Omicron a good thing? Many doctors think so

The only caveat is if you live with someone who is vulnerable to covid.....knowing if it is covid will help you make decisions on how to protect the at risk individual...
if you know they have covid, it's already too late for hcq. Prophylaxis.
I heard some experts talking about taking vitamin D3. My doctor put me on that 20 years ago. To my knowledge never caught covid. It's cheap and can't hurt ya.
I'm aware of that as well. It boosts immunity and they say low values of it are in many cases worse with covid.

But if you work outside get plenty of it.
If you can provide credible data that any responsible representative body for caregivers oppose vaccination, or that the rise of the omicron variant eliminates the need to be vaccinated, please provide links to your sources.
The CDC found that an unvaccinated American is 14 times more likely to die from Covid-related complications than a fully vaccinated person.
This goes up to 20 times more likely, when compared with someone who has received a booster vaccination.

Unvaccinated people are also nine times more likely to be admitted to hospital compared with fully vaccinated people.
Every adult age group in the US is much more likely to die from Covid if they are unvaccinated.

I never said Omicron is an excuse not to get vaccinated, but it's not a reason to get vaccinated either until evidence surfaces they do any good against this variant.
I'm aware of that as well. It boosts immunity and they say low values of it are in many cases worse with covid.

But if you work outside get plenty of it.

Not up north because it's cloudy most of the time during the cooler seasons. Unless you listen to Fox you are left with the impression there is only one way to fight this and that is with the vaccine. This administration has pretty much ignored any other options.
Not up north because it's cloudy most of the time during the cooler seasons. Unless you listen to Fox you are left with the impression there is only one way to fight this and that is with the vaccine. This administration has pretty much ignored any other options.
Yup. The answer to that is the cheap drugs.........but they don't allow it........which is BS
Sorry you are under somebody's control. You don't really seem like the type for that either. Are you guys under some kind of lockdown? You are going into January. I suspect you will be more in home lockdown for it being January, when the temps hit your average mid 30s highs and teens/twenties lows, any you guys getting significant snows, than anything else. I didn't talk to anybody in distant family in Florida or Indiana, that were on any lock down either. I actually don't think much if any of the country is in lock down. Pay no attention to FOX about Dems doing lockdowns and controlling the masses, as it is in their interests to keep it out there, especially if you personally do not know anybody being controlled or locked down.

They have them in NY and CA, and probably a number of smaller populated states. In my state we have a Republican ran government, but we always seem to end up with a RINO Governor. This one does whatever the CDC and Fauci say states should do.

Just because it's not happening in your own backyard doesn't mean it isn't happening.
I never said Omicron is an excuse not to get vaccinated, but it's not a reason to get vaccinated either until evidence surfaces they do any good against this variant.
Ig you be;oeve
I never said Omicron is an excuse not to get vaccinated, but it's not a reason to get vaccinated either until evidence surfaces they do any good against this variant.
Covid vaccination is eminently sensible, and is effective, albeit to an as yet undetermined degree, against its variants.
Omicron spreads easily but is a much weaker version. That has born out in other nations with reputable medical traditions. Yet to listen to our media, the sky is falling faster than ever.

Omicrons weakness is a good thing, why hide to fight a vrius that is only barely worse than the flu or common cold... We are not going to eradicate this thing so lets learn to live with it. Develop treatments for it, and get on with living our lives. Some flu seasons kill tens of thousands yet we never freaked out. Its time to accept that we live on a planet that is not always friendly to us and then recognize that the social destruction of our nation caused by the intense over reaction and politicalizations of this virus are far more dangerous than the virus itself.

When I see so called science based articles filled with words like "might","can or could", "if" and "may" I know that it is conjecture and NOT information that has been derived using even the most rudimentary scientific processes. And when the so called leading disease expert in our land has admitted to lying to each and everyone of us to manipulate our actions, then I don't trust anything else he says.

I was sitting in an establishment enjoying a cold adult beverage aftter work back in the 80's when Mr. Fauci was quoted on the television. He said even causual contact with, or close proximity to a person with AIDS could cause yo to become infected with the Aids virus, and at the time that was a death sentence. This rumour, started and perpetuated by Mr. Fauci, caused untold suffering and isolation of those who were infected, including young children who recieved dirty blood transfusions for other diseases. And since 99% of those infected were male homosexuals that group bore the brunt of the fauci induced ostricizations. Of course later, those of us who followed Fauci's guidlines to protect ourselves and our loved ones were called bigots and homophobes.
Covid vaccination is eminently sensible, and is effective, albeit to an as yet undetermined degree, against its variants.

