OMG, Trump Just Shot Himself in the Ass on H1-B Visas

You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You have to remember who was the candidate that brought up THE WALL, and MUSLIM TERRORISM...without his NON PC drama, none of those things would even be talked about by POLITICIANS that all pander to special interest groups!
Well, from outside, I think if Ted Cruz gets nomination, then Hillary gets elected President.

I've been reading about Cruz and it's said that he's not that liked as a person. Also the way he looks, he's a bit creepy looking.



That the GOP establishment hates Cruz is a good thing. He's a constitutionalist and that galls the GOP; the GOP and Dems have become nearly indistinguishable on many issues. Cruz is smart, stands his ground, is the least 'bought' pol running ... of course the meme is 'he can't win!'.

Creepy looking? He face isn't very symmetrical, the outside corners of his eyes point down, his nose is a bit TinMan-ish ... and? Since when is being good looking a pre-req for being potus? obama is goofy looking with his big-assed ears and fly-attracking face mole, hillary looks like something the cat dragged in. And? Who cares? Their policies, their ideology, what they want/are going to do is what matters.
They must want movie star quality. Some people think Obama is a specimen to look at.....:cheeky-smiley-018:

"They must want movie star quality."

What a foolish statement.
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You have to remember who was the candidate that brought up THE WALL, and MUSLIM TERRORISM...without his NON PC drama, none of those things would even be talked about by POLITICIANS that all pander to special interest groups!
Well I guess we should buy that pig in a poke then and hope that Trump wont change his mind yet again before he takes the oath?

I am firmly supporting Cruz exclusively from here on out. I will still defend Trump if I think people are misrepresenting him, and I am willing to vote for him in the general, but he has lost a ton of credibility with me on this very key issue.
Trump (paraphrased), I can screw over American workers and say it on TV and I won't lose any of my supporters. It's incredible!"
While I am a Cruz supporter, I had no real problem with Trump inning because he is very similar to Cruz.

No longer.

You know... it would be easier to fix the economy and give businesses more freedom to hire who they want instead of who the government wants.
Companies DO hire who they want for as cheap as possible.
Another thing is boycotting. That does work if you can get enough people in the know.
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You mean Trump won't enforce laws? You think he will have use prosecutorial discretion, as the outlaw current Regime does?

Well the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has been allowing the current President to do that, so why would anyone compel anyone else to do their fucking jobs?

Isn't THAT why we are looking for NON POLITICIANS to FIX the CORRUPT SYSTEM? What we really need is Trump to fund a SUPER PAC and back people running for office that can actually replace our current panders in Congress. The bad part of this is that we have seen over 60 Tea Party candidates win elections since 2010 and 2/3 of them have been GOBBLED UP by being corrupted by THE ESTABLISHMENT.... Cruz made it through, Rubio was gobbled up... these are perfect examples of what MONEY and POWER can do to many that have high ideals that didn't pass the test!
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You have to remember who was the candidate that brought up THE WALL, and MUSLIM TERRORISM...without his NON PC drama, none of those things would even be talked about by POLITICIANS that all pander to special interest groups!
Well I guess we should buy that pig in a poke then and hope that Trump wont change his mind yet again before he takes the oath?

I am firmly supporting Cruz exclusively from here on out. I will still defend Trump if I think people are misrepresenting him, and I am willing to vote for him in the general, but he has lost a ton of credibility with me on this very key issue.

YOU are one of the few that have a rational outlook, and realize what Trump is doing in order to WIN...after all, he's an arrogant egomaniac, and narcissist who will NOT LET FAILURE be his legacy!
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You mean Trump won't enforce laws? You think he will have use prosecutorial discretion, as the outlaw current Regime does?

Well the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has been allowing the current President to do that, so why would anyone compel anyone else to do their fucking jobs?

