OMG, Trump Just Shot Himself in the Ass on H1-B Visas

Well, first of all, we need to work the H1-B program so that we allow them to come here and work, but not allow them to supplant Americans from their existing jobs. We'll say "We're sorry, but that job is taken. Go look for a job like everyone else. You don't get preferential treatment."

Then companies will fire one employee a month and replace that "empty" position with an H1-B.

Well then such a practice should be rendered illegal. A business can't just arbitrarily fire someone just to meet a quota the government imposes on businesses. I think that would qualify as employment discrimination.
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.

Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Well, from outside, I think if Ted Cruz gets nomination, then Hillary gets elected President.

I've been reading about Cruz and it's said that he's not that liked as a person. Also the way he looks, he's a bit creepy looking.

I dont care about how he looks.

I just know when I wake up tomorrow, Cruz will not have changed his mind suddenly on a key issue.

I'm hearing they ALL ganged-up on The Donald, so a group of bullies ganged-up on him, this post-Mitt Romney getting into gutter to make exceptionally nasty, ugly and bitchy comments about The Donald.

Although on outside, I could never support gang-bangers.

To me re. Cruz looks, I wouldn't buy a used car off him, he looks like snail oil can you be 100% certain Cruz isn't saying things to get votes, how can you be 100% certain he won't suddenly change his mind?
Look at his record.
Donald Trump has been telling everyone for months now that he wants to curtail the abuse of the H1-B visa system as has Ted Cruz. Tonight during the debate Trump said he has changed his mind and now he is OK with expanding H1-B visas.

Well, first of all, we need to work the H1-B program so that we allow them to come here and work, but not allow them to supplant Americans from their existing jobs. We'll say "We're sorry, but that job is taken. Go look for a job like everyone else. You don't get preferential treatment."

Then companies will fire one employee a month and replace that "empty" position with an H1-B.

Well then such a practice should be rendered illegal. A business can't just arbitrarily fire someone just to meet a quota the government imposes on businesses. I think that would qualify as employment discrimination.
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.
I rarely fired people. It was a part of the job I hated so they had to be hopeless or just totally off before I would just say that's it. What we have created with all these giants though is a purely profit driven society but now the society is falling apart due to the incompetence, fraud, waste and abuse. It is at all levels but actually when you look at the whole it took the whole to get it to this point.
Well, from outside, I think if Ted Cruz gets nomination, then Hillary gets elected President.

I've been reading about Cruz and it's said that he's not that liked as a person. Also the way he looks, he's a bit creepy looking.



That the GOP establishment hates Cruz is a good thing. He's a constitutionalist and that galls the GOP; the GOP and Dems have become nearly indistinguishable on many issues. Cruz is smart, stands his ground, is the least 'bought' pol running ... of course the meme is 'he can't win!'.

Creepy looking? He face isn't very symmetrical, the outside corners of his eyes point down, his nose is a bit TinMan-ish ... and? Since when is being good looking a pre-req for being potus? obama is goofy looking with his big-assed ears and fly-attracking face mole, hillary looks like something the cat dragged in. And? Who cares? Their policies, their ideology, what they want/are going to do is what matters.
They must want movie star quality. Some people think Obama is a specimen to look at.....:cheeky-smiley-018:

"They must want movie star quality."

What a foolish statement.
No its true. Sorry Lucy but that is the way politics has been running. The TV, DVD, generation looks for someone that looks good more than just the qualifications of the individual. Its like looking at a book thinking the cover reflects what is inside. Politics has been entertainment and salesmanship for a long time now.

I thought you meant I wanted movie star quality, I misinterpreted what you commented. Of course I agree, thanks to MSM and Hollyweird most things now based on surface level.
Then companies will fire one employee a month and replace that "empty" position with an H1-B.

Well then such a practice should be rendered illegal. A business can't just arbitrarily fire someone just to meet a quota the government imposes on businesses. I think that would qualify as employment discrimination.
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.

Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Legislation is always written by a Committee bought by Corporations.
Well then such a practice should be rendered illegal. A business can't just arbitrarily fire someone just to meet a quota the government imposes on businesses. I think that would qualify as employment discrimination.
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.

Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Legislation is always written by a Committee bought by Corporations.
Local Legislators are bought by their local Small Business Authority.
Well, from outside, I think if Ted Cruz gets nomination, then Hillary gets elected President.