That's not being reported so far. Anybody with any credibility will tell you there is not nearly enough research on it yet to make that conclusion. But even if there were, does it make any sense to not get vaccinated for variants that were more harmful and deadly and to get it now that a variant is out that causes people to have cold or flu like symptoms and no risk of death?
Given the consensus of the CDC and public health professionals, virologists, and epidemiologists, what is your preferred sources of "truth" and why do you prefer to believe them? (What are your reliable inside sources for information that you prefer to the media?)

I suppose one's paranoia concerning representative government might encompass the faking of moon landings, the staged bombing of Pearl Harbor, or the alleged electoral college victory of Donald Trump in 2016, but I suspect that such delusional fantasies are cherry-picked, the State only lying in selected matters where one's personal opinion does not concur.

Most who are in denial of covid policy evidence an abject submission to the ravings of crackpots, ideological media entertainers, and political blowhards.

Eventually, reality can become too intrusive.

"One of the greatest achievements of mankind!"








You're just going to have to get over it or have a stroke and a coronary trying.


Your choice.
Omicron spreads easily but is a much weaker version. That has born out in other nations with reputable medical traditions. Yet to listen to our media, the sky is falling faster than ever.

Omicrons weakness is a good thing, why hide to fight a vrius that is only barely worse than the flu or common cold... We are not going to eradicate this thing so lets learn to live with it. Develop treatments for it, and get on with living our lives. Some flu seasons kill tens of thousands yet we never freaked out. Its time to accept that we live on a planet that is not always friendly to us and then recognize that the social destruction of our nation caused by the intense over reaction and politicalizations of this virus are far more dangerous than the virus itself.

When I see so called science based articles filled with words like "might","can or could", "if" and "may" I know that it is conjecture and NOT information that has been derived using even the most rudimentary scientific processes. And when the so called leading disease expert in our land has admitted to lying to each and everyone of us to manipulate our actions, then I don't trust anything else he says.

I was sitting in an establishment enjoying a cold adult beverage aftter work back in the 80's when Mr. Fauci was quoted on the television. He said even causual contact with, or close proximity to a person with AIDS could cause yo to become infected with the Aids virus, and at the time that was a death sentence. This rumour, started and perpetuated by Mr. Fauci, caused untold suffering and isolation of those who were infected, including young children who recieved dirty blood transfusions for other diseases. And since 99% of those infected were male homosexuals that group bore the brunt of the fauci induced ostricizations. Of course later, those of us who followed Fauci's guidlines to protect ourselves and our loved ones were called bigots and homophobes.
There is a special place in hell for Fauci and lots of people ready to attend the necktie bon voyage party to get him there.
There is a special place in hell for Fauci and lots of people ready to attend the necktie bon voyage party to get him there.

It's one thing to make a mistake. We all make them as it's part of being human. But it's quite another to lie about it and not take responsibility. No I don't believe Fauci deliberately did anything to bring harm to America. Yes, I believe it happened anyway and he owes us a full explanation as to what went wrong.

Omicron a good thing? Many doctors think so​

Please validate your premise by citing the "many doctors" you allege deem omicron "a good thing."

The article only quotes a Jeffery Singer who specializes in gastroenterology and internal medicine and has no credentials in public health, epidemiology or virology.
It has nothing to do with red state/ blue state.

it sure does.

It has to do with it was complete lie right from the beginning. Like your doctor you can keep your doctor? Like your hospital you can keep your hospital?

blame the insurance cos for that one, ray ray. they wanted to keep their profits as high as possible & took a lot of in network drs off the exchange.

Then go to their site and try to find a plan for the world renown Cleveland Clinic. They don't sell any. Oh, they sell an insurance policy for this department, another one for that department, but who can afford over a half-dozen policies and able to predict what department they will need in the future?

lol ... what? i know a few people that get their ins. thru the ACA & nothing like that is happening. why must you lie?

They sell no plans to cover all services by the Clinic which is who has been taking care of me since an infant.

well - seems they don't accept all plans from any carrier.

Accepted Insurance | Cleveland Clinic

seems yer complaint should be directed at bighealthcorp.

if we didn't have a for profit insurance system, & had universal healthcare, it would be a much better situation.
It's one thing to make a mistake. We all make them as it's part of being human. But it's quite another to lie about it and not take responsibility. No I don't believe Fauci deliberately did anything to bring harm to America. Yes, I believe it happened anyway and he owes us a full explanation as to what went wrong.

start with donny & his genocide thru policy approach.
They have them in NY and CA, and probably a number of smaller populated states. In my state we have a Republican ran government, but we always seem to end up with a RINO Governor. This one does whatever the CDC and Fauci say states should do.

Just because it's not happening in your own backyard doesn't mean it isn't happening.
I look at New York and California as strange places, strange states. It does not surprise me the reactions those two states have to anything occurring, but hardly indicative of the country as a whole and certainly not the mainstream. It also does not surprise me how fast an illness can travel through their population. Though, what goes on there (reaction wise) during the pandemic has showed almost no effect here, so I don't fret over those folks.

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