Isn't THAT why we are looking for NON POLITICIANS to FIX the CORRUPT SYSTEM? What we really need is Trump to fund a SUPER PAC and back people running for office that can actually replace our current panders in Congress. The bad part of this is that we have seen over 60 Tea Party candidates win elections since 2010 and 2/3 of them have been GOBBLED UP by being corrupted by THE ESTABLISHMENT.... Cruz made it through, Rubio was gobbled up... these are perfect examples of what MONEY and POWER can do to many that have high ideals that didn't pass the test!
Keep voting them out until it gets done right.
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You mean Trump won't enforce laws? You think he will have use prosecutorial discretion, as the outlaw current Regime does?

Well the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has been allowing the current President to do that, so why would anyone compel anyone else to do their fucking jobs?

Isn't THAT why we are looking for NON POLITICIANS to FIX the CORRUPT SYSTEM? What we really need is Trump to fund a SUPER PAC and back people running for office that can actually replace our current panders in Congress. The bad part of this is that we have seen over 60 Tea Party candidates win elections since 2010 and 2/3 of them have been GOBBLED UP by being corrupted by THE ESTABLISHMENT.... Cruz made it through, Rubio was gobbled up... these are perfect examples of what MONEY and POWER can do to many that have high ideals that didn't pass the test!
Keep voting them out until it gets done right.

Problems with that are 2 fold, finding uncorruptible people, and figuring out, as apparently Trump has, how to get a majority of voters to elect you.
This shit has to stop and it looks like Ted Cruz is the only man willing to put a stop to the abuse, now that Trump has caved in.
It would help if you had a link to a transcript of the part of the debate you're talking about, so we could see what he said. Until then, I'm not jumping to any conclusions. It may be more complex than we think.

Are you sure he wasn't just referring to his private club Mar-O-Lago in south Florida, where he brings in workers from Europe ?

You mean Trump won't enforce laws? You think he will have use prosecutorial discretion, as the outlaw current Regime does?

Well the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has been allowing the current President to do that, so why would anyone compel anyone else to do their fucking jobs?

Isn't THAT why we are looking for NON POLITICIANS to FIX the CORRUPT SYSTEM? What we really need is Trump to fund a SUPER PAC and back people running for office that can actually replace our current panders in Congress. The bad part of this is that we have seen over 60 Tea Party candidates win elections since 2010 and 2/3 of them have been GOBBLED UP by being corrupted by THE ESTABLISHMENT.... Cruz made it through, Rubio was gobbled up... these are perfect examples of what MONEY and POWER can do to many that have high ideals that didn't pass the test!
Keep voting them out until it gets done right.

Problems with that are 2 fold, finding uncorruptible people, and figuring out, as apparently Trump has, how to get a majority of voters to elect you.
Trump already had a following of sorts because of his some what fame. For one we need to quit sending attorneys to DC. I think each state should also own and maintain residences there for the senators and representatives and their personnel. That in itself would cut out some of the bullshit. The rest is just going to be get decent people involved around the country without backing from special interest groups.
This shit has to stop and it looks like Ted Cruz is the only man willing to put a stop to the abuse, now that Trump has caved in.
It would help if you had a link to a transcript of the part of the debate you're talking about, so we could see what he said. Until then, I'm not jumping to any conclusions. It may be more complex than we think.

Are you sure he wasn't just referring to his private club Mar-O-Lago in south Florida, where he brings in workers from Europe ?
no, he was talking about hb1 visas and said he changed his mind on that, because we need the smartest people in the world working here
Here is how the exchange went with Trump talking about the visas >>

Mr. Trump, your campaign website to this day argues that more visas for highly skilled workers would, quote, "decimate American workers". However, at the CNBC debate, you spoke enthusiastically in favor of these visas. So, which is it?

TRUMP: I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country, and if we can't do it, we'll get them in. But, and we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have.

So, we do need highly skilled, and one of the biggest problems we have is people go to the best colleges. They'll go to Harvard, they'll go to Stanford, they'll go to Wharton, as soon as they're finished they'll get shoved out. They want to stay in this country. They want to stay here desperately, they're not able to stay here. For that purpose, we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power in this country.


KELLY: So you abandoning the position on your website...