I've been reading about Cruz and it's said that he's not that liked as a person. Also the way he looks, he's a bit creepy looking.

I dont care about how he looks.

I just know when I wake up tomorrow, Cruz will not have changed his mind suddenly on a key issue.

I'm hearing they ALL ganged-up on The Donald, so a group of bullies ganged-up on him, this post-Mitt Romney getting into gutter to make exceptionally nasty, ugly and bitchy comments about The Donald.

Although on outside, I could never support gang-bangers.

To me re. Cruz looks, I wouldn't buy a used car off him, he looks like snail oil can you be 100% certain Cruz isn't saying things to get votes, how can you be 100% certain he won't suddenly change his mind?
Look at his record.

Okay. I think one thing people can agree on, that's that Marco Rubio is now toast, well he was toast already, but he's now croutons :smoke:
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.

Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Legislation is always written by a Committee bought by Corporations.
Local Legislators are bought by their local Small Business Authority.

OMG are you okay? Darling you're now answering your OWN comments :eek-52: :tongue:
Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Legislation is always written by a Committee bought by Corporations.
Local Legislators are bought by their local Small Business Authority.

OMG are you okay? Darling you're now answering your OWN comments :eek-52: :tongue:

Just like Trump!
I rarely fired people. It was a part of the job I hated so they had to be hopeless or just totally off before I would just say that's it. What we have created with all these giants though is a purely profit driven society but now the society is falling apart due to the incompetence, fraud, waste and abuse. It is at all levels but actually when you look at the whole it took the whole to get it to this point..

OK, a prime example of that happened to me today.

I was buying lunch for some friends at Wallmart, lol, and I got two Corny Dogs and some chicken wings that are sold by the pound.

Well the deli dude puts the corny dogs into the bag with the wings, and I said, 'Hold on a second. The wings are sold by the pound, right?'

The dude gave me this blank look like I had rudely awakened him and took his mind from some porn he had been watching or something, and he dully said, 'Yes, the corny dogs are $2.30 and the wings are $5 a pound.' And he started toward the scales with the two corn dogs still in the same bag with the wings.

So I tried to get him to realize how he was about to cheat me again, and said' So the weight of the corn dogs will add to the weight of the wings and you will charge me twice for the corn dogs. Once as a flat cost and then again by their weight using the price per pound for the wings.'

He just stood there like a fucking moron, blinking at me like he was trying to figure it out, and then he turns to the scales again and starts to weigh the bag with the corny dogs still in with the wings.

So finally, about to lose my temper, I just flat out told him, 'Look, dude, just put the corny dogs in a separate bag.'

He looked at me again, blinking his eyes, and I said, 'Put them in a separate bag or I will get the manager.'

Finally he got a bag for the dogs.

Good God, how stupid are these people?
Donald Trump on Thursday night said he's changing his stance on visas for highly skilled immigrant workers.

"I’m changing it, and I’m softening the position because we need to have talented people in this country," Trump said at the Fox News GOP debate in Michigan.

Trump's comments came after debate moderator Megyn Kelly raised the issue. Kelly noted that Trump had previously opposed those visas, saying they "decimate American workers," but appeared to change his position at an earlier CNBC debate. Trump said recipients of the visas go to high-profile U.S. universities and "desperately" want to remain in the country. He said they should be allowed to stay and work in places that need high-skilled workers, such as Silicon Valley.

"We need highly-skilled people in this country," Trump said. "For that purpose, we absolutely have to be able to keep the brainpower in this country."

Trump keeps expanding his LONG GAME of winning the GENERAL ELECTION. It will be interesting to see if people that are voting in upcoming primaries realize this, or go off the deep end when we already know that his positions on PP, healthcare, amnesty etc. are meant to increase his voter base. Apparently this is working as the newest polls show Trump roughly 20% HIGHER than either of the other 2 candidates....

If you want to win against a SOCIALIST that wants to give away FREE SHIT, you have to modify a strict conservative approach that will NOT garner you the votes needed to win. Would you all rather have The Hildebeast, a Commie bastard, or the Trumpster... it's YOUR VOTE!
You know, I've been hearing how we must vote for the general interest of the nation and not just ourselves and I have been doing that for 40 years now.

