meat cleaver to cut it.

there is no irony to be had.
Then you should have no problem providing proof that Obama did order attacks on terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So.... why didn't you present any?

I don't have to prove anything until you prove your assertion.

You can't, you fail here.

Prove a negative? How can I prove something that hasn't happened? You say it has, so prove it.

Logic fail on your part.

brilliant response
And another lie. Harry Dresden made you look stupid about it yesterday. Short memory, young Yurt.
Willow's beloved party :up: Republicorp, sold weapons to Saddam and gave stinger missiles to the mujahadeen in afghanistan & armed thugs/death squads in central America and.... well, here, just look:


And Obama is arming the brotherhood in Egypt, and arming the terrorists in Syria....he helped get Mubarak put in prison, the one person that was keeping peace with Israel. He helps put the brotherhood in his place, and the people don't want them! Great job! Now he wants to go into Syria because chemical weapons were used....and he doesn't even know for sure WHO used them!
Yurt is now on Ignore because he keeps lying. He is not Republican, merely a far right reactionary.
Willow's beloved party :up: Republicorp, sold weapons to Saddam and gave stinger missiles to the mujahadeen in afghanistan & armed thugs/death squads in central America and.... well, here, just look:


And Obama is arming the brotherhood in Egypt, and arming the terrorists in Syria....he helped get Mubarak put in prison, the one person that was keeping peace with Israel. He helps put the brotherhood in his place, and the people don't want them! Great job! Now he wants to go into Syria because chemical weapons were used....and he doesn't even know for sure WHO used them!

No, he is not arming the Brotherhood, he is not arming the terrorists in Syria.

You are helping the jihadists with your lies, Caroljo.
And another lie. Harry Dresden made you look stupid about it yesterday. Short memory, young Yurt.

what post of a non liberal did you thank? cite it and i will apologize.

Yurt is now on Ignore because he keeps lying. He is not Republican, merely a far right reactionary.


when asked to back up his claim jake all of a sudden claims i'm on ignore

i win, again, jake failed once again to back up his claim and cowers behind the alleged ignore

looks like willow was right. a dozen posts from the lunatic left here. all of them criticizing past actions by the right but not one condemming the same actions currently being deployed by their beloved left.

can you feel the irony?

Sorry not to have kept up: What exactly are these "actions currently being deployed?"

It will be necessary to:

1. Write several very stern letters to Bashar Assad over the next few years whilst the UN dithers until

2. A Republican President is left with the responsibility of forming an international coalition, and actions will be deployed after congress votes to support them.

3. Afterwards, Dems that voted for deployment will claim they were duped, whilst organizing their constituants to gather at the White House chanting anti-war slogans.
You left off the mention of paying off the media to lie about the Republican Presidents motive, and ensure that information that shows said President in the worst light is predominately displayed.
And another lie. Harry Dresden made you look stupid about it yesterday. Short memory, young Yurt.

what post of a non liberal did you thank? cite it and i will apologize.

Yurt is now on Ignore because he keeps lying. He is not Republican, merely a far right reactionary.


when asked to back up his claim jake all of a sudden claims i'm on ignore
i win, again, jake failed once again to back up his claim and cowers behind the alleged ignore :lol:

Yurt is on Ignore because he will simply lie anytime anywhere: pathological. :lol:
So will Ernie S for that matter. Yurt and Ernie are so desperate to accepted by the reactionaries now they will tell any lie any time. Their narcissistic personality disorder sociopathology disturbs normal people.

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