OMG, Trump Just Shot Himself in the Ass on H1-B Visas

OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

No that won't matter.

Tonight Trump could have told everyone he wasn't going to build and wall and make all illegals--legal in this country and his 30-35% support would still support him.

They've heard all of this stuff for the last 7 months. The only thing they want is a non-establishment candidate. They think they have some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they really have is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.

It's too late to do anything, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Here's why

The problem with the Republican party is: : Women and Hispanics--2 very large voting blocks. In 2012 women were chased off by the Evangelical wing of the party by going into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. It's not that women were voting against him, it's they wanted nothing to do with the Republican Party. They lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In 2012--Immigration reform--deportation was also on the debate stage. The last President to win was G.W. Bush he captured 44% of this block. Romney lost by only getting 27%. This year Republicans need 46% of the block or, 10.5 million, and Donald Trump is polling at a Negative 80%. Trump and his supporters have basically chased off 17% of the population, which is 23 million voters right into Hillary Clinton's column. Republican Latino's announced months ago that they would not support Trump. That news didn't stop a Trump supporter, they cheered him on.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So they have the same problems as they had in 2012--and they've tripled the problem in 2016, because 30+% or more, 12.5 million, of the Republican party is saying there is no way they'll ever cast a vote for Donald Trump.

So Donald Trump is starting out with approximately a deficit of 23.5 million votes, and I haven't even calculated the largest voting block, women, voting heavily for Hillary Clinton, the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Nor have I added in the other minorities that will be voting heavily for her.

So Mitch McConnell and others in the Senate have finally seen this 200 foot Tsunami headed right at them. They're worried about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. It's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are stating that they will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is the nominee.IOW they would prefer to forfeit this election, rather than to have Donald Trump represent himself as the face of the Republican party.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Then this opinion from a Republican that says in order to save conservatism, Hillary Clinton must win this election.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

In their efforts to find a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency. The Tea Party, lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwddd-d and other right wing radio talk show hosts, have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. They have incited all this anger toward the Republican party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
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Great News, for Trump fans and supporters or even mere defenders like me.


- MARCH 04, 2016 -
"Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

My faith in egomaniacal honesty has been restored.
And that leads to the question - which position are we supposed to believe?
The one where he states that "we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power in this country" or the one that says that he will "institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first"?
Citizen graduates (and eventually workers) aren't likely to be leaving the U.S., so the first statement has to be about visa students/workers. If there's a requirement to hire Americans first, then why do we need to keep visa graduates in the first place?
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

No that won't matter.

Tonight Trump could have told everyone he wasn't going to build and wall and make all illegals--legal in this country and his 30-35% support would still support him.

They've heard all of this stuff for the last 7 months. The only thing they want is a non-establishment candidate. They think they have some kind of John Wayne figure, but what they really have is Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.

It's too late to do anything, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. Here's why

The problem with the Republican party is: : Women and Hispanics--2 very large voting blocks. In 2012 women were chased off by the Evangelical wing of the party by going into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. It's not that women were voting against him, it's they wanted nothing to do with the Republican Party. They lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In 2012--Immigration reform--deportation was also on the debate stage. The last President to win was G.W. Bush he captured 44% of this block. Romney lost by only getting 27%. This year Republicans need 46% of the block or, 10.5 million, and Donald Trump is polling at a Negative 80%. Trump and his supporters have basically chased off 17% of the population, which is 23 million voters right into Hillary Clinton's column. Republican Latino's announced months ago that they would not support Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So they have the same problems as they had in 2012--and they've tripled the problem in 2016, because 30+% or more, 12.5 million, of the Republican party is saying there is no way they'll ever cast a vote for Donald Trump.

So Donald Trump is starting out with approximately a deficit of 23.5 million votes, and I haven't even calculated the largest voting block women voting heavily for Hillary Clinton. Nor have I added in the other minorities that will be voting heavily for her.