And where has that left me? 58 years old, with 2 slipped discs and no disability, and no hope of ever getting hired again in my profession because of lying ass mother fuckers who tell me one thing during the election then do a totally different thing when they get into office.

Hell, Trump isnt even waiting to get into office before he throws STEM workers under the bus this time.

I am sick to death of that bullshit and as Trump has changed his mind about truly enforcing the laws as they are meant to be enforced, by going along with the idea that there is some kind of STEM shortage, well guess what? FUCK HIM and I will work to get someone else elected instead.

When will we EVER find a candidate that will stop selling American workers short and DEFEND them instead?

You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! 35 years since Reagan, and almost 100 million people educated with LIBERALISM taught to them by subversive professors makes it impossible. It's just something we must live with until we figure out a way to sweep out of education the trash teachers that have been radicalized. Doing away with the Dept. of Ed, and giving responsibilities back to the STATES would be a start. There are also MORE IMPORTANT THINGS than VISA'S to consider. First is the economy and jobs, let's get this going before worrying about the 65,000 H1B's issued each year, that number can be modified by a Republican Congress IF THEY FIND THEIR BALLS! Building that fence, stopping muslim terrorist immigration, sending back the millions of illegals, STOPPING the courts from making law from the bench, fixing ObomaCare, our current NON EXISTENT foreign policy, The DEFICIT, are all priorities, more important currently than the VISA'S....Once the above are fixed, than we move on to the next level of important issues.
"At Will" Employment.
I have discussed this with attorneys and companies CAN fire an employee for the flimsiest of reasons.
The onus is on the fired employee to prove some sort of discrimination or conspiracy.

Like I said. Make a law that requires business to prove a viable, justifiable reason for arbitrarily firing an employee.

"Because I wanted to" should not be a sufficient answer.
Templar, I am pretty sure that is ALREADY the law.

The problem is no one is enforcing it.

That is unfortunate then. I think the word we're looking for here is "reform."
Legislation is always written by a Committee bought by Corporations.
Local Legislators are bought by their local Small Business Authority.
Politics is also a nasty business. I mean look at the slams that people have to go through. I got agitated enough one year to run for county commissioner. Ours was senile and people kept him in their because they did not want to hurt his feelings. Anyhow put my fifty bucks up filled out the papers and you should have seen the people who crawled out of the woodwork to get a new county commissioner filing for the next election. A friend made up a few hundred signs but I left them in the garage and we went on vacation. We were thirteen hundred miles away when I got a call from a dear friend telling me how I almost won the seat for county commissioner. I wiped my brow and said "Thank God" I did not want to be county commissioner or have any other politic position. The right person who applies though can sure wake the people up.
As an aside, I was talking to a neighbor in the oil business. I told him I noticed at a lot of oil fields there were always signs about tanker drivers wanted. I asked him if there was a shortage of people with CDLs and he said there was no shortage of drivers, but of finding drivers who could pass a drug test. That seems to be a problem in most job fields.
I rarely fired people. It was a part of the job I hated so they had to be hopeless or just totally off before I would just say that's it. What we have created with all these giants though is a purely profit driven society but now the society is falling apart due to the incompetence, fraud, waste and abuse. It is at all levels but actually when you look at the whole it took the whole to get it to this point..

OK, a prime example of that happened to me today.

I was buying lunch for some friends at Wallmart, lol, and I got two Corny Dogs and some chicken wings that are sold by the pound.

Well the deli dude puts the corny dogs into the bag with the wings, and I said, 'Hold on a second. The wings are sold by the pound, right?'

The dude gave me this blank look like I had rudely awakened him and took his mind from some porn he had been watching or something, and he dully said, 'Yes, the corny dogs are $2.30 and the wings are $5 a pound.' And he started toward the scales with the two corn dogs still in the same bag with the wings.

So I tried to get him to realize how he was about to cheat me again, and said' So the weight of the corn dogs will add to the weight of the wings and you will charge me twice for the corn dogs. Once as a flat cost and then again by their weight using the price per pound for the wings.'

He just stood there like a fucking moron, blinking at me like he was trying to figure it out, and then he turns to the scales again and starts to weigh the bag with the corny dogs still in with the wings.

So finally, about to lose my temper, I just flat out told him, 'Look, dude, just put the corny dogs in a separate bag.'