TRUMP: ... I'm changing it, and I'm softening the position because we have to have talented people in this country.

I'd say on the surface it doesn't sound good, but I think I'd need to know more.of the specifics.
His old platform is still on his website.

I would like to see some clarification, but you know how this crap goes. The tone is what people will pick up on, and before you know it all the same old conman lawyers will be back at it again.

Immigration Reform
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

Ted Cruz favored expanding H-iBs by 500% back in 2014.

2. H-1B support or opposition doesn't follow Tea Party lines

Something to keep in mind about the Republicans is that they can be very weird about the H-1B visa.

Former Rep. Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican who was House majority leader and an H-1B supporter when he was in office, lost a primary challenge in June to David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College who has called the H-1B visa program a vehicle for securing "high-skilled cheap labor."

Brat is identified with the Tea Party, but his opposition to the H-1B program stands in contrast to the views of fellow Tea Party fave Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Considered among the Tea Party's most influential elected leaders, Cruz last year supported raising the base H-1B cap by 500%.

Specifically, Cruz wanted to increase the cap from 65,000 visas to 325,000. (There are currently another 20,000 H-1B visas set aside for people from other countries who have earned advanced degrees at U.S. universities, for a total cap of 85,000.)
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

Ted Cruz favored expanding H-iBs by 500% back in 2014.

2. H-1B support or opposition doesn't follow Tea Party lines

Something to keep in mind about the Republicans is that they can be very weird about the H-1B visa.

Former Rep. Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican who was House majority leader and an H-1B supporter when he was in office, lost a primary challenge in June to David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College who has called the H-1B visa program a vehicle for securing "high-skilled cheap labor."

Brat is identified with the Tea Party, but his opposition to the H-1B program stands in contrast to the views of fellow Tea Party fave Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Considered among the Tea Party's most influential elected leaders, Cruz last year supported raising the base H-1B cap by 500%.

Specifically, Cruz wanted to increase the cap from 65,000 visas to 325,000. (There are currently another 20,000 H-1B visas set aside for people from other countries who have earned advanced degrees at U.S. universities, for a total cap of 85,000.)

Ted Cruz was attempting to kill the Gang of 8 bill with a 'poison pill' tactic. By putting in an amendment that he knew would prevent it from getting passed.

Senator Jeff Sessions has clarified this for everyone.
Great News, for Trump fans and supporters or even mere defenders like me.


- MARCH 04, 2016 -
"Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

My faith in egomaniacal honesty has been restored.

Here is how the exchange went with Trump talking about the visas >>

Mr. Trump, your campaign website to this day argues that more visas for highly skilled workers would, quote, "decimate American workers". However, at the CNBC debate, you spoke enthusiastically in favor of these visas. So, which is it?

TRUMP: I'm changing. I'm changing. We need highly skilled people in this country, and if we can't do it, we'll get them in. But, and we do need in Silicon Valley, we absolutely have to have.

So, we do need highly skilled, and one of the biggest problems we have is people go to the best colleges. They'll go to Harvard, they'll go to Stanford, they'll go to Wharton, as soon as they're finished they'll get shoved out. They want to stay in this country. They want to stay here desperately, they're not able to stay here. For that purpose, we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power in this country.


KELLY: So you abandoning the position on your website...

TRUMP: ... I'm changing it, and I'm softening the position because we have to have talented people in this country.

I'd say on the surface it doesn't sound good, but I think I'd need to know more.of the specifics.
Maybe this is an indication that student visas, in addition to work visas, need to be scaled back or halted temporarily.
I'm fairly certain that the high-end schools mentioned by Mr. Trump also graduate qualified U.S. Citizens along with the ones requiring visas.
It makes one wonder why he's so concerned about the ones who "want to stay here desperately" when it's more than likely that U.S. Citizen graduates won't be going anywhere but entering the workforce.
If there was a genuine shortage of citizen graduates, I could possibly agree with him. However, since there are documented accounts of qualified current citizen workers being replaced by visa holders (Disney, as a prime example), I doubt that we're truly lacking.

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