So Mitch McConnell and others in the Senate have finally seen this 200 foot Tsunami headed right at them. They're worried about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. It's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are stating that they will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is the nominee.IOW they would prefer to forfeit this election, rather than to have Donald Trump represent himself as the face of the Republican party.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Then this opinion from a Republican that says in order to save conservatism, Hillary Clinton must win this election.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

In their efforts to find a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency. The Tea Party, lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwddd-d and other right wing radio talk show hosts, have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. They have incited all this anger toward the Republican party, and exploited this ignorance and bigotry.


Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

And the reason all that is wrong is because Identity Politics is deeply flawed. People dont always vote in blocks.

A lot of blacks will vote for Trump as will a great many Hispanics BECAUSE TRUMP WILL BRING BACK JOBS.

Hillary is part of the corporate crony network as the secret $200,000 dollar speeches at Goldman Sachs illustrate.

I think it is clear enough to thinking people that Identity Politics has hit its high water mark thanks to the of the Obama regime.
Great News, for Trump fans and supporters or even mere defenders like me.


- MARCH 04, 2016 -
"Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."

My faith in egomaniacal honesty has been restored.
And that leads to the question - which position are we supposed to believe?
The one where he states that "we absolutely have to be able to keep the brain power in this country" or the one that says that he will "institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first"?
Citizen graduates (and eventually workers) aren't likely to be leaving the U.S., so the first statement has to be about visa students/workers. If there's a requirement to hire Americans first, then why do we need to keep visa graduates in the first place?

I think it is clear that he is making a distinction between 'highly skilled' graduates from US colleges that are foreign students, vrs the H1-B program which he says is not 'highly skilled' but only an exploitation of current visa programs.
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

Ted Cruz favored expanding H-iBs by 500% back in 2014.

2. H-1B support or opposition doesn't follow Tea Party lines

Something to keep in mind about the Republicans is that they can be very weird about the H-1B visa.

Former Rep. Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican who was House majority leader and an H-1B supporter when he was in office, lost a primary challenge in June to David Brat, an economics professor at Randolph-Macon College who has called the H-1B visa program a vehicle for securing "high-skilled cheap labor."

Brat is identified with the Tea Party, but his opposition to the H-1B program stands in contrast to the views of fellow Tea Party fave Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas). Considered among the Tea Party's most influential elected leaders, Cruz last year supported raising the base H-1B cap by 500%.

Specifically, Cruz wanted to increase the cap from 65,000 visas to 325,000. (There are currently another 20,000 H-1B visas set aside for people from other countries who have earned advanced degrees at U.S. universities, for a total cap of 85,000.)

Ted Cruz was attempting to kill the Gang of 8 bill with a 'poison pill' tactic. By putting in an amendment that he knew would prevent it from getting passed.

Senator Jeff Sessions has clarified this for everyone.
You are correct. Cruz and Sessions are co-sponsors of an H-1B reform bill dubbed "The American Jobs First Act." Here is a description of that bill in Cruz's own words:

"I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth. But unfortunately what we’ve seen in recent months is report after report after report of large companies abusing the program and bringing in workers who are not high-skilled, who tend to be mid-level or even low-level IT workers and bringing them and then laying off American workers—and to add insult to injury, forcing the American workers to train their foreign replacements before they leave.

That is not only directly contrary to what the program was meant to do, it is an absolute abuse and is unacceptable. And so Jeff Sessions and I together have assembled reform legislation to fix the H-1B program to require among other things that anyone coming in on an H-1B visa have an advanced degree, to require certification from university and academic standards, to prohibit companies if you’re bringing in H-1B visas from laying off workers—you can’t do both—and to ensure that they cannot be paying foreign workers materially less than they are paying U.S. workers."

We designed this together really to work in concert with what I have announced which is if I’m elected president I intend to impose a moratorium on the H-1B program and audit every company that has received this visas to determine whether they’re abusing the program. And if they’re abusing the program, they will be suspended from the program—and if they’ve violated the law, they will be prosecuted. Ted-Cruz
Yeah, just sit there and watch how people sort issues out instead of simply following Talking Point Memos.


What do you call post #76 ?

Sharing the results of my searching on the net for a clarification of Trumps statement.