He looked at me again, blinking his eyes, and I said, 'Put them in a separate bag or I will get the manager.'

Finally he got a bag for the dogs.

Good God, how stupid are these people?
Maybe he's on pharmaceuticals. A whole lot of people are these days. I mean you know they are not that dense but they sure act like it. I could tell some doozies about some of the situations we used to come across with employees. I had one tell me once I could not fire her after I discovered she was sidelining as a prostitute on the job. She said you didn't hire me. I said no but I did hire the guy that hired you and you are out of here.
Trump (paraphrased), I can screw over American workers and say it on TV and I won't lose any of my supporters. It's incredible!"
While I am a Cruz supporter, I had no real problem with Trump inning because he is very similar to Cruz.

No longer.

You know... it would be easier to fix the economy and give businesses more freedom to hire who they want instead of who the government wants.

Oh God! I think my sig sure nails your response and the additional responses I have gotten.
One minute you folks are whining about immigrants, but the very second Trump changes his position, you folks change your positions.
Talk about sticking to your convictions! :disbelief: Very, very typical of Trump's supporters and damn consistent.
ALL work visas, except possibly the agricultural work (H-2A) visas, should be drastically reduced in number, have their legal requirements raised, or even have a moratorium placed on them for an extended time. Companies use (abuse) these visas in order to acquire a cheaper, more compliant workforce than they could get using U.S. Citizens. The craftier companies don't even have to fire citizens in order to use visa holders - they just make life so difficult for the citizens that they end up quitting, then they claim that they can't get enough citizens to fill the jobs.
I'm not necessarily a one-issue voter, but any candidate - for any Federal office - that supports increasing visa usage will have a fairly difficult time convincing me to vote for them.
I rarely fired people. It was a part of the job I hated so they had to be hopeless or just totally off before I would just say that's it. What we have created with all these giants though is a purely profit driven society but now the society is falling apart due to the incompetence, fraud, waste and abuse. It is at all levels but actually when you look at the whole it took the whole to get it to this point..

OK, a prime example of that happened to me today.

I was buying lunch for some friends at Wallmart, lol, and I got two Corny Dogs and some chicken wings that are sold by the pound.

Well the deli dude puts the corny dogs into the bag with the wings, and I said, 'Hold on a second. The wings are sold by the pound, right?'

The dude gave me this blank look like I had rudely awakened him and took his mind from some porn he had been watching or something, and he dully said, 'Yes, the corny dogs are $2.30 and the wings are $5 a pound.' And he started toward the scales with the two corn dogs still in the same bag with the wings.

So I tried to get him to realize how he was about to cheat me again, and said' So the weight of the corn dogs will add to the weight of the wings and you will charge me twice for the corn dogs. Once as a flat cost and then again by their weight using the price per pound for the wings.'

He just stood there like a fucking moron, blinking at me like he was trying to figure it out, and then he turns to the scales again and starts to weigh the bag with the corny dogs still in with the wings.

So finally, about to lose my temper, I just flat out told him, 'Look, dude, just put the corny dogs in a separate bag.'

He looked at me again, blinking his eyes, and I said, 'Put them in a separate bag or I will get the manager.'

Finally he got a bag for the dogs.

Good God, how stupid are these people?

When the SHTF....I want you in the bunker with ME....we go over the Anthill together ALL guns blazing! :cool-45:
Trump (paraphrased), I can screw over American workers and say it on TV and I won't lose any of my supporters. It's incredible!"
While I am a Cruz supporter, I had no real problem with Trump inning because he is very similar to Cruz.

No longer.

You know... it would be easier to fix the economy and give businesses more freedom to hire who they want instead of who the government wants.

Oh God! I think my sig sure nails your response and the additional responses I have gotten.
One minute you folks are whining about immigrants, but the very second Trump changes his position, you folks change your positions.
Talk about sticking to your convictions! :disbelief: Very, very typical of Trump's supporters and damn consistent.

I LOVE The Donald, I'll always love him, I'm a very loyal girl.
You are dreaming of a utopia where what conservative ideals are, will become the law of the land.... it can't happen anymore! .


You mean Trump won't enforce laws? You think he will have use prosecutorial discretion, as the outlaw current Regime does?

Well the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS has been allowing the current President to do that, so why would anyone compel anyone else to do their fucking jobs?

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