Looked like a talking point memo to me.

Lol, it was a single quote from Trumps website that had just the one quote on the page.

Do you know what a memo is?
Yeah, just sit there and watch how people sort issues out instead of simply following Talking Point Memos.


What do you call post #76 ?

Sharing the results of my searching on the net for a clarification of Trumps statement.


Looked like a talking point memo to me.

Lol, it was a single quote from Trumps website that had just the one quote on the page.

Was it written before or after whatever he said in the debate?
In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wishes he had said..BTW ,He still has time to "clarify" his position on H-1Bs.
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In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wish he had said..BTW He, still has time to c"clarify his position on H-1Bs.
That could very well be the case.
It did seem that - in the posted interview - he wasn't speaking from a prepared statement, while the statement that Jim posted had time to be proofread and refined.
I can relate to that, because I personally prefer to have the opportunity to think about, re-read, and edit what I want to say before it's actually "said" whenever possible.
Since visa abuse is one of my pet peeves (I've been a victim of it), I may have to keep an eye on Mr. Trump's position.
In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wish he had said..BTW He, still has time to c"clarify his position on H-1Bs.
That could very well be the case.
It did seem that - in the posted interview - he wasn't speaking from a prepared statement, while the statement that Jim posted had time to be proofread and refined.
I can relate to that, because I personally prefer to have the opportunity to think about, re-read, and edit what I want to say before it's actually "said" whenever possible.
Since visa abuse is one of my pet peeves (I've been a victim of it), I may have to keep an eye on Mr. Trump's position.
I know it is a stretch, but Bernie Sanders and Jeff Sessions have similar arguments against the H-1B abuses that are becoming common place. Hillary Clinton and Trump, ostensibly seem to be in agreement. That is weird! A Democrat supporting an increase in the H-1B cap without considering reforms that protect Americans is anathema to democratic principles. Bernie may get a push from this also.
In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wish he had said..BTW He, still has time to c"clarify his position on H-1Bs.
That could very well be the case.
It did seem that - in the posted interview - he wasn't speaking from a prepared statement, while the statement that Jim posted had time to be proofread and refined.
I can relate to that, because I personally prefer to have the opportunity to think about, re-read, and edit what I want to say before it's actually "said" whenever possible.
Since visa abuse is one of my pet peeves (I've been a victim of it), I may have to keep an eye on Mr. Trump's position.
I know it is a stretch, but Bernie Sanders and Jeff Sessions have similar arguments against the H-1B abuses that are becoming common place. Hillary Clinton and Trump, ostensibly seem to be in agreement. That is weird! A Democrat supporting an increase in the H-1B cap without considering reforms that protect Americans is anathema to democratic principles. Bernie may get a push from this also.
I can't see how anyone could be in favor of increasing H-1B, or any visas for that matter, caps - except maybe for the corporations that benefit from the current abuses (and those to which they make political contributions).
What I would like to see someone offer up is something along the lines of: "Go ahead and use as many visa workers as you like. HOWEVER... for each one that you employ, you must pay them 10% ABOVE the prevailing wage for the given job. An additional fee equaling 10% of said visa worker's gross salary will be paid monthly to the Fed. Gov. Said fee will not be deductible as a business expense."
I wonder how fast we'd see citizen workers replacing visa workers if that were to be enacted.
I think it is clear that he is making a distinction between 'highly skilled' graduates from US colleges that are foreign students, vrs the H1-B program which he says is not 'highly skilled' but only an exploitation of current visa programs.
I don't give a damn if the workers are skilled or not. If they're foreign, they need to stay foreign, and not be here talking jobs away from Americans. PERIOD. I've been a solid Trump supporter, but right now I'm ready to jump ship. Trump's appeal has been from being a strong protectionist of Americans, and American jobs. I'm no longer seeing that
In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wishes he had said..BTW ,He still has time to "clarify" his position on H-1Bs.
He needs to do that, and FAST. I'm not so sure about that "articulate" part. Remember he did say he has CHANGED his position.
Right now, I'm leaning toward changing my support from Trump to Cruz.
I don't give a damn if the workers are skilled or not. If they're foreign, they need to stay foreign, and not be here talking jobs away from Americans. PERIOD. I've been a solid Trump supporter, but right now I'm ready to jump ship. Trump's appeal has been from being a strong protectionist of Americans, and American jobs. I'm no longer seeing that

I understand the sentiment, but this is a much smaller number of people and are people who want to become Americans and not save their money to go back home with it. That is a foreigner transitioning into an American, unlike H1-B's.
In all fairness, Trump may not have been able to articulate what he really meant because he lacks political experience. Cruz isn't ending the program, he is just proposing modifying it to protect American STEM workers and native born graduates. That is probably what Trump wishes he had said..BTW ,He still has time to "clarify" his position on H-1Bs.
He needs to do that, and FAST. I'm not so sure about that "articulate" part. Remember he did say he has CHANGED his position.
Right now, I'm leaning toward changing my support from Trump to Cruz.
Trump is changing his position to allow for thise who want to become Americans after graduation to become Americans and put their valuable skills to use here.

The H1-B is not an immigration visa but a temporary work visa. They take what they earn and learn back home to India, China or wherever.
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

This is the same Donald Trump whose resort in Florida abuses the visa system to hire foreign workers instead of American workers.

Why are you shocked by this?
OK, I know politicians evolve and they change their minds on issues. The less important the issue, the more likely they will change on it, and vice versa. People are OK with a dude changing his mind on something over the course of years, but when it comes to voting for a President who says, for example, they want to subsidize widget making in this country, you expect them to stay decided on that for at least a few years.

If they have gone around the country saying that widgets are so important then they change their mind a few months later and say, nah, we dont need widgets so much, then everyone realizes that they are dealing with a person who has 'no sand', as we used to express it. They are like a weather vane and and you dont use weather vanes for guidance to follow them, or you are lost when you need to know the direction to head home. You use a compass, of course that might jiggle and swing around, but it eventually points toward magnetic north.

Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas. WTF?

Is there anything else this man is going to change his mind about? The odds look pretty high after this bullshit.

Donald Trump, you have betrayed a major constituency. Working Americans in the STEM fields have been shunted aside for decades now since George HW Bush increased the H1-Bs by a factor of x20 in 1990.

A great many of us who have had to train our replacements, get laid off while the rest of the STEM staff was all H1-Bs and you knew that they werent allowed to do that by law, but no one would do a damned thing about it, a great many of us have been pulled toward you and Ted Cruz.

Thank you for helping me realize that you cannot be depended on to remain steady and show some sand.

I think Trump may have just given Ted Cruz the nomination.

This is the same Donald Trump whose resort in Florida abuses the visa system to hire foreign workers instead of American workers.

Why are you shocked by this?

Yes a SUB CONTRACTOR he hired, hired foreign workers...If you are going to lie, make sure others don't know the TRUTH, which escapes you almost always!
Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas.

Well, first of all, we need to work the H1-B program so that we allow them to come here and work, but not allow them to supplant Americans from their existing jobs. We'll say "We're sorry, but that job is taken. Go look for a job like everyone else. You don't get preferential treatment."

I agree but we also need to reduce the numbers brought in at least until all our native American STEM people can find employment in their career fields.

This is something that directly impacts me. I am a software engineer and at the age of 58 coming off two years of disability due to a bad back, I am not getting the responses on my job search that I used to get prior to the H2-B explosion in the late nineties.

I have been hearing this for several years now- and I think we need a complete reform of the temporary worker visa system. There is no doubt it is being abused by employers who find that foreign workers are less expensive and become virtually tied to them while they are here.

What about if for each H2B issues- an American had to be hired for the same position- with equal or higher salary? It should cost these companies- and benefit American workers- so the incentive will be to always hire Americans first.

And by the way- the same applies for low skilled jobs like the ones Trump's resort hires foreigners for- these are not jobs you need- but there are always low skilled Americans willing to work as cooks and waiters- rather than hiring foreign workers for those positions. Those people need jobs just as much as hi tech workers do.

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